Tree of Savior Forum

An Intermediate Guide to Clerics

Should be up to date again, might be some errors/redundancies here and there still though. Enjoy.


Welcome to my cleric re:build guide, here I will attempt to help you figure out how clerics work in this new and daring(ly boring) update.
As usual, please read the bolded text on top to ensure this guide is still up to date first.

Just like the previous patches a lot of mechanics have again changed, but unfortunately, there isn’t quite enough documentation or testing that shows just how much and how exactly things changed yet.
We do have dev blogs for their initial plans, but most changes to said plans are not mentioned even if they are made which can make them quite misleading.

I will still link to relevant blog posts and try to verify them asap when we get rebuild though, just don’t trust them entirely asap.

The current class pages are pretty good in terms of descriptions, though I still need to verify a few bits here and there:

Otherwise also check out the english variants of the blogposts at:

And thanks to rjgtav1 we do have an amazing new dabase that lists almost anything you can find at (Replace ktos with itos when we get rebuild ofc.)

But let’s start with a few changes we do know so far:


Class selection:
With the arrival of Re:build we will only get to pick 1 base class (Wizard, Archer, Scout, Cleric or Swordsman) and 3 subclasses that belong to those classes.
What is important however is that every base class only gets 15 levels and thus 15 skill points, whereas the others all get 45 each.

Class changes:
Bokor and Taoist both were handed over to the wizard tree, so sadly we won’t be using those anymore.
Chaplain is now a regular rank to boot, and the r8 classes no longer have specific quest or rank requirements either.
Miko however is still our one and only hidden class!
The rest of the class changes I’ll tackle in different sections however.

Class Specializations:
As part of rebuild the 5 base classes each get their own unique stat boosts, however I need to stress that I don’t know when they are calculated or what stats are or are not affected by them yet.

Source: &

Stat Factors:
With Re:Build you will still retain a small amount you can invest as you please, around 50 or so, but the vast majority of stat points are now replaced with set stat factors tied to your class selection.
These stat factors determine how much stats you get based on your subclasses and level combined.
Do note that these are retroactive as well, so there’s no point in delaying classes or anything of the sort.

You can see stat factors listed as percentages when you get a class advance option, and I’ll post a link to a google doc that includes a simple calc to show total stat blocks: Click here
Percentages don’t take the 2 stats per level into account, but the numbers do. So I find that slightly more representative and would prefer to use that notation, but your mileage may vary.
Thanks to @Nekorin for listing the changed stat factors.

Stat factors for enemies:
Even enemies get their own stat multiplier now, but for them they’re based on size and race instead.
Google doc for obvious reasons: [Click here]

Only chortasmata changed stats on enemies, however it will get an attribute soon™ to disable that conversion as plant race crit res is extremely high and thus often a loss of DPS.

Stat effects:
Str, Dex, Con, Int and Spr are also streamlined now in terms of what effects they give.
But keep in mind that from what I saw the percentage bonus only applies to your base + level amount. (Basically it’s quite low.)


  • +2 physical attack per point.
  • +5% patk per 10 points.


  • +0.3% max hp per point, based on max hp?
  • +1.0% max hp per 10 points, based on max hp?
  • +2 pdef/mdef per point.
  • +10% pdef/mdef per 10 points.


  • +2 matk per point.
  • +5% matk per 10 points.


  • +((Spr / ( LvL 1 + 1 )) * 100) minion dmg%
  • +1 healing power per point.
  • +3% healing power per 10 points.
  • +2 mcrit atk per point.
  • +5% mcrit atk per 10 points.
  • +specific buff scaling unique per skill.


  • +(Dex / 1000) ^ 0.5 attack speed.
  • +2 pcrit atk per point.
  • +5% pcrit atk per 10 points.

Based on level:

  • +1 atk (patk, matk, crit patk and crit matk)
  • +1 pdef & mdef.
  • +(400 * base class hp modifier) + ((Level-1) * 80 * base class hp modifier) Max HP.
  • +(200 * base class sp modifier) + ((level-1) * 18 * base class sp modifier) Max sp
  • +1 block per level.
  • +1 block penetration per level.
  • +1 accuracy per level.
  • +1 evasion per level.
  • +1 crit rate per level.
  • +1 crit res per level.
  • +1% hp resilience per level.
  • +3% sp resllience per level.
  • +1 healing power per level.


Targeted ally mechanic:
IMC has been removed a number of circle/tile effects and replaced them with targeted buff/heals instead.
So for now Heal, Healing Factor and Ein Sof all target a single ally based on your input instead of their prior mechanics.

Attribute Enhancement changes:
Enhancement has also been streamlined, so every enhance attribute should not cost the same amount.
Likewise most debuffs, buffs and healing skills now also feature enhance attributes.
Although the amount they improve for most is the default cap at 60% there are a few outliers still that have a 50% or 100% cap.

Altered Armour Mastery:
The prior attributes that each class had for place, leather and cloth have been removed.
Instead there are new base mechanics that aren’t tied to attributes that only work with 4 pieces of said armor type.
These effects are now mostly tiered based on the raririty of your armor, and only your lowest rarity counts.

Cloth: Reduces magic dmg by 5 - 15%.
Leather: Increases crit rate by 4 - 20% (should be multiplicative) and adds a flat +10% crit chance cap.
Plate: Reduces physical dmg by 5 - 15%.

There was mention of eventual class unique armor attributes, but we haven’t gotten them yet or IMC abandoned that goal already. Who knows …

Formula changes:
We know from the dev blogs that the crit, evasion and block formula’s changed.
They gave this “representative” chart to illustrate at what point both stats reach an equal 50%, but it may not be a 100% correct. (aka accuracy vs evasion, block pen vs block, crit rate vs crit res)

There also may be other formula changes, but I haven’t seen of any confirmation yet.

Dash changes:
Basically all classes now have access to the dash, but there are specific differences per class.

Swordsman can dash while mounted and it doesn’t end when they are hit.
Wizards have a regular dash that’s 4 movement speed slower.
Archers can only dash out of combat, but are 3 movement speed faster.
Clerics get the old swordsman dash and Lycanthropy gets a 50% stamina cost reduction.
Scouts get the Dash +3 movespeed but with double stamina cost.


Gem changes:
See this google doc for a english overvieuw.
Sources ofc: &

Damage changes:
A lot of skill factors got lowered, enemy health and damage was also lowered in return though.
I don’t even know the exact values at this point, and it doesn’t really matter either.
Just keep in mind that we will be doing a lot less dmg, but also won’t need to deal as much dmg either.

There are plenty of other changes, see the ktos thread for far more information.
But I’d say these are the important bits to help us understand Re:Build just a bit better.

What this and other changes mean for clerics as a whole:

So before we can go even further we need to discuss what this means to cleric.
And its obviously just me stating several obvious predictions:

The altered state of being a “healer”:
With the removal of most invuln effects and mostly sub-par alternative preventative measures left to use the focus now primarily lies on simply healing enough to keep allies alive.

Which fortunately is easier to how much less dmg enemies deal, often a single rank of priest is already overkill for such a purpose.

Unfortunately, however almost all healing skills now scale of the heal stat, which is primarily if not solely derived from Spr.
Which due to the stat factors is now going to be a bit harder to get for a good chunk of builds.

All round builds still exist, but they essentially need to meet two criteria’s:

  • You need a solid amount off Spr to have enough of a heal stat, though that can be remedied with Spr on gear to a degree.
  • You will need an additional heal to get the job done, as the regular heal is now just single target, which translates into requiring either druid, paladin, pardoner, priest or kabbalist. (Restoration scrolls may also get the job done, but are a likely expensive alternative.)

There will be fewer healing + dps type clerics in the re:build patch that stand up to scrutiny.

The futility of remaining utility:
Which such sweeping changes you might expect support to be even more important than ever, and to a large degree it quite is.
But clerics don’t get to benefit much from that concept as it is right now.

In terms of healing, you don’t really need more than priest. Anything beyond that is wasted.
In terms of dmg boosting (de)buffs Oracle is king by huge margins atm, due to it getting a +88% dmg Death Sentence that now works on bosses, Divine Might and a 50% uptime +30% dmg buff via a prophecy attribute.
In terms of regular utility not much can beat dievdirby’s cd and sp reductions.

But that’s what stands out. The rest is quite underwhelming:

  • Paladin has a +30% dmg debuff on conversion and +30% holy property sanctuary for 10s on a 40s cd.
  • Krivis has a +50% dmg debuff in Divine Stigma on a 50% upkeep.
  • Miko still has sweeping, clap and a +50% dmg boost for magic circles only? ugh.
  • Kabba still has gevurah and the buggy merkabah.
  • Pardoner’s Discerning evil is very good atm, but only affects 1 enemy unless you combine it with kabba/exo/miko…
  • Plague doctor has haste and condi prevention/removal.
  • Sterea Trofh and Zalcai boost crit dmg, but it likely still only affects crit atk for god knows what reason.

