If you want to go really deep into a support tree, here’s a tree that really help your team, but be aware that you’ll be solo-ing quest bosses slow AF unless you’ve a team of friends, which you say you do so that shouldn’t be a problem.
Wizard -> Cryo 1 -> Linker 1 -> Thauma 1 -> Chrono 1->2->3
You do not require synergy within your build to be a support, but the above build definitely has synergy. Swell Left with Quicken, obviously is one. Hangman’s Knot into Ice Wall. You can also Joint Penalty your Ice Walls, use Hangman’s with it’s attribute to fire out ice shards to do damage to bosses or mobs, and Unbind damage on it to do damage to bosses(you don’t want to unbind mobs).
Joint Penalty naturally has synergy with Pass, Cryo gives you even more CC options that allow you to do damage while they are CC’d, unlike Stop which makes them immune to damage. Stop is more used for making breathing space when your party is getting overwhelmed by bosses or huge crowd of mobs.