Tree of Savior Forum

History repeats itself. Especially if you don't learn from the past

Since we’re having fun in general today it seems:

Heck even the defending arguments are the same lol:

Has anyone else found particularly amusing examples from the past on current issues? Post them here :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: DISCLAIMER: hindsight is 20/20 and many of the posts I picked out may not have been representative of the mindset of players at the time. That said, there are some pretty popular ones that still have not been resolved to this day.


It’s so nice to see all these bugs from iCBT and iCBT2 return. I can’t pull any threads, but the stuff with the auction house and its missing items, as well as the spazzing heads are a couple examples.
Probably irks me more than the other things people are complaining about, honestly.

(and, of course, server errors preventing me from posting. this is why I lurk.)


Are these those threads?

Im pretty sure i can find tons if i give an effort to find idiotic threads and comments.

Yup. Hopefully players get their stuff back this time around, too. (And at least the market and chat haven’t crashed yet in this release, which is a plus, isn’t it? Heh.)
The glitching heads still creep me out, too. Eep.

I can’t think of anything else, but I’m interested to see if there’s any more stuff like that that’s still present, too.

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It looks like “botting” was a problem back then too. Is this the same issue that some are reporting on now?

Minner’s Village has a Giant Kepa Boss that used to respawn in the same tile it was killed, so many players used something to keep the atack button pressed so they kill this monster over and over while AFK

Ah, gotcha, is the “hold z” key down issue also resolved though?

I’ve been making this comparison during the 2nd icbt … Im past the point of making fun of this. Right now Im simply pissed off.


Was trading not implemented in the CBTs? It doesn’t seem like people had as many issues with it back in the CBTs?

I don’t think it was ever really fixed, but I believe they inserted some odd type of roaming boss that normal players would run away from, but bots would die against. So you’d end up seeing bots dead while running throughout Miner’s Village.

It was an odd time.

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I wonder if “broken ipf” login issue will make a come back?

Anyway, here is the guide in case it does. :grin:

This thread should be the top thread, just to show those guys , how ridiculus this is.
How are they meant to officially launch in a month of time, while a year old bugs are still in game.

Well to be fair the oldest seem to be ~5 months. But your point is well taken. 5 months is already a pretty long time to be ‘patient’.

A precursor to commander loadfail? Granted, this post didnt’ receive a lot of views or replies. So it’s more understandable it wasn’t really addressed.

It was really good feedback though that I kind of wish we had lol especially since I’m suffering from commander loadfail right now!

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The battles between ‘white knights’ and ‘complainer plebs’ were foretold many millenia ago:


These are gold tbh. I’m kinda glad and regretting at the same time not playing the CBT too much. For one, I would have noticed all these problems but at the same time, it saved me a lot of

damn, you certainly went digging, didn’t you? I forgot I even made that post. :joy:

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Well it was certainly great feedback! As I’m suffering from commander loadfail we certainly would be in a happier place if imc listened to your post!!

We Prinny’s are experts at the grunt work, digging is easy as pie >_>

The whiteknights that are trying to defend IMC’s amateurish decisions and support will doom the game.

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