Tree of Savior Forum

The Market (Auction House) ate my items

Glitch with Market (Auction House) where your items will disappear over night.
Lost about 100k Silver worth of stuff from it…that really bugs me haha.

i dont play anymore since the market stole me for 1m150 silver ^, i’ll play again when it’ll be fixed.

^ lmao
like it matters so much. its CBT ffs, you are going to lose all your stuff anyway.

and this also happened to me, i lost 4 shields worth 25k each and 4 golden falchions, do the math and you’ll see its almost the same amount you are crying about. i couldnt care less, all i want is this bug fixed when the game is released.

hey man, just want to let you know that the market is fixed now and your items are recovered

Same here, lost itens on market, never returned. Sad.

Really? The last maintenance brought all my items back.

By the way, apparently brought millions of items back. What explains the price drop of many items, including some that seemed extremely rare. Indeed, they were just hidden.