The influx of threads is pretty hard to keep up with, yes. But it’s to be expected. It’s not like it’s a sudden thing.
People started complaining about server issues and stuff I think on Thursday or Friday. I don’t think there was any response at the time, but it was relatively calm.
Then on Saturday, more issues popped up, and more people came to complain. No answer. This is when it started to get a bit heated.
Now it’s Sunday. With yet no reply (other than a couple Steam announcements–oddly no new post from any staff member, except from an edit in the “Known Issues” thread), obviously the community blew up.
At this rate, the only thing that will calm people down to some extent is an actual response from staff. That and some serious damage control. Until that happens, well, tough it out or leave the forums for now. I like to just lurk about.