Some of these are decent picks like paladin/krivis/druid/pd.
But they are decent picks because they also offer a decent amount of dmg. (though krivis is debatable with it its 3-5 target caps…)

But as it is right, there’s one undisputed king of support:
Priest/Oracle/Diev and I can’t see anything else compete even remotely in that terms of that utility provided.

Out with the old crap, but the new stuff is still kinda meh:
Some of you might remember that I ranted somewhat about how clerics got shafted by poor weapon selection and gem effects.

Well, finally those worries are resolved.
All clerics can now use two handed maces, and gems finally work the same on shields as they do on offhands.

But of course the new gem stats are not as desirable as they used to be, as we now have to chose between patk or matk (and clerics tend to benefit of both). But it’s a far smaller loss than before.
And for most magic based clerics stuff like a rod or even asio mace are quite good atm, but it that may not persist into later updates.

I still need to test how def reductions work in Re:Build, so I’ll leave that part open for now.

Stats are still largely irrelevant:
You probably should have guessed it already, but str and int are still largely irrelevant.
They can add a nice bit of dmg, but it pales in comparison to what weapons can provide.

Dex still has a bit of niche due to its atk speed benefits, which AA focus builds like chaplain can benefit from.
Spr is mostly for its heal stat, which is important for anyone attempting to heal. But its buff/minion aspects are important for priest/dievdirby as well.

Con is still useful for PvP, but for PvE its mostly overkill especially with how much you already get at base.

Card Info:

Temporarily deleted, will try to rebuild it again once the patch hits.
And probably important to note that Glass Mole & Chapparition cards now give phys/magic dmg buffs instead of attack boosts.


Q: Is Dex still good for cleric builds?
A: For Chaplain yes, to a degree monk and sadhu can also benefit but their auto attack values are very low.

Q: What’s up with the thread name?
A: The original title was meant to indicate that it was a guide for cleric despite lacking the later ranks. But Since I wanted more space to properly process the information of the latest update I decided to make a new thread.
Credit for the name goes to @Kertes by the way.

I should expand this section tbh, oh well.


Minor disclaimer:

But before we do go further, I wanted to stress that these are merely my recommendations and interpretations and as such:

  • The skill point distributions and template example builds are merely examples, feel free to try out other approaches.
  • It’s nigh impossible for me to know all the changes no matter how much I try, so stay skeptical and please point out inaccuracies.
  • I don’t really PvP and as such this mostly PvE focused if you want to have a PvX or PvP build please additional advice!
  • I’m fallible, so I do make mistakes at times, so always try to be critical and verify whenever possible.

The Current Category Conundrum:

Most Re: builds follow a very different pattern when it comes to putting one together, so I wanted to go over that in detail first.

Lacking synergies vs potent generic options::
There are still plenty of synergies, but only a handful are powerful enough to build around. Most of the time you’ll simply choose other ranks for their innate dmg, dmg boosting or healing abilities instead.

Boost that damage:
Not as recent anymore, but it is still important to stress that picking a rank almost entirely for its dmg boosts will be quite common now and very viable. Or more specifically:

  • Zealot and Druid are still mostly the same, they offer good dmg and decent self-centered dmg boosts.
  • Krivis has above average dmg on its own and a decent party dmg booster in Divine Stigma and Zalciai.
  • Paladin’s Sanctuary did get nerfed a fair bit, and conviction boosts several elemental dmg types. (Poison is bugged atm though.)
  • Oracle is still outright overpowered, as it gives a potential +100% dmg buff for the party. Though it does fall off vs bosses by a large degree.

Relatively competitive damage options:
Most classes are now relatively well balanced in terms of dmg, at least compared to what it used to be. Which makes multi dmg ranks far more effective than prior to RE:Build.

So let’s talk about the broad categories classes can be put into:

  • Stand alone Damage class:
    Basically, anything op enough to carry a build on its own. Inquisitor and Exorcist are both kind of borderline for this category for different reasons. Inquisitor is nearly unrivaled for high def scaling enemies whereas Exorcist struggles more in such cases but has a lot of base dmg.

  • Secondary damage classes:
    Classes best combined with another dmg or dmg boosting class to get decent enough damage.
    Currently, that includes Dievdirby, Zealot, Druid, Plague Doctor, and Krivis.
    To a lesser degree Chaplain and Monk also fit this category, but they’re underperformers that benefit most from specialized builds. Which kind of defeats listing em here tbh.
    Sadhu will fall in this category on stand-alone once it gets its next set of buffs but currently isn’t really worth it yet.

  • Amplifiers:
    Classes that primarily boost the dmg of your other skills, regardless of the DPS they have themselves. (Read the respective skill info first though as most are quite different.)
    Currently includes Oracle, Krivis, and Paladin for a group focus or Druid & Zealot for a focus on self buffs.

  • Healers:
    Classes that pack a healing skill that is capable enough to let one act as a healer.
    This gets rather tricky, as we didn’t get the major healing reworks for priest, Kabba, and PD yet. So it falls into:
    Currently: Don’t really need more than 1 and priest is by far the best, Kabba is 2nd grade.
    Soon tm: With the reduced healing there’s an argument for grabbing 2-3 healing classes even, and most have their own benefits:

    • Priest: Slightly lower healing, doesn’t mesh well with Heal rework as heal: linger is easily overwritten. But has rev + res to make it stand out.
    • Kabbalist: Best healing when groupwide Ein Sof is active (2/3rd uptime), but relies on a magic circle to heal.
    • Plague Doctor: Healing Factor will be a decent but worst group heal with its new attribute. Also adds dmg and haste and much more utility. Slightly less reliable due to its 45s cd, 10s duration, and 2.5s tick rate.
    • Pardoner: Pretty good healing that beats Kabba when ein sof isn’t active but offers basically nothing else.
  • Utility:
    Anything that offers something useful aside of damage, healing or damage boosts and worth a rank alone for that.
    Currently limited to Dievdirby (cd+sp reductions), Plague Doctor (haste + debuff prevention) and Oracle (loot skills, sp recovery, and debuff prevention)

There will sadly still be a few classes left out, I’ll tackle in their section why that is.
Anyhow, now that we have the broad categories we can talk about templates:
Keep in mind that these are not specifically designed to tackle specific end game content. Most players may want specific build compositions for that, but that depends on the content and the team.

  • Specific synergy cleric builds:
    These can still follow templates but heavily depend on your first class chosen. See specific class sections for possible synergy templates/builds.

  • All-around cleric aka [ 1x recommended dmg class | 1x amplifier | 1x healer ]:
    Will net you one of the Ideal cleric builds, as its combination of dmg, dmg boosts and healing typically gives you all you’d want out of a cleric.

  • Hybrid Damage with another Niche aka [ 2x recommended dmg class | 1x amplifier, healer or utility ]:
    Will result in a hybrid build that is more focused on its damage but can still offer decent healing, utility or dmg boosts for the party or itself.

  • Full Damage focus aka [ 3x recommended dmg classes ]:
    Will get you a simplistic dmg focused cleric build, though they often have additional benefits as well they mainly build around dmg first and foremost.

Healer builds are now also on the rise, though you don’t always necessarily need one. But they shine in end game content in specific team compositions.
For now, there’s no real reason to do anything other than Priest + Oracle + Plague Doctor as it provides an excellent mix of utility, debuff removal, healing, and even an Invuln.

However, when we do get the healing changes things will open a fair bit.

Anyway, with the groundwork now done let’s go over specifics for each class.

Subclass run down now includes the skill point and build guides:

“Clerics heal and protect allies through the blessings of the goddess while knocking down their enemies with powerful blows.”

Summary and rank advice:
Cleric is now simply a mandatory block you can’t improve upon anymore, though it lost a lot of healing and magic dmg it did gain smite in turn.

Skill point guide:
[ 5 ] Heal: Healing is getting nerfed soon, so max it.
[ 1-5 ] Cure: Always grab to remove 1 debuff at least, could increase it for a chance of extra removal which isn’t too bad tbh.
[ 1-5 ] Fade: Decent duration gain of +2s per skill level, but it ends when you deal dmg so any build with ongoing dmg effects will often see it end prematurely and should leave it at 1.
[ 5 ] Patron Saint: Quite frankly there’s no reason not to, other options here suck.
[ 1+ ] Smite: Damage is low normally, but try to get it as high as possible if you take paladin since conviction triples its dmg.

