As of the August 16, 2016 iTOS Patch, iTOS and kTOS were on the same page in terms of skill changes / balance / patches, so I’m dumping all of those here: CLICK ME
Swordsman Changes
Wizard Changes
Archer Changes
Cleric Changes
I placed some emojis for easy scannng
- Change has been applied to both kTOS and iTOS
- Change has been applied to iTOS
- Change has been applied with the patch, but it or parts of it are not mentioned in the patch notes
[ FEB 16 ]
Fixed issue where missile attacks could not trigger the effect of the minotaur card
Sometimes the first attack on a target would not show any messages such as dodge/block
Deploy Pavise
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
The health of [Depoly Pavise] has been corrected in Team Battle League -
Stone Picking
[ FEB 16 ]
[Stone Pellet] weight has been changed to 1 -
Running Shot
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed issue when weapon swapping with a Canon weapon would allow you to run around freely shooting stuff with the Bazooka Skill
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed animation issues that applied when using this skill with a crossbow -
Steady Aim
[ FEB 16 ]
Fixed issue where this skill was only applying half of its effects to the Barbed Arrow skill -
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed issue where the skill effect was actually different than what was specified in the tool-tip
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Train: Ground Companion] attribute has been added
○ Damage of [Coursing], [Snatching], and [Retrieve] is boosted by 1% (per attribute level) of the Companion’s physical attack
○ Max Level 30
○ Requires Hunter Circle 1 -
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [[ NOV 01 ]] (
When a current target has been killed, the currently cast skill becomes canceled -
[ FEB 16 ]
Tooltip has been modified to include:
○ If the attack is on another player, the duration of the holding effect is halved -
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [[ NOV 01 ]] (
The companion will now focus on attacking the character’s target -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Fixed bug where it was only applying level 1 of the skill effect regardless of the actual skill level -
- steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Dropped monsters will now take damage from Gu Pot as intended
- steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [[ NOV 01 ]] (
The companion will now focus on attacking the character’s target -
[ SEP 29 ]
Fixed issue when enemies were grounded they didn’t take damage from Throw Gu Pot poisons -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Damage increased to 287 ( Previously 143)
Damage per level increased to 64 ( Previously 32) -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Now also increases Companion’s attackspeed for [Skill Lv * 0.3]Seconds -
Rush Dog
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [[ NOV 01 ]] (
The companion will now focus on attacking the character’s target -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Damage increased to 680.34 ( Previously 453.56)
Damage per level increased to 133 ( Previously 89) -
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [[ NOV 01 ]] (
The companion will now focus on attacking the character’s target
Stake Stockade
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
When deploying the first stockade to stop enemies, sometimes the damage didn’t apply -
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Claymore: Enhanced Firepower] damage multiplier has been modified
○ Increases the base damage of Claymore by 3.5 times ( Previously 2.5 ) -
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Claymore: Enhanced Firepower] attribute has been added
○ Increases the base damage of Claymore by 2.5 times
○ Increases the Claymore material consumption to 2 ( Originally 1 )
○ Requires Sapper Circle 2 -
Punji Stake
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Punji Stake: Consumption Efficiency] attribute has been added
○ Reduces the number of Pine Trees used to 2 ( Originally 3 )
○ Requires Sapper Circle 2
[Punji Stake: Tenacity] attribute has been added
○ Setting up the Punji Stake trap can no longer be interrupted by attacks
○ Cooldown + 2 Seconds
○ Requires Sapper Circle 2 -
Broom Trap
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Claymore: Enhanced Firepower] damage multiplier has been modified
○ Increases the base damage of Broom Trap by 2 times ( Previously 1.5 ) -
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Broom Trap: Enhanced Firepower] attribute has been added
○ Increases the base damage of Broom Trap by 1.5 times
○ Increases the Ash Wood material consumption to 4 ( Originally 3 )
○ Requires Sapper Circle 3 -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
“Aiming” was not extending the range of Broom Trap -
Spike Shooter
[ NOV 24 ]
Fixed issue with the max number of arrows shot being 5 -
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Claymore: Enhanced Firepower] damage multiplier has been modified
○ Increases the base damage of Spike Shooter by 2.5 times ( Previously 2 ) -
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Spike Shooter: Enhanced Firepower] attribute has been added
○ Increases the base damage of Spike Shooter by 2 times
○ Increases the Wire material consumption to 3 ( Originally 2 )
○ Requires Sapper Circle 3
[ DEC 15 ]
The debuff level of the skills is changed to the following:
○ Circle 1 Skills: Debuff Lv.1
○ Circle 2 & Circle 3 Skills: Debuff Lv.2 -
[ DEC 01 ]
Enhance attributes will now affect the final damage of poisons, not just the base skill damage -
Needle Blow
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
New applications no longer overwrite the previous application? (needs confirmation) -
Wugong Gu
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
New applications no longer overwrite the previous application? (needs confirmation) -
Throw Gu Pot
[ DEC 15 ]
Skill Range is increased by 25%
The duration is now 5 + Skill_Level seconds (Previously 6s) -
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
New applications no longer overwrite the previous application? (needs confirmation) -
Jincan Gu
[ FEB 16 ]
Fixed issue where insects exploding would cause sorcerer’s summoning pet to disappear -
[ DEC 15 ]
The following pests will change.
