Hello to one and all . Not many would probably know me since I rarely post anything on the forums. Haha. Anyways, I’m nopihina (Matth3w Cruiser), lvl 200 and ranked 56 at Laima server in iCBT2. Since the beta is over for quite some time, I’ve piled up some notes regarding the wizard class and the path that my character have chosen.
In terms of how this guide will be formatted, I will comment about the skill of the classes and add some findings that may or may not be interesting and helpful to you. The comments will be separated by PvE and PvP for easier reading. I will add some pictures (super high definition stick figure drawing) soon to either make things easier to understand or just for entertainment value .
This is mainly a Wiz 1 > Pyro 1 > Linker 2 > Chrono 2 guide but I have some experience with Cryo 1 and Psycho 1 and might add a bit about those classes here if there is demand or I have more time.
• This is a guide based on my knowledge from playing in iCBT2. This guide may not be reliable on Open Beta or release. I would edit accordingly if there are nerfs or buffs on the classes/skill though.
• I only have a few videos to show since I got the idea on making the guide on the last hours of the iCBT2. However, it should at least give a general idea of the class in PvE.
• Please give feedbacks/suggestions in where I can improve so that I can make better guides in the future. Thank you!
• If you have any doubts/queries about the build, feel free to ask!
• Don’t hesitate to point out any mistakes that I’ve written. It’s not good to spread misinformation after all.
7th February 2016 (V1.0) - Further edits & posted on the forums(finally)
25th January 2016 (Draft 5) - Small edits to some skill comments
1st January 2016 (Draft 4) - Added a compilation list and edited comments for Stop, and added a visual representation of Joint Penalty’s Link length & Hangman aiming tip.
28th December 2015 (Draft3) - Segregated skill comments into PvE & PvP
27th December 2015 (Draft2) - Added pictures & fixed some grammar errors
27th December 2015 (Draft1) - Started the guide
Pros and Cons
+Easy to control in pvp. Scary CCs such as Stop, Hangman and Sleep.
+Haste. You’re basically untouchable to non-Bokor Clerics.
+Ranged character means you get to chip off the HP of melee characters. Looking at you, cleric.
+Viable in PvE too. You won’t have any problems leveling your character. You can easily solo (not as easily as barbs though). With Linker C2, you are also wanted in parties for dungeons. Win-win
+Good support. With Quicken, Haste and Reflect Shield, you’re wanted in parties as buff support.
+Haste. It’s the best skill ever. Period. No questions asked.
-Your only damaging skills are Fireball and Flame Ground.
-You need money to buy Arde Dagger to increase your damage output. It’s not a big issue considering how easy it is to get money late game.
-Your bossing is average/borderline bad at rank 6 and above due to most of your skills relying on party and links being dependent on more monsters to increase the damage output. You’re just a Pyro 1 when bossing. Good to take Warlock at Rank 7 or 8 to counter the DPS problem.
-You would be relying on your basic attacks if your Fireball and Flame Ground are on cooldown.
-In PvP, if your opponent is an Oracle/Plague Doctor, have fun. They can resist Joint, Stop and Sleep easily. Extra points if they’re a Bokor.
-Weak against Archers, especially Sappers. Sappers can destroy your flame ground. Archers have a quicker time to set up their CCs and all their attacks are ranged. Watch out for Multi-Shot especially.
-Squishy, given that you’re a wizard.
My build
I have placed lots of PvP notes in here as well such as CC combos.
Stats description/build
STR - It increases your Critical Attack, Weight, and Physical Attack. It is completely useless since magic attacks do not deal critical or physical attack at all.
CON - Increases HP, HP recovery, Critical Resistance and Weight Limit. Yes. You need this stat as Wizard’s HP has low HP modifier. Without this, you will get 1hko by normal monsters on higher levels.
INT - Increases Magic Attack. This stat is definitely important as your Auto Attack and skills uses Magic Attack.
SPR - Increases Max SP, SP recovery, Block Penetration, and Magic Defence. I recommend to have majority of your points to be on this stat on early levels as your skills drains your SP a lot. Don’t touch this stat at all if you’re planning on rolling Psychokino or Sorcerer.
DEX - Increases Accuracy, Evasion, and Critical rate. Lol. No. Magical attacks will not miss but will not deal critical hits so this stat is rather useless to Wizards. You can manually dodge attacks in this game so I don’t see the need for Evasion much unless you are dealing with Archers in a PvP setting.
1:4:1 CON/INT/SPR - My build in iCBT2. A solid stat build whereby you have enough of HP and SP to survive and spam your skills while being able to deal decent damage. Viable in both PvE and PvP
Full CON - I heard that this was the way to go in PVP since you have a huge amount of HP. Not tested yet.