“Priests are clerics who give blessings and resurrect the dead with their holy powers.”

Pro’s and Cons:
+Offensive buffs: Blessing & Sacrament.
+Healing: Mass Heal, Revive and Resurrection.
+Damage Prevention: Revive prevents dmg when someone would die for 1-5 seconds.
+Resurrect: The ability to return players back to life.
+1hit ko potential from Turn Undead.
+Evasion Reduction: Monstrance can lower evasion by 50%.
+Pardoners no longer compete with priests as both buffs now stack!

Summary and rank advice:
Priest is now almost solely dedicated to healing, and while they’re quite good at it it will get nerfed decently in one of the next updates.

Skill point guide:
[ 15 ] Aspersion: Best with high Spr, but since it now stacks with spell shop buffs it’s a pretty good option.
[ 0/15 ] Monstrance: Try to get it if you want to PvP, but of no use in PvP. take points out of aspersion/blessing for it.
[ 10 ] Blessing: Bit more questionable as it still can fall off quite a bit, and Aspersion is also tempting.
[ 1-5 ] Resurrection: Skill level affects HP recovery only now, still best to max it ofc.
[ 0 ] Sacrament: Not a bad skill, but just not one I’d recommend over blessing/aspersion or the other healing skills.
[ 5 ] Revive: Really cheap point wise atm, so max it.
[ 5 ] Mass Heal: Max it, it gains a lot of healing factor with skill level and heal:linger scales off how much it heals to boot!
[ 1+ ] Turn Undead: Lousy dmg but can stun and 1hitko demons/mutants. I tend to put leftover points here for its AoE ratio.

How to build your priest:
Technically priest doesn’t really build that different yet, but given its rather drastic healing nerf I’d rather propose future proofed builds instead.
Hybrid healers & damage dealers will likely need at least two healing classes, which greatly diminishes their build choice. Luckily PD and Druid can still enable it in theory, but it likely won’t be popular in most metas.

  • [ Dievdirby | Miko | Priest ]
    For a diev focus build with excellent utility, likely can’t act as a full healer but can at least help quite a bit.

  • [ Priest | Oracle | Plague Doctor ]
    As the generic healer build with an altered skill spread to make it decent for the upcoming mass heal nerf. At which point you’ll want to use healing factor to help mitigate that loss.

  • [ Priest | Oracle | Kabbalist ]
    As the alternative healing build that does offer more raw healing, but with less utility/dmg alongside it. Could also replace Kabba with pardoner for Indulgentia, but that’s considerably worse overall.

  • [ Priest | Druid | Plague Doctor ]
    As a hybrid dmg & healing build, I still need to test where the exact drop off point is though. It could be that as a template Priest + (Druid or PD) + dmg option is viable enough.
    And PD’s Healing factor may also be too unreliable as a heal. I need more information and most likely hands-on testing to verify.

“Krivis are priests who use divine fire to help allies recover or to deal massive damage to enemies."

Pro’s and Cons:
+Magic Damage: Divine Stigma and Zaibas.
+Stat boost: Divine stigma gives your team an Int & Str buff if an enemy is killed under its debuff. Aukurass boosts fire dmg for all magic hits if it wasn’t bugged out.
+Accuracy booster: Daino adds up to 50% accuracy.
+Crit rate booster: Zalciai with its debuff that removes 15% crit res and adds 5% crit rate.
+Damage boost: Divine Stigma increases dmg on enemies by 50%, for 15s with a 30s cd.
+Buff extension: Melstis now adds +100% of a current buff to its timer, up to a max of 20s. Cd of 90s and only works for you.
-Only Divine Stigma and Zaibas are worthwhile tbh, all the other skills are often worthless.

Summary and rank advice:
Krivis is oddly good for a class with so many skills you won’t care about. Carried entirely by just divine stigma and zaibas alone at this point.
Its buffs haven’t really affected how it is built, as Aukuras is still junk, Zalciai only got marginally better and Daino’s min crit chance should be useless once properly geared.

Synergy of note:

  • Zealot’s Fanatic Illusion offers a lot of dmg on a short duration, Melstis nicely extends that duration but also extends its inability to get healed.

Skill point guide:
[ 0 ] Aukuras: Not bugged, just a victim of how I suspect resistances work atm. Aka most mobs have enough res to lower this considerably if not outright negate it. so, don’t bother.
[ 15 ] Zalciai: It’s junk, but better junk that aukuras and daino (excluding PvP ofc).
[ 0+ ] Daino: Only useful for PvP in theory atm.
[ 15 ] Zaibas: Still your main dmg skill on krivis, always max it.
[ 10 ] Divine Stigma: Scales its own dmg and +x% debuff dmg increase so max it asap.
[ 0/5 ] Melstis: Max it if your build can use it, otherwise it’ll do nothing.

How to build your krivis :
Krivis is really not that bad atm, but it’s still somewhat lacking in terms of AoE size and damage so I’d highly suggest partnering it up with an AoE heavy dmg class.

  • [ Krivis | 1x AoE heavy recommended dmg class | Utility or Druid / PD ] for a mostly balanced cleric that only lacks group healing.
    [ Krivis | Zealot | Druid ] for a lightning based hybrid with plenty of dmg boosts and healing on top. Use it with Electra necklace and at least 1 Frosterlord card ofc.

  • [ Krivis | 2x stand-alone or secondary dmg classes ] for a dmg focus krivis template.
    [ Krivis | Druid | Dievdirby ] for a mix of dmg, self-healing, and utility.

“Dievdirbys can carve and place sacred statues. Their statues can protect allies or attack enemies."

Pro’s and Cons:
+Magic Minion Damage: Carve Owl.
+Physical Damage: Carve Attack.
+Crowd Control: Carve World Tree (AoE Silence) and Statue of Goddess Laima.
+Cool down reduction: -20% for all skills used within the range of Statue of Goddess Laima or with active Ausrine buff.
+Group Teleport: Carve Vakarine.
+Sp reduction and SP regeneration: Statue of Goddess Zemyna.
+20% bonus damage vs plants with blunt weapons while dealing physical dmg.
+Carve Vakarine gives you nearly free teleports, but it does still cost wood to cast.
-Silence is now a pretty crappy debuff as most mobs resist it.
-Owls are rather squishy atm and almost mandate priest (or soon kabba) to ensure full DPS potential if used alongside Miko.

Summary and rank advice:
Dievdirby has gotten quite darn strong now, as it both has an impressive 204% skill factor at lvl 15 and Ausrine can now half its attack cycle.
So it’s now quite viable both with and without Miko and offers strong dmg + utility for all of them.
Ausrine is now also a lot easier to get buffs from as its buffs will be refreshed when inside Laima/Zemyna range again.

Synergy of note:

  • Druids can turn all non-flying enemies into grass type for +20% non-elemental physical damage.
  • Miko’s clap extends statue durations by up to 75s, which is especially good on Ausrine.

Skill point guide:
[ 1 ] Statue of Goddess Vakarine: It’s only a 1 pointer now, so get it.
[ 15 ] Statue of Goddess Zemyna: Its duration is lower than its cd atm, so try to max it. But it’s imo the lowest priority of the bunch so you often don’t quite max it.
[ 10 ] Statue of Goddess Laima: Should be maxed for its -20% cd.
[ 1 ] Carve Attack: Grab it at 1 for free wood via carve attack attribute from any enemy.
[ 15 ] Carve owl: Your main dmg skill on this build which scales dmg and duration so try to max it.
[ 0/1] World Tree: Interesting alongside Miko’s clap, but rubbish otherwise.
[ 5 ] Statue of Goddess Ausrine: Max it for the buffs / Owl atk cycle reduction.

How to build your dievdirby:
Keep in mind that minions do not benefit from most damage boosting effects like Kagura, sanctuary or most +x% damage buffs, so the 1x secondary dmg class | 1x amplifier combination should not be attempted on a dievdirby build!
Debuff dmg increases now do properly affect Dievdirby, so krivis and Oracle are decent combinations for it now.
Miko is a very potent choice due to how Ausrine works atm, so much so that for a Diev focus there’s basically no real alternative.
Oracle enables a more hybrid approach as it’s one of the few dmg boosting options that works for diev, but also one that will work for the 3rd class chosen to give the best of both worlds.

And since owls are minions Spr is a very important stat since it scales your minion dmg% directly, which means dievdirby builds heavily favor classes with high spr factors.