○ You will gain access to enemies, self destruction and poisonous damage to a certain extent.
○ The pests will survive for 3 seconds and then disappear after that duration.
○ When attacking you’ll get a 10% chance to spawn a pest.
○ The amount of pests generated will be changed to 1 per skill level, if you hit the max amount of pest spawns due to the 10% chance, new insects will not spawn at that time.
○ The value of debuff damage that Jincan Gu can output will now also increase by the skill level of this ability. -
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
The poison of different characters can now be stacked
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed issue where the Barrell would sometimes appear and float around the characters head when using this skill
[ DEC 01 ]
Fixed a problem with this skill being able to capture more than it should -
[ SEP 29 ]
Fixed issue when using a captured Safety Zone was not granting the same amount of block protections from attacks as the original caster -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Tooltip has been changed from “Skill Can’t be used” to “Attacks Unavailable” -
[ FEB 16 ]
Tooltip has been modified to include:
○ Attacking enemies from behind will deal additional damage -
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
This skill is now available whilst riding on a companion
Magic Arrow
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Magic Arrow: Silence
○ Fixed issue where when the attribute was active, it was not increasing the cooldown.
[ FEB 09 ]
Appraiser has been added as a Rank 5 Hidden Class -
[ FEB 09 ]
Fixed issue where the target affected was not showing the debuff icon of this effect
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
[Train: Flying Companion] attribute has been added
○ Damage of [Hovering], [Pheasant], and [Sonic Strike] is boosted by 1% (per attribute level) of the Companion’s physical attack
○ Max Level 30
○ Requires Falconer Circle 1 -
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
When casting falconer skills, if you do not have enough SP to perform the skill - the skill will now no longer attempt to consume SP or go on Cooldown when used -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Falconer abilities are now available whilst riding a companion. ( Hanging Shot Excluded) -
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Cooldown has been reduced 1 second ( Previously 15 seconds )
[Call: Obtain] Added cooldown increased to 20 seconds ( Previously 10 ) -
[ DEC 15 ]
Fixed a problem where the AOE Attribute was not correctly applying in proportion to the level of the attribute -
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Pheasant can now be used with other Falconer abilities
[Pheasant: Stun] attribute has been added
○ Instead of knocking back, Pheasant has a 10% chance per attribute level to Stun (Max Lv: 5) -
Hanging Shot
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Fixed issue where using Hovering and then Hanging Shot immedietly after allowed the ground effect of hovering to still be maintained -
Sonic Strike
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Fixed issue where Blind sometimes wouldn’t apply -
Preemptive Strike
[ OCT 27 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Cooldown has been reduced to 60 seconds ( Previously 300 )
Duration has been reduced to (Skill Lv * 10) + 10 seconds ( Previously Skill Lv * 60 )
[Preemptive Strike: Disable Hovering] attribute has been added
○ Prevents the Falcon from automatically attacking targets with Hovering
[Preemptive Strike: Disable Sonic Strike] attribute has been added
○ Prevents the Falcon from automatically attacking targets with Sonic Strike -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Fixed the occasional delay that occurred with this skill
[ NOV 10 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed a problem where moving while attacking with the pistol had awkward effects -
[ OCT 13 ] → steam : [ DEC 26 ]
Fixed issue with skill duration description at Lv.14 and some other issues regarding the skill -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Fixed issue where the pistol mastery attribute was not applying -
