Tree of Savior Forum

Game server location - check your ping

After a bit of digging, it looks like the game server will be hosted on Amazon’s North Virginia (USA East Coast) data centre.

This choice makes a lot of sense, as it should mean decent pings for North Americans as well as Europeans, which are likely the major markets for this release. Unfortunately, other regions may get sub-optimal performance, but I’m sure they’ll add new servers in different locations at a later point in time (with Amazon AWS, this is extremely simple and relatively cheap to do.)

I’m curious what ping/latency we can all expect to see. You can test yours here:
EDIT: Use this link for quicker testing (no DL speed test):

My result:

Of course, this is not a perfect test, but it should give us a general idea. :smile:


Got my usual 120ms.

Btw, according to google search numbers shared by IMC North America is the third in ToS player base size.

  1. South America
  2. SEA
  3. NA

It also fits with a pool from the ToSG fansite. Not sure if pre-launch numbers are very reliable though.


where you from brother ?

Test failed

I don’t know what this means for me

What is the actual IP? Can you provide that?

How did you figure out that the server is going to be hosted on US East?

This will mean seriously bad pings for players from SEA :frowning:
I get 350ms :frowning:

He probably checked where the client was connecting. Even if there is no server, it still needs to connect somewhere to know that there is no server and to authenticate you.

Yay for living in Virginia then! :smiley:

yeah i checked it too… 350ms :astonished:

NY here, I get 18ms ping. East coast best coast :stuck_out_tongue:

hrmm, not bad? I’m in-state. :grin:

135ms from germany. Good.

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Well gee,mine is 31! Not quite as good </3

12x Ping here.
Nothing surprising, fine to play with this, but will servers handle those 5000 connections~

66ms here in the Caribbean.

well guess not the best lol

I’ve got 162. Not the best, but I’ve got a key, yay! :dancers:

99.5 just north of texas… wish i still lived on the east coast D:!!!

140 from Naples in Italy, well i hope they will make some servers in EU xD

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Try a different browser, or just try again.