We got the announcement many days ago about the partnership with LUG. Some points were left in the dark however, and we have been asking for more information about this.
First, we know so far:
- IMC will manage this server
- It will only be accessible by the LUG client
- LUG client will be in portuguese
But… this brings some problems, unless you have something under the hood.
this was planned to be the latin server before. With it only being accessible by a portuguese-only client, does this means other plans for SA? or the only option being the NA server? (I know some prefer this anyway)
what about people that prefer to play in English? This is such a common wish among brazilians that many companies adjusted their clients or made tutorials to help us enable english option in BR clients. League of Legends and Diablo 3 are two examples.
so far we asked many times about the possibility of a BR/SA server through steam, even in some common topics with EU. You put the EU in the FAQ but nothing about SA. No information, neither bad or good. Can you talk a little about it?
finally, depending on the previous answers, any possibility of enabling it through steam, which would solve everything we ask?
many communities have been asking for a one time server transfer so we don’t lose everything we get with the pack. Any words on this, please?
Thanks for the patience.