Tree of Savior Forum

Opinions on this build please? =)

Hi. I made a post about choosing a newbie class I could use and while searching the forum I’ve read people mostly saying that I should go make a cleric since I’m new to the game and its healing will help me out a lot.
That aside I’ve come to a decision on making a cleric.
Is this a good build.
Im planning to make it pure SPR since I’ve read that pure SPR Chaplain is good.
Please criticize my build and correct me.
Thanks in advance :smiley::smile:

It is good, but keep in mind, Miko quest is quite hard. On a good you can get in done in 8-12 hours. But that is if you are lucky. I know some people that took them a week and still have not gotten it done.

You can replace Miko with Oracle, it will be more support.

miko is still good for chap but i don’t recommend it for newbies mostly because of the pre advancement quest…

i suggest to read the guide and research more on the forums for other miko threads… and be prepared to wait long…

multitasking might help you with the waiting and mitigate the boredom a little bit…

@ArcturMenks @Lionly
thanks a lot guys :smiley:
Well this should be a good trial for a newbie :smiley:
However, could you recommend me a dps route for cleric??
or other classes that have it easy. thanks in advance!

i mainly run chaplain and other support classes, but if you’re looking for dps clerics i suggest to search for sadhu3 and monk3 builds…

you can start here:

there are other monk and sadhu threads that you can search for more info…

good luck and have fun…

I think you really should go cleric2 Priest 3 Chap1 Oracle1 Inq1. And go pure SPR. That build is good in bossing, ET and TBL. You can really add alot to whatever team you are in.

you can swordsman :smiley: just dont forget to take pardoner buffs oin your way out to kill… :smiley:

find the highest pardoner buffs in terms of + blessing some shops will show the numbers… it will help in your leveling and keep in mind… you still get exp +30 levels from your current level means you can kill mobs +30 max from your current level… with the help of pardoner buffs… since your a newbie… pardoner buffs is your way to get high ranks fast…

No it is a trial of patience sitting watching the monitor while doing nothing and learning nothing about the game. And it is the second best option, just … don´t :D.
To give u an example of how it is, you sit in front of that altar thing and u press space. For hours. literally, hours. Thats the patience part, then there is the flower which means waiting for hours to hit a 3-4second winow to click it or repeat sitting for hours.