Tree of Savior Forum

Everyone, get ahold of yourselves!

The influx of threads is pretty hard to keep up with, yes. But it’s to be expected. It’s not like it’s a sudden thing.

People started complaining about server issues and stuff I think on Thursday or Friday. I don’t think there was any response at the time, but it was relatively calm.
Then on Saturday, more issues popped up, and more people came to complain. No answer. This is when it started to get a bit heated.
Now it’s Sunday. With yet no reply (other than a couple Steam announcements–oddly no new post from any staff member, except from an edit in the “Known Issues” thread), obviously the community blew up.

At this rate, the only thing that will calm people down to some extent is an actual response from staff. That and some serious damage control. Until that happens, well, tough it out or leave the forums for now. I like to just lurk about.

I mean I wasn’t around for them, but looking at previous feedback from the closed betas (also had many of the same issues), it looks like this should have been something imc was expecting…

Here are but a few examples:

It’s funny how history repeats itself. And that people don’t learn from history…

If you actually read some of the comments in those threads, you get this weird feeling of deja vu…

EDIT: Isn’t it also funny how defenders of the game also have the same old tired excuses for imc?


Stop white knighting. It’s a good game, but I haven’t been able to connect all day.


Wow, I just love how popularized this term is. It’s to the point where anybody who disagrees with your method of complaint must be a white knight!

Far from it. I’m not defending IMC, I’m saying no company in their right mind responds to a customer screaming and yelling at the counter, doesn’t matter what you found in your burger, you’ll probably end up kicked out while everyone in the joint is probably glad to see you go.

If you un-aggressively walk up, point out the issue, state your problem and your proposed resolution, most of the time you leave the counter with a new burger.

Learn from this incredibly simple form of adult logic, and you’ll slowly start to see more things go your way in life.


Meh, rough start. To be expected, however launching a game that is expected to raise funds for your company w/o anyone that can solve issues on the weekend is fairly unprofessional.

Oh well. Not hurting me any atm.

You can’t seriously be implying that the servers will get fixed faster if we submit our complaints more politely?

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This by far the most idiotic comment i have read so far today. And with that ill give my like as a reward.

No one in this thread is white knighting. A white knight is someone who denies a problem exists and demands everyone else do the same. Everyone here clearly agrees unanimously that the game has problems. I can’t even play the character I want to right now because he’s in the pyromancer’s room and I can’t log into him. The game is currently broken and it needs to be fixed.

That doesn’t change the fact that whining about it and screaming that IMC is literally the devil does not help anything. Yet that is what a huge portion of the community is currently doing. There has not once been a single MMO to have had a smooth launch. Problems are always expected at launch.

Is it really asking that much to be patient, form your complaints in a constructive, respectful manner and remain civil?


You do realize the example you just used is exactly how a company lands inside a lawsuit right? No company in their right mind REFUSES a customer screaming and yelling with a legitimate and legal complaint. You quite obviously don’t know how the real world works if you think any other way.

Um, not sure where you live but in most cases companies have the full right to refuse service, especially if the customer in question is being irrational.

Do go on though, you’re giving us all a clear picture in to the mind of the entitled type of nonsense that never gets anything done.


You mean the same way that any paying customer is “entitled”? Welcome to the ball game. If you defend something that shouldn’t be you’re a whiteknight. Plain and simple.

Welcome to the world. Don’t like the title? Don’t go out and earn it.

Correct companies do have the full right to refuse service, HOWEVER if i have already purchased a service they are then held in full for making my service is WHAT I PAID FOR, and fyi walk into any burger joint and yell and whine for any reason and you’ll be given free food INSTANTLY. Squeaky wheel gets the oil.

HERE WE GO!!! This is exactly why you’re a whiteknight!!! You think the PLAYERBASE has anything to do with getting things done?

WHAT!? When was the last time you sat down and coded something for ToS or any other MMORPG you played? Never? Thought so.

I appreciate what you’re trying to do but honestly, the hate hive mind is just too strong atm.

You’re just going to end up getting mocked by people for ‘white knighting’ to IMC. Because apparently, spamming the forums with ‘WTF OMG ded gaemz LUL’ will fix problems faster ¯\(ツ)

PS. I’m kinda glad I bailed out of Klai and moved to SEA asap when they launched it. Is Orsha dying too?

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Well that answers my question.

It’s really bad right now, but I do agree that you do have to be patient. It’s currently 9:00am in Korea right now. Although I think they should work with iTOS because some people paid $50 to play while the Korean one is free for Koreans.

And the White knight of the week goes to…Zipzo

Cause it’s irrational for us paying customers to ask for a playable game. Maybe the IMC devs will bendover backwards so you can brown nose them when they get back from weekend break

You entitled brats are amazing.

You pay chump change for what is essentially an experience that can provide you excessive hours of entertainment down-the-line, that you didn’t have to pay to play (you could have waited and paid nothing), and you think you can drive the company’s every choice.

I’m coining a new term for people like you in the same vein as white knight…


Man people are doing constructive topic since cbt now, and they don’t even listen to us/fix .

So stop saying that, it will resolve nothing.

Thanks for proving my point and giving up your example of burger joints after you were called out on being unaware of how the world works. Entitlement is the belief of you inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. Fun fact no matter the dollar value we have all spent money for this product, it is now under legal obligation to fulfill its service, so far IMC has failed at providing its paid service, which is why the outcry on top of Steam is allowing refunds, stop hiding behind PC soft piles of ■■■■ and realize the people making the most noise are the ones going about this in the proper fashion.

No one deserves to be bent over from any industry and be taken advantage of, the difference between us and you is white knights like yourself bend over and lube yourself up, we fight.

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