Tree of Savior Forum

[iCBT2] [Guide] Chronomancer: The Time Squad is here!

Invest in CON is more beneficial though, so let it be o/

Venom effect is a 2% proc on physical damage to inflict 616 poison damage per second for a total of 6165 poison damage after 10 seconds.

TY for an answer and in game tested it’s very helpful.

After theorycrafting for a bit I came up with a PvP build that might also find a spot in parties. What do you think?

Disable in Time

As the name suggests its uses are mostly in disabling enemies and supporting allies while also being lvlable early on. I planned 11 sec duration on Stop to give Elementalists enough time to cast Meteor (and Hail depending on lvl)…

I haven’t gotten Cryomancer C2 or C3 so I can’t say much about that class. The only thing I’m ehhh about is Subzero Shield (I heard it was buggy), other than that it looks solid. Cryomancer C3 in general is a strong foundation with freeze and crowd control, so adding on another crowd control class like Chronomancer C2 does not diminish its purpose at all in PvE parties.

The only chance-related thing in PvP is getting a Frost Bolt to proc freeze in three bolts or less. You can equip Audra to increase chances, but it’s still dicey. Once the target freezes though, you can cast Slow on their face, cast Haste on yourself, drop an Ice Wall on them or an Ice Pillar or Snow Roll them or anything you want. Even if Stop has a very long cooldown time, level 1 is better than level 5 because 6 seconds is enough time for anyone really.

hello, i aquired a toyhammer for icewall today, but the explosion doesnt seemt to proc very frequently. was it patched/nerfed?

I don’t think subzero shield is worth it at the moment, it functions quite awkwardly and more than often fails to deliver good results. Get 1 point in ice blaster & gust + pickup the gust = dmg attribute, better than 0.

you can use gust on frozen targets stuck inside of frost pillar or caught in a wall, which allows the gust to do multiple hits ( 50% attribute dmg , the damage on frozen targets)

be mindful of equipment, ice rod would be good ( all cryo skills +1) , that is an extra second of CC - with a cleric divine might = 2 extra seconds of holding time with a frozen pillar. then maybe skill gems? if they exist / you somehow stumble upon one.

there is the frozen chance attribute on ice bolt which goes up to 50%(10% x attribute lvl) iirc so that will be something to make sure you purchase too.

I think it’s enough cc for a pvp round.

i went cryo 3 chrono 1 , the cc is nice but there is the downtime where you will need to be careful due to vulnerability.

Are you hitting things with the ice shards? That seems to be the main way to activate it.

got it. u are supposed to hit with the subattack :wink: not with the hammer. Thank you!

  1. Is this the skill [Reincarnate] that works on Boss or is it “supposed” to be [Back Masking]?

  2. If [Back Masking] worked properly, do you think you can use it on boss fight?

  3. Does “duration” of [Reincarnate] refer to how quickly you have to kill the monster you marked or how quickly you have to kill the revived monster? Is there time limit for re-killing revived mob?

  4. Can’t you just use the [Reincarnate] right before the monster dies or is Casting time too long for that luxury?


  1. Reincarnate does not work on boss, it will completely miss like Swell Body does. It’s supposed to be Back Masking that works.

  2. Yes. With its hefty price to cast the spell in the first place, it should be doing very powerful work.

  3. Duration of Reincarnate is how quickly you have to kill the original marked monster. There is no time limit for the revived mob, it functions exactly like the mob would if it spawned normally.

  4. You can. Assume that Reincarnate functions like Swell Body and cast it at low health then kill it for the benefits. The main problem is Reincarnate has incredibly bad targeting relative to your position/facing and will sometimes mark a monster that you’re not aiming for if you cast it in a crowd.

Thanks for answer ChojaHiragawa.

Does [Reincarnate] work with [Joint Penalty]?
Doe reincarnated monsters has all the DeBuff intact?
(probably not for both)

Reincarnate is single target. Joint Penalty transfers only damage. The reincarnated mob is clean like if it appeared normally over time.

Ah! It’s almost the end! I can’t believe it!

Even more data:

  • Let’s get things straight: I used the first exploit. I don’t really care if you judge me for that because I got data and I like data.

  • Quicken 15 is very noticeable. If the server was not crashing all the time, it would definitely be a boon that any class would like in their buffs… if they have Daino.

  • Reincarnate and Stop don’t change from 1 to 15 except for duration so getting more than 1 for those are not necessary.

  • Slow 15 is -30 movement speed which is the same as a normal player character’s movement speed. They will not be able to move unless they are on a mount or dashing and even at that, only 33% speed (10 speed).

  • Haste is already the godspell, so at 5 or 10 it doesn’t matter it’s still powerful in its own right. 15 movement speed is 50% of your normal speed already.

  • :sparkles: Backmasking still does not work. Stop asking. :sparkles:

  • Pass is not in the iCBT2 build but let me tell you from what I’ve seen of it it sounds pretty amazing. A Chronomancer C3 50s cd spell that takes 15s cd off all spells? That’s really strong!

Thank you for reading this guide. I will probably make a new thread when the next whatever beta comes up with new data and new changes.

Warning: All data from this guide was obtained in iCBT2.

don’t necro this thread six months from now with new beta build data thanks
also the original guide looks messy enough as is anyway

EDIT: in kCBT3 backmasking will be reassigned to C3 maybe they’ll make it work this time

EDIT 2: On Dec 8th, Pass was patched so it cannot affect itself anymore. However, its adjusted effect is now -25s cd.


I hope they will make Stop the only CC that can’t be affected by dispeller scroll. I mean, the cooldown is very long and the effect is for only a few seconds. Having it nullify by a dispeller scroll is such a pain. I hope they would buff chronomancer skills.

I find it strange anyway that the devs decided to assign Slow as a level 1 ailment but not level 3. Monsters can still resist Stop regardless of level, even bosses with the attribute enabled! It doesn’t justify the cooldown at all…

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I managed to test out the things I wanted to with stop. For one, nothing will move a stopped enemy. Not knockback, not magnetic force, not swap, not hangman’s knot. Nothing. On the plus side though, if you link enemies, then stop some of them, hitting a moving one will damage the stopped enemies.

@ChojaHiragawa , I need you opinion on this, should I go Wiz-Cryo-Linker-Thau-Chrono3 or Wiz-Cryo-Linker2-Chrono3… I’ll be mainly a support… TIA!

@Alegria If you’re mainly support, you should choose Wiz-Cryo-Linker2-Chrono3. You don’t need to split your circles between Linker and Thaumaturge if you have friends to help you level up since you’re support anyway. Also, you can replace Linker2 with Cryo3 if you want to assist in crowd control. However, I’ve heard that there’s plenty of wizards going that route.

I have no idea why you resurrected this thread though since a more current thread about Chronomancers exists.

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appreciate the reply. and I am not aware of the new thread. anyway, ill be going there and backread. btw I’m 148 cryo3 chrono1 path. and im seeing only 4? chronomancers in SEA so far :expressionless: