#Discontinued. Please go here instead.
Swordsman Changes
Wizard Changes
Archer Changes
Cleric Changes
I placed some emojis for easy scannng
- Change has been applied to both kTOS and iTOS
- Change has been applied to iTOS
- Change has been applied with the patch, but it or parts of it are not mentioned in the patch notes
Magic Missile
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Changed the way that [Magic Missile] was able to deal abnormal amounts of damage when used in combination with [Joint Penalty]
[ SEP 29 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Agni Necklace - a necklace that greatly boosts Fire spells has been added
○ Fireball +280%
○ Fire Wall +260%
○ Flare +310%
○ Flame Ground +160%
○ Fire Pillar +290%
○ Hell Breath +245% -
steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Using Fireball while under the Invocation buff will no longer erroneously summon evil spirits -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed issue where Zaibas acted hostile towards fireballs -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed an issue with the pushing distance of Fire Ball -
Flame Ground
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed issue where only the skill voice only played and the skill would not trigger when tapping the skill
Ice Pike
[ DEC 01 ]
Skill overheat increased from 2 → 3 -
Ice Wall
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Ice Wall: Duration] attribute has been added
○ Increases the duration of Ice Wall by 10 seconds
○ Requires Cryomancer Circle 3 -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed issue when using Psychic Pressure with Icewall, the Debris was only shooting 1x debris shards instead of 3x debris shards -
Ice Blast
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Deals damage to targets near [Ice Wall] (more blocks = more damage?)
Deals damage to targets near [Frost Pillar] -
[ DEC 01 ]
Skill overheat increased from 2 → 3 -
Sub-Zero Shield
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Subzero Shield: Duration] - the cooldown not applying correctly with this attribute has been fixed -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed issue when a hunter class would command their companion to attack, but get frozen due to the companion attacking triggering the sub-zero shield -
Snow Rolling
[ FEB 23 ]
Fixed issue when using the skill, only half of the snowball was actually visible -
[ DEC 01 ]
Skill cooldown decreased from 68 → 50 seconds
Fixed a bug with the positioning of enemies displaced by this skill -
Frost Pillar
[ DEC 01 ]
Skill cooldown decreased from 50 → 35 seconds
Psychic Pressure
[ DEC 01 ]
[Psychic Pressure: Concentration] attribute has been added
○ Channeling Psychic Pressure cannot be interrupted by enemy attacks
○ Skill SP consumption increased 1% → 2% SP
○ Skill cooldown increased 25 → 35 seconds
○ Requires Psychokino Circle 3 -
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Element Property has been changed to Psychokinesis -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed issue when using Psychic Pressure with Icewall, the Debris was only shooting 1x debris shards instead of 3x debris shards -
steam : [ DEC 26 ]
This skill will now deal damage in friendly duels as intended -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed issue where the skill would not work in Mouse Mode -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
[Swap: Bind] icon has been changed
Magnetic Force
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed an interaction error when knocked down during casting this skill -
[ FEB 23 ]
Fixed issue where targets affected by [Raise] could not be hit by [Flesh Cannon] -
[ DEC 01 ]
Targets affected by Raise will now have their Evasion stat reduced to 0
Targets affected by Raise are now vulnerable to the following skills:
○ Snatching (Hunter)
○ Shootdown (Cannoneer)
○ Birdfall (Musketeer) -
Gravity Pole
[ DEC 01 ]
[Gravity Pole: Concentration] attribute has been added
○ Channeling Gravity Pole cannot be interrupted by enemy attacks
○ Skill SP consumption increased 2% → 3% SP
○ Skill cooldown increased 30 → 40 seconds
○ Requires Psychokino Circle 3 -
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Element Property has been changed to Psychokinesis
Joint Penalty
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
[Joint Penalty: Poison]
○ Tooltip Fix: (New:) “Poison Property Skill Attacks”
[Joint Penalty: Earth]
○ Tooltip Fix: (New:) “Earth Property Skill Attacks”
[Joint Penalty: Lightning]
○ Tooltip Fix: (New:) “Lightning Property Skill Attacks” -
[ AUG 25 ]
Changed the way that [Magic Missile] was able to deal abnormal amounts of damage when used in combination with [Joint Penalty] -
[ FEB 02 ]
Fixed bug where the effect of this skill would still persist even after the buff duration had ran out
Swell Left Arm
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Attack bonus has been changed:
○ 34.4 + ([Skill Level] -1) × 12.4 + [INT] × 0.15
– Previously: 34.4 + ([Skill Level] -1) × 8.6 -
Swell Body
[ FEB 09 ]
Swell Body’s Skill Description will be changed.