  • Specific synergy dievdirby builds:
    [ Dievdirby | Miko | Priest ] The default full diev focus build for high DPS in a stationary spot that uses Miko’s clap to extend Owls and Ausrine. Keep in mind that clap will soon only affect statues once though, so make sure you max it.
    [ Dievdirby | Miko | Kabbalist ]
    As an alternative to the above build with more damage but less healing for the Owls. However, this build ONLY works when we get the Tree of Sephiroth rework in one of the next updates as it currently only heals 1-2 health per statue per tick.

  • [ Dievdirby | Oracle | Recommended dmg class ] as a hybrid diev + other dmg template:
    [ Dievdirby | Oracle | Plague Doctor ] for example, as it has decent self-healing, plenty of mobility and stationary + flexible dps.

  • [ Dievdirby | 2x Recommended Classes ] as a more generic dmg build that does not focus primarily on owls.
    [ Dievdirby | Exorcist | Druid ]
    As an example of that template, but there are plenty of viable ways to build this route.

Dievdirby Card advice
You need to pay special attention to the cards used as a dievdirby, as +x% dmg effects on cards do not affect minions at all.

Red Cards: Diev itself can ONLY benefit from the +magic attack ones which are frankly not worth using. Pick whatever suits your other classes if going hybrid or generic dmg though.
Purple Cards: 1+ Gazing golems card is incredibly important for a diev, and keep in mind that dievdirby itself does not trigger on hit effects.
Green Cards: 3x Linkroller for its +30 spr.
Blue Cards: Kind of irrelevant, Owls tank a ton of dmg already. But Nuaele / Zaura are ideal ofc.
Legendary: Asiomage, Marnox or Helga based on your preference. Owls do not have a min-max atk spread so Frosterlord is useless to us.

On hit effects will not work from minion hits, so only use those type of cards if you have skills that hit a ton of times like Druid’s Chortasmata+Thorn or PD’s bds + incin.

“A Sadhu can use their soul to assault enemies with unseen attacks or convey their powers to other players."

Pro’s and Cons:
+Magical damage: Out of body, Prakriti, Vashita Siddhi, Astral Body Explosion & Possession.
+Crowd Control: Possession binds up to 16 enemies, Vashita Siddhi can stun and ABE knocks back.
+Added Property Attack: You gain soul property atk based on your matk via Transmit Prana.
+Utility: Prakriti acts as a self-heal and movement skill.
+Damage Reduction from using Out of Body.
-OoB is now be affected by select buffs (Blessing, Sacrament, Last Rites, Visible Talent, Aspergillum and entity.) but since it loses out on Build Capella chap will lose dmg by using Out of Body.
-Transmit prana only has 50% uptime atm.

Summary and rank advice:
Sadhu got a decent bit better, and Out of Body is finally worth using even if it still has no worthwhile synergies at all.
The next Sadhu update however should make it very viable, but I can’t say with a 100% certainty yet either sadly enough…

Skill point guide:
[ 0/15 ] Out of Body: Now has excellent scaling and base dmg + dmg reduction to boot so it’s well worth using, but you could arguably ditch in favor of ABE/Vashiti scaling if you rarely use it.
[ 1 ] Prakriti: Sadly it’s now one of the worst dmg skills for Sadhu, so only worth 1 point for its self heal.
[ 1+ ] Astral Body Explosion: Far better than it used to be, and arguably a higher priority than Vashiti but not by much.
[ 10 ] Possession: I can’t wait for its overheat2 buff, as usual always max asap as its sadhu’s best dmg skill.
[ 1+ ] Vasihti Siddhi: It’s getting quite good frankly, but sadly the second worst of all sadhu skills.
[ 5 ] Transmit Prana: Got a minor buff again, but it’s mostly the increase in base sadhu skill dmg that ensures it a high priority spot.

How to build your sadhu:
Despite OoB actual having synergy with Chaplain I don’t think it’s actually worth building around, even now that it doesn’t require constant recasting, as only Visible Talent, Aspergillum and last Rites affect OoB dmg.

It’s still not worth using currently, but with the upcoming buffs it should become quite a viable spell dmg rank with decent aa dmg to boot.
It does favor other magic dmg ranks somewhat due to how Prana works of course.

Build Predictions:

  • [ Sadhu | Recommended dmg classes | Booster or utility ] for a hybrid buffer & dmg template.
    [ Sadhu | Exorcist | Oracle ]
    For an example that has good dmg and a nice dmg boost with utility to boot.

  • [Sadhu | 2x Recommended dmg classes ] for a generic pure dmg sadhu template:
    [ Sadhu | Druid | Plague Doctor ]
    For example also decent healing and plenty of damage.

“Paladins use their holy power to protect allies and vanquish enemies through the blessings of the goddess."

Pro’s and Cons:
+Physical damage: Conviction, and Demolition.
+Crowd Control: Barrier, prevents enemies from walking into said circle.
+Damage Reduction: Barrier and Sanctuary increase defenses whereas Resist Elements and stone skin reduces (elemental) damage taken.
+Aura Healing over time: Restoration.
+Damage Boost: Sanctuary adds 30% of your def as added dmg to allies while channeling. Conviction increases dmg for smite, demolish and god smash and fire/lightning elemental skills.
-Barrier can be turned, destroyed or stolen. Which is now common in PvE as well.
-Resist elements now only lasts 45s with a 90s cd.
-Constantly in need of more holy water to fuel your skills.

  • Conviction is bugged and is not working for poison elemental dmg, so druid and PD combos are less ideal due to that.

Paladin was supposed to be one the better classes with re:build, and it still kind of is but only for specific class combinations due to conviction only working well with god smash and fire/lightning elemental dmg for now.
But Convictions bug prevents it from being a good combo with pd/druid atm, which kind of sucks tbh.

Skill point guide:
[ 1+ ] Restoration: Scaling is not that great, but it’s healing so why not?
[ 0+ ] Resist Elements: It’s still a really good buff with an awful uptime.
[ 5 ] Barrier: You’ll want to max it for the duration, but may face competition from simony pardoners.
[ 1+ ] Conviction: As long as the debuff doesn’t work you won’t need it past lvl 1. Max it when it does though.
[ 10 ] Sanctuary: With the new innate weapon swaps there’s almost no reason not to get sanctuary.
[ 1+ ] Demolition: Has rather poor dmg atm, low priority at best.
[ 0+ ] Stone skin: Only reduces up to 9.6% of dmg, which is not that bad tbh.

Synergies of note:

  • Inquisitor + Paladin is quite good since conviction adds a good chunk of dmg to god smash.
  • Oracle + Paladin is ok-ish due to the Death Sentence x Conviction explosion synergy, but it is incredibly niche and requires conviction to land the killing blow so it’s more of a solo dmg/party support build.

How to build your paladin:
Paladin does favor damage over time effects since Sanctuary itself is a channeling skill, so plague doctor(if it wasn’t for a bug), druid or zealot stand out for it.
Conviction + Demolish isn’t the best DPS either, so I’d try to get additional dmg skills to boot.
And since it already has pretty good healing It doesn’t benefit much from getting even more healing.

  • [ Paladin | Oracle | Kabbalist ] for its specific synergy build template, since you need conviction to kill the finishing blow boosting its dmg is all that matters. And Kabba’s Gevurah is actually ideal for that. This is an odd mix of a niche solo farming build with potentially enough healing after the rework.
    You could replace Kabba, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

  • [ Paladin | 1x recommended dmg class | 1x amplifier or utility ] for a balanced paladin template that lacks group healing. Slightly better in terms of healing if you pick Druid or PD.
    [ Paladin | Plague Doctor | Oracle ] for basically anything you’d want in such a build.

  • [ Paladin | 2x recommended dmg classes ].
    [ Paladin | Inquisitor | Druid ] for a more burst oriented class combo with too much healing.

“Monks are clerics who train in martial arts through the blessing of the goddess."

Pro’s and Cons:
~ Now has somewhat useable DPS via Double Punch spam, but it’s skills are still very lackluster.

Summary and rank advice:
Borderline useable atm as an AA spam build atm, and going to buffed even more soon. I need more time to figure out how to properly build it though.

Skill point guide:
[ 0+ ] Iron Skin: 15 points for a (soon to be) 15% dmg reduction with no enhance… It’s questionable still.
[ ? ] Double Punch: Your best dmg skill atm, always max asap.
[ ? ] Palm Strike: It’s not bad, but depends on the other skills post buff moreso.
[ 1 ] Hand Knife: Only costs 1 point so take it.
[ ? ] Energy Blast: Don’t know yet, I need to test it after it’s future buff.
[ ? ] One Inch Punch: Same as EB.
[ 1 ] God Finger Flick: Fixed debuff duration of 5s and bad dmg, keep it at 1.
[ 5 ] Golden Bell Shield: Max it for the dmg boost I guess.