Retreat Shot
[ NOV 24 ]
Fixed issue where this skill could only attack a maximum of 5 times -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Corrected abnormal output effect of the skill -
Assault Fire
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Fixed issue where you could use other skills during this skill -
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Fixed error that occured with equipped items after using Assault Fire
[Kneeling Shot: Focus Fire] attribute has been added
○ Increases the Crit Chance of Cannon Shot, Shootdown, Siege Burst, Cannon Blast, and Cannon Barrage while in the Kneeling Shot state by 1% per attribute level
○ Max level 10
○ Requires Cannoneer Circle 2 -
Cannon Shot
[ JAN 12 ]
Range has been increased by 20% -
[ DEC 01 ]
This skill can now be used during Kneeling Shot state
Skill damage multiplier increased 150% → 250% -
[ JAN 12 ]
Range has been increased by 20% -
[ DEC 01 ]
This skill can now be used during Kneeling Shot state
Skill damage multiplier increased 150% → 250% -
Siege Burst
[ JAN 12 ]
Casting time has been reduced by 50%
Cooldown time has been reduced 30s → 7s
Post-casting delay has been reduced
[Siege Burst: Concentration] attribute has been added
○ Siege burst can no longer be interrupted by attacks
○ Cooldown +3s
○ Requires Cannoneer Circle 1 -
[ DEC 01 ]
This skill can now be used during Kneeling Shot state
Skill damage multiplier increased 150% → 250% -
Cannon Blast
[ JAN 12 ]
Range has been increased by 20%
Skill overheat has been increased 1 → 2 -
[ DEC 01 ]
This skill can now be used during Kneeling Shot state
Skill damage multiplier increased 300% → 350% -
Cannon Barrage
[ JAN 12 ]
Range has been increased by 20% -
[ DEC 01 ]
This skill can now be used during Kneeling Shot state
Skill damage multiplier increased 100% → 150% -
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
The calculation has changed so that damage is applied as 3hits.
○ Currently it would divide your total damage into 3 segments. I.e 6,000 Damage = 2,000 + 2,000 + 2,000
○ It will instead change to calculate damage individual hits, thus being. 6,000 + 6,000 + 6,000 Damage instead. -
[ FEB 23 ]
In the Bazooka stance, the minimum range for the bazooka has been removed. (However, Basic attack is excluded from this) -
[ JAN 12 ]
Range has been increased by 20%
The skill will take effect more quickly
Cannoneer skills can now be used whilst in Bazooka stance (Bazooka also boosts skills’ damage)
Cannoneer skills’ base AoE Attack Ratio are doubled during the Bazooka stance -
[ DEC 01 ]
This skill can now canceled by jumping -
[ NOV 10 ]
Fixed a problem where some effects of Running Shot were not applying -
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Range has been increased to 150 Units ( Previously 120)
Damage has been increased to 4983 ( Previously 0)
AOE Attack Ratio has been increased to 10 ( Previously 5)
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Fixed issue where the Rank 8 Quest for Musketeer was giving players the previous Rank 7 Quest. -
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Fixed issue with the Reload attribute -
[ AUG 25 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Fixed a bug where [Headshot: Reload] attribute was applying even when turned off -
[ AUG 18 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
The Scopes hitbox has been made larger -
Penetration Shot
[ DEC 01 ]
Fixed an error where the effects of [Penetration Shot: Kneeling Penetrate] was not being applied to the tooltip
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
Fixed issue where you could not auto-weapon swap for Skarphuggning
Tooltip correction (New:) Missile Attack Property — needs confirmation -
Storm Bolt
[ SEP 08 ] → steam : [[ OCT 11 ]] (
auto-weapon swap was not working for Storm Bolt
Sources: (iTOS patch notes) (kTOS patch notes) (translation by @Gwenyth)
I’ve decided to no longer include CBT patches that affected both kTOS and iTOS
Swordsman Changes
Wizard Changes
Archer Changes
Cleric Changes