Tree of Savior Forum

Least ping reliant class?

Hi i tried searching for a similar topic but couldn’t find any…
Thinking of going wizard… Are they really ping reliant?? I’ll be getting about 250ms.

So get carried till alchemist rank and make it yay!
Jokes a side idk dude… sorry.

Melee class would be better.

I would suggest Cleric-based, supportive, classes. All those zone-based skills do not need your ping. As long as you have put the heal on the ground and cast the buffs on your team mates, you may dc as you please.

but seriously Bokor zombies have been nerfed

DC and get carried? ez

Wizard’s basic attack is extremely ping reliant, but you’ll mostly find yourself using skills more as you progress.

how to test the ping?

Next time please use the search function. I literally typed “Ping” and the first 2 topics to come up gave you the answer.

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Thanks :smiley: 250ms… sounds really bad :frowning:

Not really.

its 1/4 second time difference between you and the server.
Under 100 is perfect.
about 30 is if your directly closely situated towards the server main site (aka us east coast).

Above 400 will get messy.
The human brain has a lag of about 200 ms. So you wont notice it to heavily, if your pc can run the game good.

Ping isnt all.
The speed of your pc makes alot too.

And add another 30 ms to it, while ingame!
I got 120sh ms to us east cost. Will be about 150 ingame.

But then he won’t level up xD

wait… So whats the conclusion? Other than cleric everything else is super ping reliant?

I don’t think there isn’t a class that is to some degree ping reliant. I’d say test it out in-game when you get the chance. I’d say some sort of mage into linker might actually be a good idea for you. You don’t actually have to worry about skill placement as much as well - you link enemies together - and it’s strong too.

Good luck in beta!