@greyhiem Hi grey! do you have the skill setup from this insane 10k ele lock?
Since the Hoplite rework, Hoplite C3 now seems to be a viable option for Fencer (since Stabbing&Pierce don’t have any weapon restriction) to get some additional damage [sadly no other Hoplite skill can be used with Rapier, although Synchro Thrusting is more realistic with Shield & Rapier than Shield & Spear, simply because the effective attacking-distance of Spear and Shield is too different,you’d have to step back and forth…].
Did anyone see such a build in action yet? Just curious
Probably not that good. 3 ranks for 1-2 skills, unless the skill is amazing it’s just not worth it…
The new Stabbing&Pierce are amazing,though:
Hoplite Changes
[C1 Skill] Stabbing
- Faster consecutive piercing hits.
- Damage increases with the number of consecutive piercing hits.
[C3 Attribute] Stabbing: Onslaught NEW
- Increases the max. number of Stabbing hits according to attribute level (max. 10 hits).
[C1 Skill] Pierce
- Cooldown decreased from 30 to 20 sec.
- Overheat increased from 1 to 2.
- New C2 attribute ‘Pierce: Repeated Shock’.
[C2 Attribute] Pierce: Repeated Shock NEW
- Applies +2 hits on enemies affected by the Shock debuff.
[C2 Skill] Spear Lunge
- Cooldown reduced from 24 to 20 sec.
First, the piercing hits of ‘Stabbing’ are getting twice as faster, with more and more damage applied according to the number of consecutive hits. Not only that, the new Circle 3 attribute ‘Stabbing: Onslaught’ is going to increase the number of hits by 1 per attribute level, up to a maximum of 10 hits. These skill changes, combined with the new attribute, are expected to boost the DPS of ‘Stabbing’ by about 3-4 times, helping cement its place as another essential Hoplite skill.
As for ‘Pierce’, which deals more damage on larger enemies, we’re cutting the cooldown from 30 to 20 seconds and increasing the overheat from 1 to 2. The new ‘Pierce: Repeated Shock’ Circle 2 attribute also adds +2 hits to the skill on enemies affected by the Shock debuff.
Circle 2 skill ‘Long Stride’ is going to increase damage by up to +100% according to the weight of your character’s inventory. Meanwhile, the skill’s range is increasing significantly, as well as the number of targets (5 to 10), with cooldown also being reduced from 49 to 30 seconds. Adding to this, the new Circle 2 attribute ‘Long Stride: Stun’ will have a 100% chance of inflicting Stun for a duration proportional to the attribute level.
‘Spear Lunge’, which is used to increase pierce damage, is also seeing its cooldown reduced from 24 to 20 seconds.
As Fencer has a lot of skills but most of them either lack damage or lack appropriate CD time, I think Hoplite is going to become a good alternative to what else is there for Fencer at C3-5 (mainly Highlander, which isn’t that good, or Peltasta,which is more defensive).
With Hoplite, you can utilize Spear Lunge to boost your piercing attack power, Spear Throw to immobilize monsters and Long Stride to advance onto them quickly with the possibility of 2,5 seconds stun(all these skills require a spear to use, but you can just swap weapons to spear to use these utility skills and then swap back to your rapier for e.g. Stabbing&Pierce).
Stabbing deals up to 25 hits a at leat 170% at level 15, with each of them dealing more damage, so the least damage possible would be 4250%. If we take into account that the developers state the old damage is increased by 3-4 times [which is currently 2550%], the average damage of Stabbing should now be somewhere between 7650%-10200% without enhancement attribute, which is a lot stronger than any Fencer skill and also benefits a lot from Fencers buff skills.
The same goes for Pierce, if you calculate the possibility of Highlander C1 in the build for Crown to trigger the 2 additional hits, the skill deals at least 3 hits against small monsters[1206%], 4 against medium[1608%], 5 against large monsters[2010%] and 6 against boss monsters[2412%].
With 20 seconds CD and 2 overheat the skill is quite good to deal additional damage against large&boss monsters. It’s stronger than most Fencer skills against bosses and cheaper to attribute.
My guess for a good Fencer build would be Sw>HL/Pelt/Sw2>Hop3>Fencer3>Matador with extra damage coming from Matadors Class attribute Picador. Highlander would be in there to boost Pierce with Crown for shock debuff and could be exchanged for SW2 (longer PB, better Gungho/Concentration) or Peltasta [mainly to utilize shield block and Guardian for def boost/ Swash Buckling for another taunting skill (as Capote isn’t that good)].