How to build your monk:
I don’t really want to make recommendations yet as the next patch for Monk changes quite a bit.
But in theory, the AA focus with Chaplain is quite good and worth building around already. Something like a Monk/Chap/Oracle for example. But I need more testing on this, ideally after the buffs get to us for a better idea.

“Pardoners are clerics who don’t shy from increasing their wealth through the goddess’ blessing."

Pro’s and Cons:
+Can provide scrolls and buffs to sell or for personal use.
+Indulgentia is now a decent AoE heal buff.
~Has ok-ish physical dmg atm but is rather expensive due to the silver cost.
~Discerning Evil is quite good atm, but with it only affecting 1 enemy its essentially only for 1 on 1 fights…
-Current pardoner spell shop buffs offer very low-value buffs that aren’t that tempting to buy tbh. Though they do stack with their regular counterparts now.

Summary and rank advice:
Pardoner is actually quite a bit better then it used to be, though it did lose its 1hitko potential sadly enough.
But even with decent dmg and good healing it just doesn’t quite come close enough as a competitive class pick yet.
It did get buffed, but unfortunately, Discern Evil’s debuff extension is bugged atm so it actually got worse.

Synergy of note:
~ Craftable scrolls for Simony are listed in the description now, use that first and foremost. ( Cure, Monstrance, Aukuras, Daino, Zalciai, Restoration, Turn Undead, Barrier, Arcane Energy, and Clairvoyance )
~ Discern Evil can be spread via holy circles, which is a good synergy that doesn’t really pay off yet.

Skill point guide:
[ 1 ] Simony: It’s all you can put into it anyway.
[ 15 ] Indulgentia: It has good skill scaling and effect, so max it.
[ 0/15 ] Discerning Evil: It’s quite good, but its single target limit makes it rather meh.
[ ? ] Oblation: I genuinely don’t see the point in using this skill at all atm.
[ 5 ] Spell Shop: Sell those buffs!
[ 10 ] Increase Magic Defense: Why not? it’s cheap enough.
[ 10 ] Decatose: Max it for the dmg. or not, what do I care. It’s not like anyone reads this anyway.

How to build your pardoner:
Even if spell shop no longer requires Priest, that 1.3 spr factor is still really hard to pass up on as you’d want to be as competitive as possible. So only the reason for wanting priest changed tbh.

  • [ Pardoner | Oracle | Priest ] is its only synergy build since Oracle offers divine might to further boost your spell shop and even some scrollable skills.
    You could replace Priest with some other high spr class, but there’s not much point to that tbh. Also enables it as a full healer capable build.

  • [ Pardoner | Paladin | Oracle ] as a scroll seller/crafter variant, needs to have Simony, Arcane Energy, Barrier, and Restoration maxed. But they are somewhat expensive (500 silver + parchment per skill level, the scrolled skill must be max lvl now.) and thus depend heavily on how the supply & demand for these is.
    or for personal use of course.


Army Chaplain:

Pro’s and Cons:
+Magic Holy Damage: Aspergillum.
+Holy Damage buff: Last Rites.
+Atk speed buff: Binatio.
+Holy damage boost: Build Capella.
+Auto atk aggregation skill: Visible talent.
+KD immunity buff.
-Deals a lot of damage through auto attacks, which can be very easy to avoid in PVP.
-Always too short on skill points sadly.

No longer requires Priest to function and works ok-ish, but frankly has been getting outpaced by the other classes considerably as of late.

Skill point guide:
[ 0/15 ] Last Rites: Should perform better than sacrament due to higher skill level, but its benefit is too small in my opinion to be worthy of 15 points.
[ 10 ] Build Capella: Adds +100% holy dmg which works on aspergillum, so always max it.
[ 15 ] Aspergillum: Now scales on its own rather decently, max it.
[ 15 ] Binatio: Adds a chunk of atk speed, should also max it. Ignore if combined with Monk.
[ 0/10 ] Paracelsus time: Makes you immune to kd, neat to have but you’re low on skill points. Considering gazing golem cards instead.
[ 1+ ] Visible Talent: Lowers cd of the skill a tiny but, so try to max it if possible.

How to build your chaplain:
I frankly don’t know what to suggest build wise here yet. As a lot depends on the next few changes to other classes as well.
Sadhu+Chaplain works, but since you miss out on Binatio/Build Capella it’s not very optimal.
Monk+Chaplain also works, but in a sense is a worse build than the above variant as it has less skill dmg. Might become better after upcoming monk buffs.
Chaplain+Miko for the clap rework possibly, but that leaves you very stationary…

It doesn’t really have any synergy that really sticks out as worthwhile to me atm…

“Druids are clerics who use the power of nature. They control plants to help allies, or transform into monsters to use that monster’s abilities."

Pro’s and Cons:
+Magic Damage: Carnivory, Chortasmata, Thorn and Seedbomb.
+Hybrid Damage: Lycanthropy deals physical damage but scales off both patk and matk and can crit.
+Healing: Chortasmata now heals allies inside it every second, it’s quite good.
+Crit atk boost: Sterea Trofh.
+Stat boosts: Lycanthropy and transformations all provide passive buffs.
+Skill level boost: Henge Stone adds +1 skill level to all objects, circles, and tiles used while in its range.
+Chortasmata and it’s related effects can no longer be removed.
-Struggles vs flying enemies as chorta does not hit them.
-There’s no point in using transform/shapeshift atm.

Summary and rank advice:
Druid is in a very good state atm since it got its no plant attribute. But it is still weak vs flying mobs.
Carnivory is quite good for summon builds, but also rather clunky to use and build around.
And Sterea Trofh modifiers your existing 150% base crit multiplier, and is additive to it. So +70% crit dmg is a 220% crit multiplier. (and 220 / 150 = 1.46 so a 46% dmg increase.)

Skill point guide:
[ 0/15 ] Carnivory: Great if you want to solo farm in a single spot, like cm or anywhere else and have decent spr + matk. Junk otherwise.
[ 10 ] Sterea Trofh: It’s decent enough, take it.
[ 0/1 ] Transform & Shapeshift: Nerfed into oblivion, I’m not amused. Maybe invest 1 for specific AoE/utility transformations.
[ 15 ] Chortasmata: Healing and dmg, always max asap.
[ 5 ] Lycanthropy: You want it maxed for its respective dmg boosts.
[ 1 ] Hengestone: It’s now only a 1 pointer anyway.
[ 1+ ] Seed Bomb: Pretty darn good scaling, but only works well if you have allies/minions/objects constantly around to use it to its fullest potential.
[ 1+ ] Thorn: Dmg scaling is actually good now, but some builds may prefer investing in Seed bomb or Carnivory.

How to build your druid :
You build it simply as a generic spellcaster, that’s all.

  • [ Druid | 1x recommended dmg class | 1x amplifier or utility ] for all-round druid template.
    [ Druid | Inquisitor | Oracle ] for a generic example.

  • [ Druid | 2x stand-alone or secondary dmg classes ] for a damage + healing hybrid druid template.
    [ Druid | Plague Doctor | Sadhu ] for an AoE centered high example with cc and ok-ish healing. Will be better after sadhu buffs ofc.

“Oracles are clerics who possess foresight. They can predict or interfere with an enemy’s attacks and determine their fate."

Pro’s and Cons:
+%HP based Damage: Twist of Fate.
+Damage boosts: Death Sentence, Divine Might & Prophecy attribute.
+Condition + CC Removal & Prevention r1: Prophecy.
+SP recovery: Arcane Energy.
+Damage prevention: Foretell.
+Loot adjusting: can see and alter loot drops with Clairvoyance and Resetting.
+Sex Change: You can change people’s gender for profit…
~Death Sentence has a 50% dmg and duration penalty versus bosses. (so a 88% 15s turns into 44% 7.5s.)
-Twist of Fate can heal enemies if not timed well.
-The loot skills aren’t very useful as killing mobs tends to be quicker. Resetting is ok, but its 2min cd is not ok.

Summary and rank advice:
Still one of the outright best support ranks for clerics. It offers consistent and large dmg (de)buffs, divine might, an invuln and cc/condi prevention to boot.
It, however, does have two main downsides:

  • Death Sentence has a 50% less dmg and duration penalty vs bosses, which means that it loses most of its dmg vs bosses.
  • Multiple oracles on a team have diminished effects, as (de)buffs can’t be stacked. (1 is ideal vs regular content, and 1-2 vs bosses.)
    Ktest just replaced the invuln with a dmg reduction though, but it can reach 50% at least.

