Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

In the KR Version the Pardoner Buff Shop Blessing scalate with Stats or just the Priest’s casting it normally?

Shops did not scale with stats last time I checked patch notes.

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I’m not sure i’ll tell you why. There are some vídeos of “2 hour” blessing buffed playes dealing +400-+1400 per hit.

I really hope they didn’t change that. I’m all for pardoner shops but I think that they overshadow actually bringing fullsupport out. I thought that was the whole point of the change. I hope it’s a bug :confused:


Indeed, maybe its a bug (judging the patch notes, it is a bug for sure). Check the buff duration, and its boosting +419 per tick.

Well, there we go in the Pardoner buffs matter.

@SlyGoat Dunno about you, but honestly I gave up in drawing paralels to reality the moment I remembered that ‘‘Barbarian’’ was literally just the generic term with which romans called anyone that wasn’t living in the empire.


Glad to know I was right!


Check newer videos, still giving high amount of damage. Maybe its a bug.

Yes so nobody should give a ■■■■ about anything but Wizards since you can’t apply medieval nonsense in this game to warrant classes like archers and the different ways you can use a bow and swordsmen with different weapon choices that hardly matter because of their current state. Wizards don’t have any medieval references that would allude to them using magic in wars outside of curses and superstition minus their class names. Actually, just call the classes ranged dps, healer, melee garbage and wizard because medieval references are garbo.

Oh yeah, at least I give a ■■■■ about your comment, that should make you feel special in the meantime.

A bug?
In ToS’ programing!?
Who could’ve predicted such tragedy!!!1!11!!1


Ofc me, the captain obvious!

Fresh install, recv invalid packet 5.
The ■■■■?

The blessing is working as intended post blessing changes. ( Via Spell Shop )

It means your connection to the server has timed out.

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If Dragoon C2 doesn’t get much (I mean just another atk skill) in a Cata C3 build, maybe taking Hop C2 would be better looking at Lancer in Rank 8?

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Could very well be. Spear lunge is pretty damn strong, and 100% uptime +100 critrate isn’t too bad either.

I did a second reinstall and now after the patcher updates itself the process stays alive, which means it can’t be run again (error 237). Killing the process causes the patcher to redo the self patch procedure again, effectively creating an infinite loop.

I swear to god, I’ve had an easier time dealing with dependency hell on linux than making this game run out of the box.

I remember that like month ago barbarian got buffed on kToS and got some neat changes like: additional overheat charges on spells, better stun chance and also Cleave receiving additional effect that makes enemies take more damage from slash attacks

I’m curios about that slash debuff part. Does someone that plays on kToS knows number for that debuff?
how long it lasts? how strong it is (same as spear lunge aka 50% more dmg or stronger/weaker)? does level of Cleave makes that debuff stronger/last longer?

Firstly we dont have berserk class yet :frowning:

The debuff is same with spear lunge and last for 5 second

Leveling cleave dont make its stronger

The only thing its better than spearlunge is +50 crit rate and 3 overcharge

I was thinking about barbarian. Come on…

tbh I would prefer if Barbarian had some kind of buff that works just like finestra but for swords -_- that +50 crit rate buff is a joke since it lasts like 4 seconds compared to 100% uptime of finestra when you hit rank2 of hoplite

frenzy effect should be put into warcry and in that place get finestra effect that works with sword: less crit chance than finestra gives but no reduction of dodge + something different than additional block (maybe chance for bleed? or slow? or lifesteal?)

IMC really needs to look up on sword based swordman classes and give them some serious selfbuffs spells that last for minute. Same goes for sword as weapons. There is no good high level sword that’s as half as good as brandish spear for example.

Catacombs Blade
Block Penetration 198
Attack on Plate Armor Targets 461
Deals additional damage equal to 50% of an enemy’s block value when using a basic attack


Magas Sword
Critical Attack 218
Evasion 21
HP 1587


AoE Attack Ratio 2
STR 24
Attack Range 5
Block Penetration 85
Attack on Medium Type Targets 49
Attack on Large Type Targets 322


Maga Spear
AoE Attack Ratio 1
Critical Rate 22
Evasion 18
Attack Range 5
Attack on Medium Type Targets 294
Attack on Large Type Targets 88

Spears are clearly way superior in high level than sword specially if you combine those weapons with Finestra and Spear Lunge effects -_-

2hand swords are a bit better at least but 1hand sword really need some reworks/changes in terms of stats they give

Also I don’t understand what’s the point of giving sword weapon Critical Damage when sword based classes have no buff for critical >.> that’s just plain stupid design from IMC. Even with high dex build you don’t crit that much like when you use spears and finestra -_-

You know that’s something wrong with SWORDSman class is weak when using SWORDS


About Spear lunge
Basically It’s make / change enemy armor to LEATHER armor for 5s vulnerable to [Pierce] attacks
so if the armor’s of the enemy already leather it’s doesn’t make any effect right ?

also skill that have same effect with spear lunge is LUNGE from Fencer
That make enemy armor to cloth for 4s vulnerable to [Slash] attacks
so the barbarian cleave debuff as same as Lunge or different ?