Tree of Savior Forum

Abnormal High latency for SEA player

Normally, the server that locate in the NA area(North America) in every game I had played ,the latency must be around 200-270 Ping average from Thailand.

But for This game, The latency is around 550-600 Ping, It too high.

Try tracing the route, not sure if it can be changed at this point but at least you’ll know where the bottleneck is.
You’ll need the game server IP though.

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just in case you cant find it:
IP address according to serverlist_recent.xml : or both are located at:

Server Location: Ashburn, VA in United States
ISP: Amazon Technologies

Edit: cause of personal intentions :stuck_out_tongue: I got this info from @MementoMori


This really this server is strategically located for North/South America / Europe. It’s located on the East coast and I’m not at all surprised you’re getting high ping…

Server is on East coast, not West coast like many games, easily adds 100ms to your ping.

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Have you tried testing your latency to the Amazon data centre the server is hosted in? I made a thread for this a while ago; I’m assuming it’s still relevant: Game server location - check your ping

If you get a much better latency test result from that tool, then either either the tool is not accurate for testing latency to ToS or you’re seeing some kind of strange issue with ToS. Or did you get the 550-600 number with this tool to begin with?

Unfortunately, poor latency from SEA is unavoidable at this point, given the server is hosted in US East. I’m guessing they optimized it for the Americas and Europe.

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i feel you bro, im from Malaysia , having difficulties to play in “International Server”. This is so called International, should rename it to Tree Of Savior English . Can TOS host a server in Singapore or around SEA, so that I able to get better ping… Thanks and highly appreciated

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