How well geared? As good as YugiMori?
I think so. High/max-trans high-enhanced RHPike and all. I knew this because I noticed how hard his rush hits compared to any other cata.

I still feel bad about Dethrone though. It’s just not what it used to be. I rarely see Goons using Gae Bulg in PVP either especially when opponents have R7F. The bigger your AOE, the more chances you’re hitting enemies w/ R7F (even damn pets have R7F).
Oh well, the era of cata-goon is over. This is literally yoyo balancing xD
I guess Yugimori quit as soon as soon as he realized he could no longer top the rankings. ■■■■ happens.
I’m seeing lots of new names with good gear. Maybe he’s just one of them, just changed team name. XD
i saw one cleric build like Cleric - Priest 2 - paladin 3 - PD - INQ
u think it’s a good build?
Inquis usually go Cleric C2 for more survivality with better heal and higher block count in Safety Zone. They also pick Kabal instead of PD.
I think that build can work though, but don’t take my advice for it. It’s better if you check out the following guide:
This is a pure PvE build. i wouldn’t recommend for PvP even though PvP is complete garbage in this game.
Kek, meanwhile clerics has always kept a high ground in pvp.
nah Yugi wouldn’t quit, if I spent $6k on this game I sure as hell wouldn’t.
From what I heard he started funding a new character.
This pretty much sums it up.
Yugi just realized that he can no longer faceroll they keyboard and win. He got trashed everyday during 2 weeks of resets period and quit the game crying.
There are still quite strong catacopter lancers/dragoons in SEA. Pokeemo, Elise, etc. Solid top-20 players.
nah Yugi wouldn’t quit, if I spent $6k on this game I sure as hell wouldn’t.
It’s not a serious amount of money for kMMORPG. RIP our best RO days, where we spent tens of thousands.
He just wait for R9.
Here is the infamous one-man-army Murmillo btw
I dunno why you dropped corsair from your build. You char during reset period was much stronger.
I need more skill for clear solmiki and this build better tank.
Archers -
SR 3 = Fast to Kill, fast to die. Loses to falconer 3, scouts (flechers / musk / cannon), sages, kabalists and inqs (w/o q.s).
Falconer 3 = Fast to kill, good knockdown, good exploit. Loses to scouts (flechers / musk / cannon), kabalists and inqs (w/o q.s).
Flecher 3 = Can kill sages. Loses to any cleric that has oracle / plague. Without scout is a easy pray for cata and lancers.
Hunter = Easy to kill players. Retard perma cc and absurd pet damage. Good choice for cannon and musks.
In overall, archer gets rekt by clerics if he is not hunter. Quarrel Shooters can survive Maellus with scarter callops. Eats Swordies in breakfast.
Clerics -
Kaba 2 = No equipament required. With priest 3 can just put himself in danger or jump over enemy skills to kill enemys.
Kaba, Inq = No equipament requires. You may use a weapom.
Ora, kaba, Inq = No equipament required. You may use a weapom. (Best combo, you can pick anything and end your build with this. gg)
Plague 2 = Can survive for a bit.
Monk 3 = Combos with priest 3. Good attacks, but no cc resistence.
Bokor 3 = Good attack, useless against SPR builds.
Miko = Gohei for dispell.
Sadhu = Can do some funny stuff in arena. But in order to make it a good build for pvp you have to forget about pve.
Clerics in overall loses to clerics, hunters, and cc locks. Eats Swordies.
Mages -
Psy 3 = CC.
Sage = Protection to missile. Dies anyways to flechers.
Cryo 3 = Counters Hunters. CC. Can kill low hp players.
Multi hit basic attack Mages = Dies to archers.
Mages eats Swordies.
Swordman -
Corsair = CC.
Corsair 3 = CC, ranged stun with SW3.
Cata 3 = Rush + stage 10 weapom. Loses to ora + kabalists.
Dragoon = Ranged attack. Loses to reflection.
Lancer = Breaks magic circle, ignores block and def.
Other builds that are not based on corsair 1 / sw3, cata 3… are easy pray.
This classes can climb the ranks. This classes can ohko even equipped players.
Other classes are easy pray and may require some miracle to get first page. In 2v2 obviously. 5v5 is pure luck based.
Only hunters 2 have perma CC now, but the damage of some pet are SO high that no need shoots from the hunter now, if you have low HP (Less than 20k) you can die in the third bite from a good pet.
Hunter 1 Pet = Stupid - Hunter 2 Pet = Godlike
At least to me I’m really happy with my rainbow Archer build, I can kill almost everything (even Sage+cryo stupid OP shields), but is realy sad when with my decent gear and decent HP for an archer (35k) I can die against a low geared player in 1 hit because the damage is stupid now even with low gear.
My major complaint right now is the Revive buff, I need to wait a long time in hide to just try to kill someone just one time -_-
Once lame, always lame. They didn’t even touch on anything for the pvp side. Some skills either stunlock you to death or simply 1 shot u.
You can literally have lets say a Rogue-Falcon with a 4k bow and hover/pheasant your way to victory.
If I drop a hover next to your spawn to prevent you from running out, and pheasant next to the wall, you’re dead. If not, always having aiming, sonic strike.
Skill only takes you far if you have adequate class or gear
Sorry, but I poop on Trans10 falconers in Tbl =3
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