Full SPR - If the theory of SPR = CC resist is true, then this build is viable in PvP. Watch out in PvE though.
Not Recommended:
Full INT - You would be a super fragile glass cannon whereby 1 paper cut will murder you. Plus, your SP pool will allow you to only cast a few skill before you have to chug SP potions like an alcoholic.
Give suggestions if you have a good stat build to share
Introduction to Wizard Magic
Wizards use magic to block attacks and protect themselves.
Yer a wizard, Harry! Ha. Get used to spamming Auto-attacks in early level because most of your skills would be on cooldown. That or you will run out of SP very quickly.
Circle 1 Skills
Energy Bolt
PvE/PvP - A skill that you would be spamming a lot…… for the first 20 levels of your character. The damage is quite weak but it has a small AoE, low CD and knock-backs monsters. A good skill for early level, horrible in late game. Personally I have dumped the remaining points into this skill.
PvE/PvP - Super useless. You only put 1 point into it because of its attribute that sounds amazing for support I guess… The debuff is flat which is not helpful later on. With the attribute, it helps your Swordie/Cleric friends with a Strike weapon. You can deal this debuff on bosses too.
PvE - Not that useful since the effect is gone after some hits but it has a little bit of lingering hitbox.
PvP - A CC that last for 7 secs at lvl 5? Yes please. The aiming of this skill is incredibly hard though. It’s better to use another CC skill such as Ice Bolt before using this.
Reflect Shield
PvE/PvP - While the reflection damage is quite underwhelming, the main use of this shield is that it prevents knock-back. Extremely useful against monsters like Chromadog () and Swordsman classes as they rely on knockback to do combos usually.
PvE/PvP - Its damage is crap. It has some uses since it knock-backs the enemy far up in the air for quite a while. Try not to use this on linked mobs as it will break the link. You use this in early lvl pvp since you won’t have many CC at that time. More utility is nice.
Recommended Attributes
Lethargy: Additional Damage - This is the only reason you place ONE point on Lethargy. This causes the mob to receive x2 damage to strike attacks at lvl 5. Pretty neat for support I would think.
That’s it for Wizard Circle 1. Quite a solid starting job in terms of PvP with Sleep and Reflect Shield. At least 3/5 of its skill will forever be used so that’s nice.
MMPH-MPPH MPPHmMph(Hi I’m Pyro from TF2)
Pyromancer is a class which uses fire magic. You don’t say.
This class has good DPS and AoE attacks that can be quite consistent as their cooldowns are rather short. If it weren’t for this class, my build would be completely support and super bad in offence. You would be using its skills for quite a long time so warm up (ha) to this class and get comfortable with its skills. It will fire up (haha) your overall DPS, that’s for sure.
Circle 1 Skills
PvE - At lvl 1 it may seem like the worst skill ever next to Ice Blast. But don’t worry. It scales nicely at higher level as each level increases the attack and the number of hits it deals. This skill is your staple damaging skill. It also can be linked with enemies.
PvP - REALLY powerful with a linker. Just plop these bad boys down and linked it to your enemies. Watch them burn and type “lol” for instant salt. Be aware that you can move the fireballs with your staff by whacking them (sub-weapon key). This means that others can whack them too .
Fire Wall
PvE - Good to use on monsters that are following you. Plop it down and you can lure them to the fire. Just like fireball, the number of hits increases by level. It becomes very good at higher level but sadly, it’s hard to put points onto this skill at circle 1 as Flame Ground, Fireball and Enchant Fire are higher priority than this skill and this sucks at low levels. Hence, I did not put any points onto this in my build.
PvP - Uhhh… lol. I guess it’s a good pressure tool at higher level but at low level, it serves as extra damage when you manage to bind your opponents.
Enchant Fire
PvE/PvP - Since you will be auto-attacking a lot as a wizard, this is a welcoming buff that adds more damage to your auto attack. Really helpful when paired with Priest’s Blessing and Sacrament as you will basically deal 3 lines per auto-attack. When paired with Arde/Karacha Dagger, your damage with the buff becomes better. Good to max so that the wait between the Cooldown and Buff Duration becomes shorter.
PvE/PvP - Pyromancer’s version of Ice Blast. Yuck.
Flame Ground
PvE - 106 Attack sounds stupid on paper but when you consider the duration of the skill, it’s rather strong. It is very strong in early level but at higher level, it serves to kill weak enemies and deal consistent damage on bosses. Its only downside is that the mob have to stay on the magic circle for the continuous damage so getting full damage from this skill is rather hard on bosses that moves a lot.
