Tree of Savior Forum

Next Whiteknights will Claim CommanderFail is to Combat Bots

Is this a joke? Early Access, and the weekend is plagued with what’s farthest from smooth game play. Several thousand people can’t play certain characters because of rooms entirely unable to load on any channel. Trading is a over complicated punishing mess that it basically feels like a solo game anyways (with all the problems of an online launch).

Next up Whiteknights of IMC will say CommanderFail load error is to combat bots. Amiright or amirite. Their same logic is why they defend such heavy trade restrictions after all, basically the most punishing trade system in any game to date. So clearly having fcked up servers is for a similar benefit to us somehow


Are you aware that by making this thread youre shouting yourself “Im stupid”?


Great job, you gave attention to yourself. Well done. If you don’t have anything constructive to add you’re free to leave.

theyre already here, search for cover

Call me crazy but CommanderFail is probably the name of an anti bot system they’re testing out. Why else would it be named Commander Fail? If you are getting the Commander Fail error, then it is probably detecting you as a bot. Just stop doing botty stuff and let CommanderFail do its thing cause it’s working. Kappa.

Game’s virtually unplayable and these guys find a reason to think anything is IMC’s fault lol. WHITE knights attacked!!

[conspiracy] What if commander loadfail is the leader of the white knights :open_mouth: [/conspiracy]

Honestly though, this is a dumb thread >_> let’s be more productive with the numerous valid critiques we could be making.

I don’t think its all that dumb. I mean there will always be vocal fanboys, but I’ve never seen such blind loyalty. The game is almost to its first week in early access that required money and yet it’s barely standing up on some servers. It’s not playable at all. If this thread is a joke, it’s only to showcase how much the company behind this game is equally a joke. The fact that this is BARELY an exaggeration of the current state of things is the sad part.