Mhh, only 2 rank resets and 2 skill resets per team max? =S
I have 2 falconers, 1 linker, and 1 hoplite… That sucks…
I have seen: Crit SPR build Krivis3 - druid2 - zealot2 (zalciai max, critical medium-type beast transform, beady eyes + melstis fanaticism fanatic illusion build),
Priest3-chaplain - x - x - zealot2 (Auto-attack build),
Statue build cleric2 - diev3 - miko - x - zealot2,
(…) Zealot fits many builds.
Hi Jmunnj, you could also view the cleric thread post 2 for recommendations: here
Rangee Po Meta elementa-lock skill build: https://tos.neet.tv/skill-planner#2111bbbfff.11233f45516a7585.1f3f55746185.182f314f5185
After fake-multi-hit patch:
3 x 777’777 damage cap Quantain attribute
Crit hacka boss burst test (lv 360 vs lv 330 boss) here
Falcon3 bm1 challenge solo here and their Build guide (in KR) here
Solo challenge mode, Sorc with Froster lord as alternative to buffed marnox (price insane, difficult to get)
Live server for both lancer and hacka?
This patch should help cata skill damage too right.
600K x 3 white damage O_O, can’t wait for acrobat mount to come in itos.
Jeez, Hacka SP drain is still insane even with non-Fletcher3 builds, that guy literally burned 600+2000SP in 20 seconds. >_>
They really need to tweak the SP usage on some classes…
Fletcher sp consumption is not bad if you have useless attributes turned off and dont spam the xfire (most player who complain are one or both of these categories). Like, why you even need MA silence attribute when doing bosses? they just add up unnecessary xp cost with 0 gains. Same for xfire burn. a literal trash attribute.
I am curious of why Maxed Invocation. Does the skill level increase the evil spirits skill factor?
While I do agree you can cut off some SP by turning off certain attributes, Fletchers attributes (or any attribute) no longer increase the SP consumption like mad like before, they are on a +10% modifier, so a LVL15 Crossfire is 13 SP more with the attribute on, it doesn’t really make that much of a difference sadly.
Also, what you said may be true for dailies and daily grinding, but not for ET for example, there you WILL throw those 5 Crossfires on every CD, the R8 meta Ranger or Sap2Fletcher3Mergen had nothing else, the build relies entirely on Crossfire spam/Broom Trap/Triple/DMA and unless you had a Falc3 in your group to benefit from, the SP usage is insane (even more with Chrono’s Pass) trust me, even full Solmiki I had to run around with Keistas for 31F and 36F… I even tried placing 200 SPR for the lulz during May2017 reset event but the difference wasn’t all that noticeable sadly… and I also had 200SP rec more from two unlucky (or lucky?) awakenings on gears.
In the end, the SP usage on certain ranks is simply too high (and most of them being Archers build too) and with so little way of recovering mana, your SP micro-management is going to stress the hell out of you in certain situations.
Yes it does.
Very worth maxing.
PoA 8 is enought
I was wondering, did u see some build with scout 3 and falcon 3? Thats sounds interesting…

I am curious of why Maxed Invocation. Does the skill level increase the evil spirits skill factor?
Something like 492% + (skill level x 32.9%) damage for invocation spirits, have to find the info on other forum again. 3 hit normal spirit and doubled hits big spirit.
@leozimfel hi leo, Inje Kang was planning a scout3 falcon3 before rank 9, she was scout2 falcon3. After circling:expand nerf, scout (and sapper) lost synergy with circling, so most players picked QS3 to get mobile sustained damage with running shot. QS3 is the most popular lower-rank archer circle. You will not find any scout3-falcon3.
Thats right, i totally forgot that nerf, that sucks, scout is even under right now I also try to find any Mergen 2 builds, but i could not fing anyone using…thats sad
Mergen2 skills are lacking, and building is difficult. Old sapper2-fletcher3-mergen1 build users pick mergen2. Falcon3-mergen1 is more popular mergen build. Best AoE Mergen skills use AoE mechanics however the skills do not get any +AoE attack ratio like cannoneer skills. Mergen users must invest more into AoE attack ratio to mob decently.
Number skill + effigy bokor siau solo
After-patch Meta AA cleric solo Unique Raid
Krivis3 Sadhu3 Taoist2 mobbing test: prana and auto-attacks
Chaplain sadhu3 vs mobs here
At ET (dragoon3, new falconer, …) video here
Nak Muay skill explanations by @tomgo32000
Compared to other hidden quests, Nak muay hidden quest is most difficult’