PvP - The damage from this skill is amazing. Its full damage can kill which does not happen all the time since the enemy can simply walk around the magic circle. Obviously this skill is dumb on its own since they can just walk around the dumb magic circle. You’ll need a CC like Sleep or Hangman to cause some serious damage. This skill also synergizes well with Chronomancer which I will explain more later on.
Recommended Attributes
Fireball: Enhance - More damage? Yes please.
Fireball: Flame Debuff - More damage? More damage. Just beware of the increased CD time.
Flame Ground: Enhance - Nothing much to say. Seriously, the good attributes for this circle only increases damage .
Herp-derp nerf Linker plox
Linker either links characters together or monsters together.
Linker is a powerful class as support in mobbing. Most parties like having a linker as it helps clean up mobs faster which speeds up the grinding. Linker also has a strong synergy with Pyromancer as Fireball can be linked as well which leads to easier time soloing. However, this class falls short in bossing as they don’t have ANY offensive skill and the links rely on summons & traps to deal double damage and well… the bosses don’t summon much except for Fire Lord and Cerberus who summons too much that you can’t aim your link to them.
Circle 1 Skills
PvE/PvP - Nothing much to really talk about this one but to put 1 point in it in case you want to stop getting damaged too much from physical link. Fun Fact: This is a troll skill as using it with its attribute after you win a duel will damage your opponent, killing them again.
Physical Link
PvE/PvP - Another skill that sounded nice on paper. In reality, it’s very situational. You would get interrupted from casting your spells when your linked friend got hit. Also, with your small hp pool, you would probably die before you know it on a boss fight. The link would also get broken when one is too far away from each other, forcing everyone to be close to one another. Dump your points in this skill.
Joint Penalty
PvE/PvP - Max and spam this skill forever as this defines Linker. All the mobs will share damage. If an AoE skill is used, the mobs will receive 2x damage [lol f*** its nerfed. Ignore the 2x damage that I just said]. Good support to classes that usually have single-target skills such as a Wugushi where it’s poison DoT that would usually kill 1 mob at a time murders 10 mobs at a time with link. Be aware that the link can be broken when one of the mob is too far away or if you use Earthquake on one of them (vertical range limit). Tree Root Crystal can also get linked by this skill. It can be a bother or a help as you can use the crystal to link to mobs that are way further than the other. Take note that Joint Penalty and Hangman’s Knot can be resisted just like every other debuffs in this game.
Range of Joint Penalty before breaking (in-game)
[Estimation for better understanding (credits: my artistic talent )] (http://imgur.com/9a4yO2R)
UPDATE: Cooldown of Joint has been raised. Not that it matter much if you don’t spam the skill mindlessly.
Hangman’s Knot
PvE/PvP - And now a skill that sounds garbage on paper but super powerful in practice. This skill forces all the mob into the closest one at where you casted. You have to aim this skill as casting this skill facing away from the linked mobs will not do anything. What makes this skill powerful is the bind. Bind as in the target would not be able to move at all, besides jumping. The bind duration increases per level, 10 seconds bind at lvl 10. And the skill’s cooldown is 10 seconds at lvl 10. Have fun spamming this in team pvp.
Tip: In a party, its best to aim this skill near a melee party member so that all the mobs will be pulled to them. It will be a burden to use hangman away from them. For better reference, click here!
UPDATE : This skill’s duration have been nerfed according to dataminers. RIP.
Circle 2 Skills
Spiritual Chain
PvE/PvP - There is a thread that compiles the buffs which spiritual chain can share. It’s good to max (as in level 5 only) this skill so that you don’t have to wait for the cooldown which helps when having a random party since you won’t know when they will use their self-buffs.
Recommended Attributes
The attributes in Linker are mostly underwhelming and borderline useless besides Hangman’s Knot - Splash Damage and all of Joint Penalty’s Attributes. How about a not recommended attributes list then?
Not Recommended Attributes
Physical Link: Defence - At the best situation (5 linked party members at lvl 3), you can get +8 Defence! That’s so much defence, mate! /sarcasm
Hangman’s Knot: Additional Damage - It’s not as good as what people think. Once you use the skill, it deals 100% damage at max level. That’s it. Just deals 100% magic attack. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, it knocks fireballs away and screws up with the hangman with some monsters not being pulled.
You think you’re invulnerable in Stop? Think again
Chronomancer is a class which controls time.
When I saw this class in the trailer, I was super hyped and aimed to get that class. I mean, look at that outfit. It’s so cool! And that hand spin . cough cough Anyway, Chronomancer is a strong PvE support that can increase your party’s auto-attack DPS and movement speed which makes the game feel as if it’s on 1.25x speed. At first glance from the skills shown, it looks like this class is pve-focused. However, it shines more on PvP. Like, shining-bright-like-a-diamond-kind-of shine. I’ll explain more in the skill comments.