○ (CURRENT) Enlarge the size of your target. The affected target will have doubled its maximum health. Experience gain and drop rates will also be doubled.
○ (NEW) Enlarge the size of your target. The affected target will have doubled its maximum health.Experience gained will be doubled, and the number of items dropped will be doubled. -
Swell Right Arm
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Defense bonus when wearing a shield has been changed:
○ 40 + ([Skill Level] -1) × 14.6 + [INT] × 0.13
– Previously: 40 + ([Skill Level] -1) × 9
Attack bonus when wearing a dagger has been changed:
○ 34.4 + ([Skill Level] - 1) × 12.4 + [INT] × 0.13
– Previously: 34.4 + ([Skill Level] - 1) × 8.6 -
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed issue where Reversi was enabling tile-based skills to be maintained
[ SEP 29 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Agni Necklace - a necklace that greatly boosts Fire spells has been added
○ Prominence +186%
○ Meteor +99% -
steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Characters will no longer freeze when casting this skill, delaying its effect -
[ DEC 15 ]
AoE Attack Ratio has been increased to 16. (Previously 10)
Cooldown time has been reduced to 60 Seconds. ( Previously 90 seconds)
[Meteor: Quickcast] Attribute has been added
○ Reduces cast time for Meteor by 50%
○ Increases cooldown by 10 seconds
○ Requires Elementalist Circle 3
[ OCT 27 ]
After 1 minute of the caster being out of combat, the Summon will stop attacking. When the caster attacks an enemy to enter the combat state, the Summon will start attacking again -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
The collision box has been removed from summoned boss monsters -
Summon Salamion
[ SEP 29 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Summon Salamion: Blind] - fixed issue where this attribute was not applying at all -
Summon Familiar
[ JAN 12 ]
Fixed issue where the summoned familiars would attack your character when receiving damage over time effects -
[ DEC 01 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed a bug where this skill can be casted while jumping -
[ SEP 29 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed issue where using this skill would fixate the pet -
[ FEB 09 ]
Fixed issue with monster skills not casting whilst the sorcerer moves after using this ability.
Fixed issue when the Monster was attacked whilst traveling, the Summon would stop moving for a brief amount of time. -
[ DEC 15 ]
Fixed a problem where after learning the increased stats attribute, you could not see the new stat values in the Grimoire -
[ DEC 01 ]
[Riding: Enhance Ability] attribute has been added
○ Increases the Physical Attack and Magical Attack boosted by the Sorcerer’s Magic Attack by 1% per attribute -
[ DEC 01 ]
Additional SP consumption from Riding has been removed (Summoning’s SP consumption is still maintained)
When Riding, the Summon’s defense is also added to the character’s defense -
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
When Riding, the character’s Magic Attack increases the damage dealt by the Summon -
[ SEP 29 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed issue when getting off after riding would make the pet stop. Also fixed issue when using the skill to get off would cancel the pets skill attack -
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Corrected issues with re-boarding bosses cooldown & their unique skill cooldown
[ DEC 01 ]
Tooltip addition: Monsters reincarnated can no longer be reincarnated again -
[ OCT 13 ]
Fixed issue with multiple boss reincarnation issues.
