Tree of Savior Forum

Help me with my Zealot pls

This is my ever first build and i think i’d ruin it already. I focus on pve though just to be decent in tbl is it worth do the grinding again with the newer build?
Cleric C2> Priest C3> Chap> PD C1> Zealot C2 Full spr
I failed the pvp and dungeon miserably or am I just noob haha
[For this build underwent too many excess buffs and too many skill to press and short duration of zealot buffs]
does this build goes better with Krivis C3 than Priest 3 and a Chap? i.e. Cleric C2> Krivis C3(to extend the buffs’ duration btw zaibas is so strong)> X> X> Zealot C2
What do you recommend thx for ur support I appreciate so much…

For the missing ranks you could take
Diev 1 + Kabba
Diev can be replaced with something else(like priest 1) but the cooldown statue really does a lot during CM.
Kabba mostly self explanatory, more SP sustain+higher max hp

Monk 2 or Paladin 2.
Demolition has a nice aoe atk ratio and can stun, also does damage similar to god smash.
Either would also allow you to use 2h mace when you want to.

Priest 2 is nice if you find yourself dying a lot

The reason you failed at PvP is because you’re full SPR.
You need CON in order to survive in PvP. A PvE build can go full DEX, SPR, STR, INT, or whatever, but a PvP build needs CON. Most of the damages come from a weapon if you enhance and transcend it, so people in PvP are usually full CON + strong weapon they worked on (+ good armours, high attributes, etc.).

Zaibas isn’t “so strong” at all, and it’s easy for mobs to get out of its aoe effect, same in PvP. Easy to avoid. Krivis 3 will Zealot is great because of Melstis though, definitely.
But Priest 3-Chaplain is in no way bad since you’ll have Revive and Mass Heal, they’re amazing to survive in TBL, even if Revive is nerfed in PvP.
Your build isn’t wrong at all, even for PvP. The issue was in your stats.

I don’t know what you mean by the fact you failed “dungeon”. What dungeon ?
Overall though it’s not like your build is bad, so I’m curious about what weapon you got.

For PvE (i didn’t used it on PvP, just because i haven’t Con, so i’ll die easily), i tested some Zealots builds and my favorite is:

Cleric2 - heal / divine might
Krivis3 - Meltis, Zalciais
Monk - Use 2 handed mace and double punch for secundary dps
Kabba - Ein Sof (mana hungry build)

I use cards ellaganos and some points in dex (just 70, so i have a 100 base) and a little in equips, just to spam doublepunch and the rest in STR. I think full SPR isn’t so good, the best part of Blind Faith is the attribute of Blind Faith: Holy Impact. It’s gives 50% in crit damage, more than the blinds faith damage when the char is full SPR.

(Sorry about any mistake, my english is terrible)

You can be full SPR and still have a good amount of HP.
2 weeks ago I almost got top1 TBL (did 2k points) with full SPR Zealot WITHOUT enhanced/transcended weapon. Blind Faith is insanely strong on PvP if you are full SPR.
With items and Enchanter shop buff I got 70k HP that’s enough to survive on PvP, considering you are cleric.

I would recommend you follow my build for PvP: C2>Priest3>Oracle>Kabba>Zealot2 full SPR
Kabba is mandatory in this build so you can refill your SP easily and keep damaging enemies with Blind Faith, also you’ll have R7F as bonus good skill for PvP.
Oracle will grant you survival and help you support your allies, and you will have bonus MAX SP from Arcane Energy that will boost your Blind Faith damage. Priest3 is great support and you will have 1.5~ 2k extra damage in each hit with maxed Blessing. Blessing+BlindFaith+Imolation is killer combo.

For PvE this build is still decent but you will need strong weapon cause Blind Faith do not last long with many monsters because of the hit count.
I recommend going Krivis3 for full PvE build and don’t think full SPR is the best choice for PvE content.

I think C1>Krivis3>Bokor2>Kabba>Zealot2 SPR will do a better job in both PvE and PvP, my guildmate is using this build and while I disagree it’s better for PvP, I definetely think it is better than mine for PvE.

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Naihi. Are you trying to have the focus on the physical attack or the magic attack? I’m asking you as it really can change the build you are looking for. Also, do you plan to play just for PvP or do you want more a pve build? Of course you can try both, but hybrid build usually doesn’t go so well as a focused build.

If I got what you want, you want more pve build, killing mobs, dungeons and so on. By the title I suppose that zealot is a must.

From the other thread:

The Cleric2 | Krivis3 | Monk | Kabbalist | Zealot2 is the easiest to go for pve and also do pretty nice pvp

I think for hybrid, Cleric2 | Dievdirby | Priest | Monk | Druid2 | Zealot2 can go well , with both attack and defense spells . Also you can even have cards to add more 30% of damage (on plants , which can be everyone who touch the ground you casted)

For hardcore with many potions , Krivis3 with monk3 can be do the most damage, but it will be hard to play if you are not well prepared

My build is for physical attack, and i really like it, i dont have doubts about it, hitting something like 200k+ in crit attacks.
I just told my build to nannapat41019, who made de post xD

Forgot to mention you in previous posts. Other interesting builds are Cleric2 | Priest2 | Monk3 | Zealot2 and Cleric2 | Priest | Paladin | Monk3 | Zealot2

Nice :slight_smile: and without critical?

40~70, it depends (i use a masinios two handed +9 trans6, my attributes is pretty low yet)
But with Beady Eyed and Zalciais i get a high crit chance, i barely see any white damage xD