Circle 1 Skills
PvE/PvP - The lovely skill that hooked me into getting this class. However, the way auto-attack works in this game hates my latency and made this skill a useless piece of crap. Max it since you will have non-laggy party members who will benefit from it. Plus, the attribute of this skill is attractive to high DEX users. By the way, both this and Haste are Sorcerer’s best friend since it works on their summons too.
PvE - Many are going to ask, “Does this skill reincarnates blue/gold/silver/rainbow mob?” No, it does not, sadly . However, it does reincarnate bosses. It gives them 5 sec invulnerability first before you can hit them, in which the quest forces the boss out by the time that 5 sec is up anyway. Sucks for quest bosses haha. Have not tested on a world boss (someone tested it and it works! Better have a chrono in your parties for mission!
). Just put 1 point into this skill. You’d rather cast this skill and burst the mob to death.
PvP - No use at all. Besides, why would you want to revive your enemy?
PvE - A skill that you can use to secure a blue mob kill on a crowded map . This skill should be used when you’re in peril, say, when Cerberus and Fire Lord spams their summons and you need breathing space. Or, you can use it for your party members for setup. You need good timing and communication skills to do so though. Try using voice chat. Leave this at 1.
PvP - It’s an awesome CC tool with huge AoE. You can also use this skill while jumping so that adds a surprise factor against your opponents. The description lied about enemies not taking damage when stopped. They do, in a different manner. Debuff can still occur on stopped enemies. Meaning bleed, poison, 1-inch punch drain, and burn works while stopped. Oh. Speaking of burn, remember Flame Ground? Flame Ground causes a burn debuff which causes the damage. This means Flame Ground works on Stopped opponents. You don’t know how many duel matches started and ended with just Stop + Flame Ground. Frost Cloud, Fire Pillar, and some other skills also works on Stopped enemies too. Using this logic, Warlock’s Pole of Agony probably works on Stop (Update: It does.) . Gg. Max it if you have Pyro or Elem C3 friends, 5 if you’re not a Pyro.
From yours truly, I’ve compiled a list of offensive skills that works on stop. In order to shorten this already long post, I’d rather place it on a Google Doc.
Offensive Skills that work on Stop Compilation
PvE/PvP - Oh my. What a lovely move that works on everyone. Self-explanatory. The higher the level, the slower the enemy is. At lvl 15, movement speed is decreased by 30. FYI, the default movement speed is 30. Yea. 30. You basically crippled your enemy.
Circle 2 Skills
PvE/PvP - AKA the best skill known in ToS. The IMC employee who made up this idea should get a raise and a promotion. The movement speed buff is definitely not +6% like what the skill description says. It’s probably 15%. You move (exaggerating) super fast. Gonna go fast! Really good support skill that matches Swordsman’s dash speed boost. This is why parties love Chronomancers.
Back Masking
PvE/PvP - I literally have no idea how this skill works besides moving people around to where they were a few seconds ago. This skill does not work & crashes you if you have high ping and since I have low ping(not) , I can’t test this skill much.
Recommended Attributes
Haste: Evasion Increase - +100 Evasion? Yes please!
Quicken: Critical Rate - The evasion decrease is basically overtaken by the haste attribute so no need to worry about it. +25% Critical Rate is really sweet for your party members.
Stop: SP Decrease - Why not? Lower SP consumption is always welcomed.
Revive: Two - 5% is quite low but it’s a nice gamble when 2 mobs appear.
Fireball + Joint Penalty
Solo mobbing at Inner Enceinte District [Lvl 185]
Boss Solo (not fun) - You can see at timestamp 1:00 & 2:41 that I did not get knocked down thanks to Reflect Shield. At the end of the video, you can see reincarnate working on the boss.
Trolling with Back Masking from kToS
Pole Of Agony working on Stop from kToS
Useful Links
Spiritual Chain Compilation by @elysium
[Guide] Detailed Mechanics Overview by @vyne_
Special Thanks & Credits
@mikai - Test crash dumm- PvP Partner
@Loztchild - For experiences against Monks & Knockback testing with Reflect Shield
@Tor_Heyerdal - For helping me realise the importance of aiming Hangman’s Knot as a support. Thanks, buddy!
@pandacakes - For helping test Frost Cloud and others
@SixPool & @PabloSuenaga - Poison DoT testing in link & giving a general idea on how Archers fight in PvP (1 v 1 Wizard god dream is dead)
@Erokhi - My boss-man, testing with Stop & proofreading this guide.
@Pomez - My lovely ‘wife’ & general idea fighting against Krivis/Bokors
Invalid Name - Proofreading this guide
Anemone Ilak (dahell is ur acc here omg) - Experience against Bokor/Oracle (I got murdered)