Note: Boss Monsters can only be reincarnated once, and this skill has a chance to fail -
[ DEC 15 ]
Fixed issues where it was possible to attack ‘Stopped’ targets with persistant AOE skills -
[ FEB 16 ]
Fixed issue where this skill wasn’t able to revive members who had died in battle -
steam : [ DEC 26 ]
This skill can no longer be used while jumping -
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed error where you could lower the CD of potions through this skill
Dirty Pole
[ DEC 01 ]
Fixed the tooltip of the [Dirty Pole: Fragments] attribute
○ Decay duration set to 15 instead of 10 -
[ SEP 29 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Tooltip has been corrected to mention the 'Dirty Pole’s Melee Attack -
Raise Dead
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
You can no longer summon in town maps -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed an issue where the Skeleton Soldiers were unable to deal the finishing blow to enemies -
Raise Skull Archer
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed issue where the Raise Skull Archer: Enhance Attribute was not applying -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
You can no longer summon in town maps
[Raise Skull Archer: Enhance]
○ Fixed an issue where the attribute wasn’t applying the damage increase bonus on the Skeleton Archers -
Flesh Strike
[ DEC 01 ]
Fixed a problem where Quick Cast was not able to reduce the casting time of this skill
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
New Recipes have been added ( Concentrated SP Potion, Concentrated Protection Potion) -
Item Awakening
[ SEP 29 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Item Awakening: Quick] attribute added -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed an error with [Item Awakening]'s Calcite consumption -
Magnum Opus
[ JAN 26 ]
Fixed an issue where you could rest while crafting with this skill -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed issue with placement of different material combinations -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed issue where the walking animation would break when using this skill -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Skill level cap changed to Lv. 6 -
Alchemistic Missile
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Element Property has been changed to Psychokinesis -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed an issue where the Homunculus appeared to have abnormal stats
[ JAN 26 ]
Fixed an issue where Rune objects were displaying a health bar -
Rune of Destruction
[ DEC 15 ]
Skill cooldown decreased 90 → 60 seconds -
Rune of Ice
[ DEC 15 ]
Skill cooldown decreased 180 → 140 seconds -
Rune of Giants
[ JAN 12 ]
Users will be able to cast [Wizard] Abilities whilst in the state of [Rune of Giants] -
[ DEC 15 ]
Skill cooldown decreased 300 → 120 seconds
Runecaster skills are now available while under the effect of Rune of Giants -
Rune of Justice
[ DEC 15 ]
Element attribute has been changed Melee → Holy
Skill overheat increased 1 → 2 -
Rune of Protection
[ DEC 15 ]
Duration per skill level increased 10 → 20 seconds
[ FEB 23 ]
Can now also hit flying targets -
[ JAN 12 ]
Stigma Debuff duration has been increased from 5s to 20 seconds
[Mastema: Phantom Pain] DOT tick speed has been slowed down, but total hit count has been doubled due to the increase of Stigma duration
13 hits over 5 seconds → 26 hits over 20 seconds
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Element Property has been changed to Poison -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Tooltip Fix: Dark Property was not displaying -
Blood Sucking
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Element Property has been changed to Poison -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Tooltip Fix: Dark Property was not displaying -
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Element Property has been changed to Poison -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Tooltip Fix: Dark Property was not displaying -
Bone Pointing
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Element Property has been changed to Poison -
Kundela Slash
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Element Property has been changed to Poison -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Tooltip Fix: Dark Property was not displaying -
Blood Curse
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Element Property has been changed to Poison -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Tooltip Fix: Dark Property was not displaying
Micro Dimension
[ DEC 01 ]
Fixed a problem with the skill being able to replicate Aurakas attributes -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed an issue where it was possible to duplicate infinite copies of [Stake Stockade] and [Ice Wall]
Skeleton Soldiers & Skeleton Archers will no longer be duplicable
Caltrops, Stake Stockades, Pears of Anguish can now only be affected by duplicate once -
Missile Hole
[ FEB 16 ]
Fixed issue with the number of blocks remaining not updating -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
(Tooltip Change): Grant yourself & your party members temporary protection from enemy Missile & Magic-type attacks
Fixed an issue where it wasn’t stopping the missile attacks of monsters -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
(Tooltip Change): Temporarily grant yourself and party members magical protection against missile-type attacks
Block count changed to (Skill Lv. - 1) x 3 (previously unlimited)
steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Monsters will now attack as intended after using this skill -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Tooltip Level & application effect values have been properly updated -
Enchant Armor
[ FEB 23 ]
Fixed issues with the shop name character limit being too short
https://treeofsavior.com/news/ (iTOS patch notes)
http://tos.nexon.com/community/tosnotice/list.aspx (kTOS patch notes)
http://pastebin.com/u/sunhwapark (translation by @Gwenyth)
I’ve decided to no longer include CBT patches that affected both kTOS and iTOS
Swordsman Changes
Wizard Changes
Archer Changes
Cleric Changes