Skill point guide:
[ 1 ] Prophecy: A 1 pointer you do not want to miss.
[ 0/1 ] Gender Change, Clairvoyance and Resetting are all optional, but cheap as hell.
[ 1+ ] Arcane Energy: A good sp recovery tool, but it only lasts 1s per skill lvl.
[ 1+ ] Counterspell: It’s still a decent magic dmg reduction skill even if it has 50% uptime.
[ 10 ] Death Sentence: Best dmg debuff around atm.
[ 5 ] Foretell: An invuln, one of the last ones of its kind. max it.
[ 0/5 ] Twist of Fate: Skill level affects its damage considerably, but it is rather niche. Still, if you want to use it then max it.
[ 5+ ] Divine Might: At lvl 10 you get access to 5 extra uses from its attribute, so consider aiming for that at least.

How to build your oracle:
Oracle lacks damage entirely, so it should be combined with something that adds damage to it and maybe some healing too.

  • [ Paladin | Oracle | Kabbalist ] for the Death Sentence x Conviction synergy build template, since you need conviction to kill the finishing blow boosting its dmg is all that matters. This is an odd mediocre solo farming build with plenty of utility and healing.

  • [ Oracle | Healer x2 ] for the new standard healer template, ideally with 1 priest for res and revive at least.
    [ Oracle | Priest | Kabbalist ] for example can work quite well.

  • [ Oracle | 2x recommended dmg classes ] for a balanced Oracle template.
    [ Oracle | Dievdirby | Plague Doctor ] for a variant that offers a ton of dmg and utility.

Miko (Hidden Class):
Requires the miko quest line to be completed.

Pro’s and Cons:
+Magic Holy Damage: Hamaya & Gohei.
+Damage boosts: Kagura increases magic dmg.
+Debuff removal: Gohei removes debuffs from nearby allies per use.
+Buff removal: Gohei removes buffs from nearby enemies per use.
+Skill level boost: Sweeping places circles that add +1 skill level to magic circles and objects.
+Crit rate buff: Omikuji, but its effect is rng based.
~Object duration extension: Clap, only really works for diev statues tbh. Soon to be for almost all objects.
-Omikuji is very rng reliant, and you can only have one blessing active so you can overwrite great/middle for small ones if you don’t pay attention.
-Gohei no longer removes your own debuffs, only other allies are affected.

Summary and rank advice:
Miko has gotten a fair bit better, but it still lacks damage to quite a large degree. Its support, however, is really damn good atm, even if it focuses especially on magic dmg.
And it’s great for Dievdirby builds atm due to Ausrine.

Skill point guide:
[ 1+ ] Gohei: Still far too niche.
[ 1 ] Sweeping: Affects existing circles and objects, so you almost never need more than 1 skill point.
[ 1+ ] Hamaya: It’s a mediocre dmg skill, but most builds that lack dmg do invest in it.
[ 15 ] Clap: Will soon affect almost all statues but only once, so always max it.
[ 5 ] Kagura: Max it, it’s a solid dmg boost atm even if it’s magic dmg only. (also only works when both debuff and buff is active, so not vs flying mobs or for summons.)
[ 10 ] Omikuji: It’s now really good, so always max it asap.

How to build your miko:
Miko has a good niche alongside dievdirby, though it’s best used with some healing for your statues from Priest or soon to be Kabba to ensure it works properly.
Otherwise, Miko fits well in a generic dmg build, but it does favor magic classes that can benefit from Kagura or Exorcist somewhat.

  • Specific synergy builds:
    [ Dievdirby | Miko | Priest ] The default full diev focus build for high DPS in a stationary spot that uses Miko’s clap to extend Owls and Ausrine. Keep in mind that clap will soon only affect statues once though, so make sure you max it.
    [ Dievdirby | Miko | Kabbalist ]
    As an alternative to the above build with more damage but less healing for the Owls. However, this build ONLY works when we get the Tree of Sephiroth rework in one of the next updates as it currently only heals 1-2 health per statue per tick.

  • [ Miko | 2x Recommended dmg classes ] For a generic Miko dmg build.
    [ Miko | Exorcist | Druid ] As a generic example that I highlighted due to its Hamaya x entity combo synergy.

Plague Doctor:
Plague Doctors are priests who can heal the status ailments of allies, or incinerate an enemy with a status ailment. Their special Bird Beak Mask has a special drug to block status ailments.

Pro’s and Cons:
+Magic Damage: Incinerate & Black Death Stream.
+Healing: Healing Factor.
+Condition removal and prevention up to rank 3: Methadone, Fumigate, Beak Mask.
+Condition spreading: Pandemic.
+Utility: Methadone gives kd, stun and interrupt immunities for the party alongside the cc prevention.
+Utility: Modafinil increases movement speed. (it’s haste.)
+Incinerate gets a +1 second per debuff/condition scaling which is very little.
-Incinerate requires a debuff for it to work.
-Most debuffs cannot be spread by contagion or pandemic.

Summary and rank advice:
The only real change PD will soon get is that healing factor will need more skill points to shine. But everything else is pretty much unchanged. It’s a very good self-healing high utility dmg, class.

Skill point guide:
[ 10+ ] Healing Factor: Still very good, but will soon require a decent point investment.
[ 10+ ] Incineration: Your main dmg skill by a large margin, try to max it.
[ 1 ] Fumigate & Beak Mask: They’re both 1 point wonders, get them.
[ 0-5 ] Pandemic: Only works on specific debuffs and easily hits a lot of enemies. Depends on personal preference.
[ 1 ] Black Death Stream: Far too low skill factor per level, invest in something else.
[ 5 ] Methadone: Always max it for all those benefits.
[ 10 ] Modafinil: To good to pass up on tbh, always max asap.

How to build your plague doctor:
Like I said above, PD builds do have a small preference for additional debuffs to use incineration asap and to extend it a bit. Like Druid or Zealot, but almost anything works.

  • [ Plague Doctor | 1x amplifier | 1x Recommended dmg class ] ]
    [ Plague Doctor | Oracle | Druid ] for a pretty standard mix of dmg buffs, healing, and damage.

  • [ Plague Doctor | 2x recommended dmg classes ] for a pure dmg PD template.
    [ Plague Doctor | Druid | Zealot ] for a debuff heavy damage focus that can still heal somewhat through its own healing suffers due to fanaticism.

Kabbalists are priests who practice ancient magic known as Kabbalah. They can support allies by using infinite power or attack by using a defense formation to disintegrate the enemy’s name.

Pro’s and Cons:
+Magic Damage: Revenged Sevenfold, Merkabah and Nachash
+Damage boosts: Merkabah: Divine Protection, Gevurah, and its staff attribute.
+Damage Prevention: Revenged Sevenfold and Merkabah: Divine Protection attribute.
+Healing: Tree of Sepiroth.
+Health Buff: Ein Sof.
+Extra loot skill: Clone.

Summary and rank advice:
Kabba’s healing is slated to get a 30s cd and small rework in one of the next updates which makes it far more competitive as a healer.
Aside from that, it still lacks damage but has a few niches available to it.

Skill point guide:
[ 1+ ] Revenged Sevenfold: good dmg atm, just need to time it properly vs a large hit.
[ 1 ] Nachash: Skill level scaling is still pretty bad.
[ 10+ ] Ein Sof: Soon to be quite good due to an upcoming party attribute. Try to max it.
[ 1 ] Merkabah: Avoid the bugs, use 1 wheel at best imo.
[ 1 ] Gematria & Notarikon: Must haves if you plan to use Double Chance, Clone or Gevura!
[ 0/1+ ] Clone: It’s relatively cheap, but a far to niche effect.
[ 10 ] Gevurah: Max it, it’s still a dmg boost. But works best with high hit skills.
[ 5 ] Tree of Sepiroth: Excellent healing, should max it.

How to build your kabbalist:
Kabbalist has two decent niches (soon) for dievdirby and Oracle, so that’s quite nice.
It’s also one of the more capable options for a healer build.
But any dmg build doesn’t really benefit from Kabba anymore since 1x healing isn’t enough to allow such a build to act as a healer alternative.
There is a small potential niche for a Kabba + Druid/PD + DMG as a hybrid, but I need to test those first as I’m not sure those are good enough to act as full healers yet.

  • Specific synergy builds:
    [ Dievdirby | Miko | Kabbalist ]
    As an alternative to the classic diev/miko build with more damage but less healing for the Owls. However, this build ONLY works when we get the Tree of Sephiroth rework in one of the next updates as it currently only heals 1-2 health per statue per tick.
    [ Paladin | Oracle | Kabbalist ] for the Death Sentence x Conviction synergy build since you need conviction to kill the finishing blow boosting its dmg is all that matters. This is an odd mediocre solo farming build with plenty of utility and healing.

