#Discontinued. Please go here instead
Swordsman Changes
Wizard Changes
Archer Changes
Cleric Changes
I placed some emojis for easy scannng
- Change has been applied to both kTOS and iTOS
- Change has been applied to iTOS
- Change has been applied with the patch, but it or parts of it are not mentioned in the patch notes
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed bug where the healing tiles wasn’t functioning properly -
Guardian Saint
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [[ DEC 26 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=780)
The chance for this ability to trigger has been changed from 50% to 100%
The [Guardian Saint: Decreased Damage] attribute now has a level cap of 10 (Previously 5)
A new attribute [Guardian Saint: Change Target] has been added
○ Guardian Saint: Change Target reverses the effect of Guardian Saint (?)
[ DEC 01 ]
Minor alterations have been made to the tooltip
○ Durations based on the target (ally, enemy, etc.) are now specified -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Toopltip has been changed from “Increases attack power of skills you use” to “Additional damage is applied to attacks” -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Magic circle consumed after attack -> magic circle maintained for entire duration, consumed only when used max. no. of times (max. no. of times: skill level)
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed error where this skill could cause enemies resistance to go to negative values
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
[Damballa: Remove Knockdown] icon has been changed
Carve Attack
[ SEP 29 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
The tooltip will now provide information about the AoE attak ratio -
Statue of Goddess Laima
steam : [[ DEC 26 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=780)
Cooldown decrease will no longer be affected by Divine Might -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed issue where the cooldown values were not properly being changed -
Statue of Goddess Ausrine
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed issue of this buff not applying properly -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed issue where the Ausrine buff timer would get reduced by 2 seconds
Out of Body
[ OCT 27 ]
If the Body is attacked during the OOB State, the skill will not cancel.
Crowd Control States such as Knockback,Knockdown ETC will cancel the skill. -
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Element Property of basic Out of Body attacks has been changed to Psycokinesis
Fixed issue where damage wasn’t being counted to Boss Rank Contribution when dealing any damage in the Out of Body state
Out of Body has been changed so that the spirit comes out infront of the caster -
[ SEP 29 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed issue where characters would often snap back to different locations after using this skill -
Vasshita Siddhi
[ DEC 01 ]
Fixed a problem with this skill being canceled when attacked -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
SP Consumption per second decreased to 2% ( Previously 3%) -
Astral Body Explosion
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Element Property has been changed to Psychokinesis -
[ OCT 27 ]
The wind-up starting casting animation has been reduced. (It should now begin to cast faster) -
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Element Property has been changed to Psychokinesis
The positioning of this skill has been moved a little bit closer to the caster
Possession’s Target count will be changed from 5 to → (Skill Level + 4) -
Transmit Prana
[ OCT 27 ]
The wind-up starting casting animation has been reduced. (It should now begin to cast faster)
Cooldown Reduced 80 Seconds ( Previously 176 ) -
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
New attributes have been added
○ [Transmit Prana: Strength], [Transmit Prana: Health], [Transmit Prana: Spirit], [Transmit Prana: Dexterity]
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
The wind-up animation delay for initiating this skill has been reduced -
Resist Elements
16/06/2016 kTOS
Property Damage Attacks will now be reduced by (Skill level * 2.5%) - possibly could just be not in the description this patch says it’s already been implemented. Please confirm -
[ OCT 13 ]
Fixed issue where the ‘Might Enhance’ attribute was not being applied to converted monsters -
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Barrier: Ranged Defense] attribute has been added
○ Reduces the damage of missile attacks received by allies inside the Barrier by 10% per attribute level (Max Lv: 3)
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
When this item is enabled/active, Locking this item will no longer be possible -
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed bug with the UI of crafted scrolls being broken when linked in chat -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Corrected the issue with property damage not correctly applying to skill scrolls -
Spell Shop
[ NOV 24 ]
Fixed issue where purchasing blessing buffs from 2 shops would cause you to benefit from stat bonus damage granted by blessing
[ FEB 23 ]
[Monk: Sustained Strike] attribute has been added
○ Increases the debuff duration of [Double Punch] and [God Finger Flick] by 5 seconds
○ Requires Monk Circle 3 -
[ DEC 15 ] → steam : [ DEC 20 ]
Fixed some issues that occured when using Monk Skills with weapons equipped. -
Double Punch
[ FEB 23 ]
Skill’s hitbox has been increased by 20% -
[ JAN 12 ]
[Double Punch: Reduce Stamina] attribute has been added
○ Double Punch has a 50% chance of reducing stamina consumption by 50%
○ Requires Monk Circle 2 -
steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Graphics effects fixed -
Palm Strike
[ FEB 23 ]
Now inflicts additional damage to the target based upon the target’s defense
150% Attack modifier has been added to the skill -
