Tree of Savior Forum

Ping so much T..T

From Game server location - check your ping

Thanks Yoorie to give link for test .

My ping so ***** high (i’m try to not rude haha) around 597 ping .

oh my. its too much high I see some people from SEA (I’m from SEA thailand) only 80-200 .

how can I lower my ping ?

Honestly, change/upgrade to a better net.

333 ping. Not bad actually. I’ll probably flop a lot in PVP but its certainly playable.

I got 300.
You want better ping! Move to America.

got 281 ping If it was in the West Coast I would have a ping range of 100~150ms

Maybe VPN ? which one can i try ?

I have 100ms and im European :slight_smile:

What Country?

I’m from Spain and I have 140 ms.

Im Spanish too, the ping around 100-150ms is great

Thanks to GODS!


See you in Game!

122ms from germany, expected worse, though i wonder if smoothping or wtfast could even improve this at all.
looks pretty much like a direct line

ผมได้เท่าคุณล่ะ ถ้าเทสตอนเย็น
แต่เวลาเทสกลางวันจะได้ไม่เกิน 300

If you have 600 ms ping.
It’s really bad.
Above 400 it gets a bit messy.

And ping is just the connection speed. Not the speed of your pc doing stuff…

Sooo two ways to enhance your ping to an lower level!

1,. Upgrade to the most expensive and fastest means of internet service provider. (or move towards an bigger city, big citys have better speed then small villages or citys.)
2. Move to another land.

Sadly to say. Ping is relaying on two things.

  1. Your location and the location of the host server.
  2. Your paid maximum speed and data usage.

My data need sto go from germany to US east cost. Through the atlantic cable network or via satelite.
It takes 20 ms till spain. 120 ms to cross to the USA. And another 40 ms to get to the server.
And i’m lucky that i life in Darmstadt, an scientific city which is really good developed in terms of max speed.
(i only have an 50mbit/sec connection. 100 is max here.)

In the end it’s money …

And even with a good ping. Your PC needs to be good too, to work that low ping to the bone xD.




I tried the same test pre iCBT1 release, and the results were horrible (between 200-400 latency)

But when I got my hands on the game, hah! I didn’t notice it at all (not even during visually-intensive grinds), that or I was just a tad too euphoric - which is unlikely, coz i loathed the grind!

I know this might not exactly be the case for iCBT2, considering it was just a mere 5k population back, but Ill stay hopeful as always. :smile:

I hope Its not too horrible . Maybe I need some VPN for sure.

let’s just hear it when you get in-game. It would be great if you update this thread or link it with your latency review (on a separate thread).
Now you got somethin extremely relevant to test! :smile_cat:

Could be lower but I got 87 ping…whoo thank god for living in California

okey ! I will do it :slight_smile:

thanks for every one advice . My english its not good at all sry for that.

Maybe I will create new thread if I can find how to :blush:

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ถ้าหา vpn เจ้าไหนแล้วใช้ได้ดีช่วยบอกต่อด้วยครับ
ผมลองใช้ wtfast แล้วมัน add เกมส์ไม่ได้