  • [ Kabbalist | Healer | Healer or Oracle ] for the new standard healer template, ideally with 1 priest for res and revive at least.
    [ Oracle | Priest | Kabbalist ] for example can work quite well.

The Inquisitor is a class that judges those that are defying the goddesses. It has strong offensive techniques and is specialized in combat against magic users.

Pro’s and Cons:
+Physical Damage: God smash, Pear of Anguish & Breaking Wheel.
+Magic Damage: Malleus Maleficarum.
+Damage debuff: Malleus Maleficarum adds damage based on an enemies magic attack.
+Debuff: Malleus maleficarum silences pve enemies and in pvp it inflicts -50% spr, -50% int, x2 sp costs.
+Crowd Control: Iron Maiden locks a single enemy into place.
+Utility: Breaking Wheel spreads melee attacks with its attribute and Judgement turns enemies into demon types.
+PvP Pressure: Pear of Anguish and Malleus Maleficarum can both put pressure on enemy magic users. (Threat of more dmg / Making them run out of sp faster)
-Not very defensive.

Damage wise inquisitor is really good, and it shines due to its ability to partially ignore defenses.

Skill point guide:
[ 15 ] God Smash: Really strong, max it asap.
[ 0/1+ ] Pear of Anguish: Good single target dmg, esp for PvP.
[ 1+ ] Breaking Wheel: Can deal a good chunk of dmg in PvE when maxed, but is somewhat optional.
[ 0/1/15 ] Malleus Maleficarum: Junk for PvE since it doesn’t work on bosses anymore, but has a solid niche in PvP only. or 1 for its silence attribute.
[ 1+ ] Judgement: Finally well worth using, but about to get a small nerf vs difficult bosses.
[ 0+ ] Iron Maiden: Only worth it to a small degree in PvP.
[5] Breast Ripper: Max asap, this is outright one of the best cleric dmg aoe’s.

How to build your inquisitor:
Inquisitor doesn’t have any real limitations when building it, but as I’ve stated they do somewhat favor being combined with an amplifier since it gets a cd reduction whenever wheel/ripper kills enemies.
The debuff synergy doesn’t seem to exist anymore either…

And any PvP Inquisitor will likely want oracle or Plague Doctor for the debuff prevention, I’m not sure as to what the 3rd rank for that would be though.

  • [ Inquisitor | 1x amplifier | 1x dmg or utility ] as the balanced Inquisitor Template.
    [ Inquisitor | Oracle | Priest ] for an Inquisitor build with unusually high spr for easier healing.

  • [ Inquisitor | 1x recommended dmg class | 1x amplifier, healer or utility ] for a damage + x template.
    [ Inquisitor | Plague Doctor | Oracle ] is an excellent example.

  • [Inquisitor | 2x recommended dmg classes ] for a dmg focus inquisitor template.
    [ Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid ] is also the meta Inquisitor build for a reason, it’s incredibly strong but do does chug sp potions like crazy.

Suicidal clerics incorporated, recruiting more followers at your local TOS provider in the foreseeable future!

Pro’s and Cons:
+Physical Damage: Immolation, Fanatic Illusion and Empathic Trust.
+Holy Propery Damage: Blind Faith.
+Damage boost: Fanaticism, Blind Faith, Blind Faith: Sacred Shock, Immolation: attack power and Beady Eyes all add dmg in some form or another.
+Utility: Invulnerability provides a pain barrier and Beady Eyes is a teleport skill.
-Immolation drains health while in use, while Fanatic Illusion drains spr while in use
-Zealot2’s sp costs are quite high due to blind faith’s 50% sp cost and FI’s 60 sp per second drain.
-Fanatisicm’s dmg buff prevents all healing.
-Blind Faith isn’t very good atm.

Summary and rank advice:
Blind Faith got nerfed into the ground, but otherwise, Zealot is a very strong and suicidal physical damage class.
SP drain on it is insane though, even without using blind faith.

Skill point guide:
[ 0+ ] Invulnerability: Worst name ever, you’ll lack skill points and other effects are just outright better. can be replaced with gazing golem cards even.
[ 1+ ] Beady Eyes: Now scales crit chance with skill level which is quite nice.
[ 1+ ] Immolation: Not the best dmg skill to use tbh, but far from useless.
[ 15 ] Fanatiscm: Always max it for that sweet dmg increase.
[ 10 ] Fanatic Illusion: Your best zealot dmg skill so max it asap.
[ 1 ] Blind Faith: You’ll want the crit debuff attribute but that’s about it.
[ 1+ ] Emphatic trust: The worst dmg skill for zealot, but with the best element. Low priority.

How to build your zealot:
You should still take fanaticsm’s healing block into account, and learn to right click to dispel when needed, but with how balanced builds now lack healing that’s not a huge thing anymore.

Its insane sp cost can also be reduced by Oracle or Dievdirby, which were already good combos with it.

  • [ Zealot | 1x stand-alone or secondary dmg class | dmg or utility ] for a mostly balanced Zealot variant.
    [ Zealot | Plague Doctor | Dievdirby ] For a mobile zealot with self-healing and sp recovery to boot.

  • [Zealot | 2x recommended dmg classes ] for a dmg focus inquisitor template.
    [ Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid ] is also the meta Inquisitor build for a reason, it’s incredibly strong but do does chug sp potions like crazy.

Become part of the hidden elite group of exorcists, who specialize in dealing with demons and other unwanted spirits by nuking everything in their path with holy fervor.

Pro’s and Cons:
+Magical holy damage: Rubric, Entity, Aqua Benedicta, Gregorate and Koinonia.
+Damage reduction and kd immunity: Enkrateia.
+Utility: Stealth reveals from Entity.
+R2 Debuff Removal: Gregorate.
-Koinonia needs 3 team members nearby to work.
-Aqua Benedicta is slow to hit enemies and can’t hit flying enemies.

Summary and rank advice:
Exorcist is still insanely strong and is soon going to get a 4s base rubric with more dmg overall.
Aqua Benedicta is also quite strong atm and is now worth investing in.

Skill point guide:
[ 15 ] Rubric: The easiest to use and one of the best cleric dmg skill atm, max it asap.
[ 1 ] Entity: Now damages all enemies, but skill factor is still to low.
[ 15 ] Aqua Benedicta: Pretty good dmg on a mere 10s cd.
[ 1+ ] Engkrateia: Can be quite good actually, but is up to the user.
[ 1 ] Gregorate: Mostly for utility tbh.
[ 10 ] Koinonia: Probably the highest dmg cleric skill atm, but is difficult to use properly.
[ 1+ ] Katadikazo: Worse dmg than AB, but hits flying at least.

How to build your exorcist:
Does still have some synergy with Chaplain, but I don’t find it to be all that good tbh.
The Hamaya x Entity synergy is a lot nicer though, but that is also fairly weak at the moment to the point that I wouldn’t recommend it.
Inquisitor is also a nice option for Exo as Judgement’s considerable benefits Rubric, Katadikazo and Engkrateia.

  • [ Exorcist | Recommended dmg class | Booster or Utility ] as a generic all-around template.
    [ Exorcist | Sadhu | Oracle ]
    For an example of such a build, one which use Out of Body to reduce dmg taken while channeling and gains a lot of CC. Dmg will get a lot better in a few updates.

  • [ Exorcist | 2x Recommended dmg classes ] for a generic Exorcist dmg build.
    [ Exorcist | Inquisitor | Druid ] for a dmg focused example, with Druid for a chunk of self-healing.


Current listed synergies:

  • Priest’s Turn Undead gets +50% AoE ratio while Exorcist’s Engkrateia is active. (and stuns enemies under Inquisitor Malleus Maleficarum If I got it right.)
    Verdict: A neat little bonus.

  • Druid’s Chortasmata hp recovery is increased by 10% when in range of a Dievdirby’s Zemyna statue.
    Verdict: Far to low of an amount to build around tbh.

  • Sadhu’s Vashita Siddhi will deal 30% extra as holy property damage while an enemy is being hit by Exorcist’s Aqua Benedicta.
    Verdict: May work on all ab hits? needs testing but sadhu is still a underperforming circle so this won’t save it.

  • Monk’s Energy blast will hit twice as often vs enemies debuffed by Krivis’s Divine Stigma.
    Verdict: a really good synergy, but monk itself is still underwhelming.

  • Pardoners Indulgentia gets another 10% healing bonus from Cleric’s Patron Saint.
    Verdict: Nice bonus you can pretty much always get, a bit low statistically though.