Hand Knife
[ FEB 23 ]
Now inflicts additional damage to the target based upon the target’s SPR Stat
Can now also hit flying targets
200% Attack modifier has been added to the skill -
One Inch Punch
[ FEB 23 ]
150% Attack modifier has been added to the skill -
Energy Blast
[ FEB 16 ]
Fixed issue where if you cancel this skill via jumping whilst charging, you become unable to use goddess statues -
[ JAN 12 ]
Charge time per skill level has been reduced 0.50s → 0.25s -
steam : [ DEC 26 ]
This skill will now deal the proper damage as intended -
Golden Bell Shield
[ JAN 12 ]
Skill cooldown has been reduced 180s → 14s ( PvP: 24s )
Reduces cooldown by 1s per skill level
Skill base duration is set to 1.5s, and will extend for 0.5s after casting
Skill activates faster
[Golden Bell Shield: Safety Zone] attribute has received some changes:
○ Cooldown increase has been decreased 7s → 1s
[ JAN 26 ]
Fixed an issue where controlled monsters were unable to perform basic attacks -
[ DEC 01 ]
Fixed a problem with controlling the character after Telepath ends -
[ FEB 09 ]
Fixed issue where hitting a monster after transforming rendered your character immovable -
steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Casting this skill will no longer cause you to disconnect from the game -
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed errors with dash effects going invisible after using knockback skills
Counter Spell
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
[Counter Spell: Enemy Targets] icon has been changed -
steam : [ DEC 26 ]
This skill can no longer erroneously change monsters into an Event Honey Spider -
Death Sentence
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed error where, if a target is applied with Death Sentence 2 times, the debuff would just disappear -
Switch Gender
[ FEB 23 ]
Fixed issues with the shop name character limit being too short -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed issues with becoming a woman in Switch Gender Shops
Fixed problem with the Cancel button.
Fixed problem with the Close button -
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed some errors causing unavailablity messages to displaying to some characters.
Fixed issue where you didn’t leave the store if you interacted with the shop whilst recording -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed a visual error with the [Switch Gender] UI -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Switch Gender Skill’s Catalyst ‘Mirror of Truth’ has been added.
○ The Mirror of Truth can be created with 'Broken Mirror Fragment’s that can be obtained from monsters all over the world.
○ The Mirror of Truth recipe can be purchased from the Fedimian Item Merchant Alf. -
Twist of Fate
[ OCT 27 ]
Now has a damage limitation of 999,999. The amount of health regenerated will be double the amount of damage inflicted -
[ SEP 29 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed issue where this skill wasn’t properly applying to bosses -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Has been changed to have a fixed target of 1, also when used in combination with [Joint Penalty] this skill will only apply to the individual target of the skill
[ SEP 29 ]
→ steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Hidden quest to unlock this class has been made available
[ SEP 29 ]
Agni Necklace - a necklace that greatly boosts Fire spells has been added -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
The skill now has 2 Overheat Charges -
steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed the error which caused this skill to be cast on more enemies than the maximum number of targets
Ein Sof
[ DEC 01 ]
[Ein Sof: Heavy Recovery] attribute has been added
○ Whilst under the effects of [Ein Sof], HP Recovered from [Heal] and [Mass Heal] is doubled. HP Recovery also is doubled for the duration you are under [Ein Sof], however the bonus that is applied to healing skills doesn’t stack with the regeneration
○ Requires Kabbalist Circle 1 -
[ DEC 15 ]
This skill will now penetrate through enemy targets.
The max number of hits: Per 1 Wheel = [Skill Level * 10] Hits -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Changed so that this can only apply to special / normal type monsters -
Double Chance
[ DEC 01 ]
Skill cooldown decreased from 42 → 35 seconds
Breaking Wheel
[ FEB 16 ]
[Wheel of Judgment] weight has been changed to 1 -
Malleus Maleficarum
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Tooltip Corrections: INT/SPR are reduced by half. magical attack skills SP consumption is doubled. Additional Damage is added based on the targets Magic Attack -
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Skill’s base damage has been changed to 4249. (Previously 6149)
Damage per level has been changed to 622. (Previously 889)
[ FEB 16 ]
[Strange Yellow Paper] weight has been changed to 1 -
Storm Calling
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Charm catalyst consumption reduced to 2. ( Previously 3) -
Dark Sight
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Charm catalyst consumption reduced to 2. ( Previously 3) -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Fixed bug where sometimes characters would become visually invisible instead of partially faded -
Tri-Disaster Charm
[ JAN 12 ]
Fixed issue where enemies struck by this skill would no longer attack -
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Charm catalyst consumption reduced to 2. ( Previously 3) -
Creeping Death Charm
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=677)
Charm catalyst consumption reduced to 3. ( Previously 5)
https://treeofsavior.com/news/ (iTOS patch notes)
http://tos.nexon.com/community/tosnotice/list.aspx (kTOS patch notes)
http://pastebin.com/u/sunhwapark (translation by @Gwenyth)
I’ve decided to no longer include CBT patches that affected both kTOS and iTOS
Swordsman Changes
Wizard Changes
Archer Changes
Cleric Changes