  • Pardoner’s Discern Evil is spread to nearby enemies when enemies are dealt damage by holy circles. (Aqua Benedicta, Nacash & Hamaya atm)
    Verdict: Sorry about my previous nonsense, apparently it only spreads the dot’s damage around and does not act as a AoE Discern Evil. As such it’s quite worthless.

  • Paladin’s Restoration gets another 10% healing bonus from Cleric’s Patron Saint.
    Verdict: Nice bonus you can pretty much always get, a bit low statistically though.

  • Paladin’s Conviction debuff causes enemies to explode (and harm nearby enemies ofc) if they are also under the effect of Oracle’s Death Sentence.
    Verdict: Need to see how this effect scales, but it certainly could be useful.

  • Kabbalist’s Revenge Sevenfold will inflict a “Deathfire” debuff on enemies when Miko’s Omikuji buff is active.
    Verdict: I have no idea what that debuff even is, but likely won’t work everytime as Omikuji can give a debuff or nothing instead as well. Plus kabba and miko are bad options atm regardless.

  • Exorcist’s Entity causes Miko’s Hamaya to split up into 4 smaller Hamaya copies that each last 4s.
    Verdict: not that bad, but timing is a bit finicky. If Miko was better this could be interesting.


I’m so glad you’re making a new guide thread. I just returned from quitting and this is a godsend since I relied on you and your advice when I was first starting out.

Cleric C3 = Overkill

Why you spreading that old ass misgiving --.
C2 Cleric, C3 Priest can heal for more -
C2 Cleric, Diev C1 Priest gets somewhat close due to CDR.
Not to mention Heal Factor PD’s.
Particularly given Heal bombing for damage has been buffed and damage has been made harder to mitigate.
Other than that :sunglasses: Nice job

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Nice guide with the basics for every cleric class, specially with all the changes.

My only doubt is why picking Priest for a Monk build when Cleric 3 > Diev or Cleric 2 Diev 2 seems more worthy in my opinion. Except for revive, all Priest skills can be bought.

Love the guide.:slight_smile: Yet another dude wanting to make a case for C3: at least for C3>P3>Chap>Inq, I find I’m benefiting quite nicely from the 15 Heal, 15 Cure (more hits = more Bless) and 10 DM. Also have a few points to get 3 DepZone, which can also nicely enhance your damage.

Happy to be proven wrong of course.:slight_smile:

I agree with @Teifu

I personally made a scroller that can do Arcane Energy scrolls, moonstrance scrolls and diano scrolls…

there is absolutely no reason to get those classes for 1 skill only type of thing.

(at least that is an option if anything)

Isn’t it?

I mean most builds can heal just fine with just cleric2 atm.
And granted priest3 or diev1 are also overkill in terms of healing, but at least they offer more on the side.

Damage wise heal bomb isn’t so bad I agree, but I can’t see a case outside of monk where it would be a competitive option.

  • at low ranks it competes vs diev1’s -20% cd and -movement pseudo cc or priest1’s res.
  • at later ranks its damage doesn’t compare well to carnivory or hamaya either. (though avoiding the miko questline can save your sanity.)
  • Chaplains got plenty of healing already. I’d far rather grab a more support oriented circle.
  • And I already got it listed on monk because I do think it’s the one exception.

Mostly resurrect, and revive+mass heal from priest2 allows for a more aggressive playstyle.
The other skills don’t really compete due to scrolls. Though monstrance1 can be nice to have without needing vis.

For diev2 my major current gripe is that Laima5 is already very capable. Who cares about silence when most can’t move. Both carves deal crap dmg and even silence doesn’t work on elites.
(Though I kind of do expect it to get nerfed, and it bugged out occasionally.)

Diev2 is definitely a close contender though.

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Cleric C3 fits in with
Monk, Sadhu and Paladin to a lesser extent than the prior two.
Basically you consider Cleric 3 if you’re taking a R4 or R5 class because it can comfortably slot into those picks. Cleric C3 as a general rule is “pick at rank 3 or forget about it”.
Sadhu can fit it in comfortably. It’s been the common C3 Sadhu pick prior to the Transmit update and it benefited as well given Heal and Cure don’t mind the extra damage. It’s slightly more mobile then the Diev build given its doesn’t rely on statues fields or their cast time. You already mentioned Monk. Paladin again is to a lesser extent. pardoner is interesting. Particularly because you left out Pardoner C3. If someone for whatever reason chooses to push into Pardoner C3, that also pushes them out of PD C2. With Pardoner C3 the things to look at are what will complete by R5. That’s Cleric C3, Priest C3 (as you mentioned) and Krivis C3, all of which have skills working with Pardoner’s gimmick. When you break down a class decision to only those first four ranks that’s when Cleric C3 is easily able to enter the discussion due to there being such a small amount of class choice that early on.

Hi @Wurmheart, are you still here ? long time no see, im returning now after a long time and im lost in gear department, i see now that HG exist and im testing builds right now but i am pretty sure that i will end with something like C2>P1>S3>PD2, so theres my question what gear i need to focus ? the ones from HG 320 are the best ? Plate is still the best for PD2 ? also dagger or shield offhand ?

im still using the old gear including arde dagger on my character lol

Welcome back, I’ve only gotten back a few weeks ago or so myself :smiley:

Gear wise:

  • Offhands suck royally for int clerics atm. A high con shield is nice, but that means Lionhead or Emengard. Both are far too expensive for what it gives. Otherwise just grab a cheap but high property atk dagger. Aka an Arde dagger…
  • Armor set wise, you can’t really go wrong with the highest level&rarity plate or cloth set. Depends on whether you want sp or hp.
  • Weapon wise I’m not sure yet, there was some talk about using the lower rarity HG ones with high enchant values and that they could be on par with the dungeon weapons. But I haven’t verified it yet.

But HG gear all drop from cubes now, so you can’t farm specific items like you used to.
I’d recommend trying to focus on a high matk rod or hammer first, ideally the dungeon ones. (they look nicer :smiley: )

[ 0 or 15 ] Aspersion: The defense portion is worthless atm, only max it if you want to use aspergillum.

SPR Chaplains may want to invest 1 in Aspersion, to take advantage of the Damage attribute, as invested attribute points will not apply if the skill is left at 0.

1 Aspersion + 15 blessing is an adequate choice for SPR Chaplains.

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Cheers. You do indeed need 1 aspersion for that at least.

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Hi, this is my current setup for my:

Cleric C2 > Diev > Paladin C3 > PD > Inquisitor

I was wondering what should I drop in order to get other stuff? I’ve full STR at the moment.

Also should I drop Incineration entirely? or is it still good for a full STR build?

Other stuff? what do you mean?
I’d probably remove 2 from restoration and put 1 in turn undead and 1 in conversion. Being able to grab at least 1 mob can be quite nice.
Otherwise it seems fine to me.

You can drop incineration and cure if you wish to use a sword. If you want to use a hammer you’ll be able to scale their dmg just fine though.

Yeah I meant to use their skill points for other skills, at the moment I’m aiming to get a Vienarazis Mace so I guess I should keep them? also is Epidemic needed to spread Conviction/Malleus to get more dmg on my offensive skills?

Congratulations on such a clean and objective guide.

In a quick read the only thing I have to add is to mention the Chaplain-Pardoner build that abuses Pole of Agony + Reversi scrolls combo with Discerning Evil.

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Hey @Wurmheart, glad to see you’re back and that you’ve actually made an up to date cleric guides once more. Good job, it’s very good work!

Regarding the hybrid build section, I’ve exprimented with a Cleric 2 - Diev 2 - Monk 2 - Miko - Inquisitor which works out pretty well as far as current group content goes. Since it has a bit more utility skills, I gave up entirely on DEX stat and focused on STR/INT (if I remember right 1:1, but making sure they stayed at 10 multiples). Red Gems on both Mace and shield, phadas for AoE atk ratio, magic atk+physical atk headgear.

Both Owls and hamayia can do decent (semi)stationary damage when comboed with Malleus (especially while blessing is up), while the main AoE Burst with wheel+Double Punch+OIP+God Smash doesn’t get that much weaker imo. Carve is also quite nice for bossing if you’d like to save up on some stamina from double punching too often.

Support-wise, this build definetely lacks the revive+ress+mass heal potential from priest variants, but offers the CD reduction + slow/halt + silence, which can be kept up pretty much forever with clap even at Diev 2. From tiem to time I also kagura dance after Malleus+Wheel at bosses when party composition is Melee packed (especially Fencers or Doppels).

Just leaving it here because I tried really hard (6+ resets) to find a truly hybrid damage/support physical/magic cleric and this one somehow seems to work out…