Tree of Savior Forum

Hows the latency for SEA players?

lol i just posted same thing just now. im curious too

Hopefully it would be same as Singapore’s latency here which is at least 100-120 ms. Tired of them NA servers on MMO which have 250ms :persevere:

i think it will be around that or even higher lol…

From Malaysia. I’ll try to update once we got into the game with and without lowerping.

i think imcGAMES talked about 2nd server or something like that… try read this post

Here’s what I got after trying out the suggested test on this thread: [Game server location - check your ping][1]

I’m actually quite relieved to see this figures though… Coz the first three tries got me somewhere between 600-800ms. lol

it will still lag like hell lol

ah got the same range between 260-350 :joy:
i dont know if i can play the game anymore…

I dunno about you guys, but I played about two other MMORPGs hosted in NA and had everything run smoothly for me (of course there were occasional lags, but not too often as to be annoying).

Had the same ISP since then, the only thing I can’t vouch for are the numbers for latency.

So yeah, I’ll stick to keeping my hopes up! :smile_cat:

yeah…me too…i hope it will not lag heavily

i hope so… for 5000 people inside will be divided by channel at least its gonna reduce the lag…

the twistier it gets, the luckier it goes. :grin:

we might need to share server with indonesia player lol…if the international server is unplayable…

I’m from Vietnam and I’m gonna buy some ping reduce program like WTFast, it’s a game I don’t mind throwing the money to play it smoothly. I might even upgrade the fiber just for it :sunglasses:

If they hosted intl. beta in South Korea. It would have been better for us.

played elsword indonesia server…lot less lag than na version

As usual, 250ms-300ms ping on US East servers.

Yer, bad SEA ping… Im already dreading those boss mechanics where you have to jump over da lazer beans. >_<

Ping for Sea are bad, hope they make a Sea Server or abit nearer >.< but weird i can play Heroes of the storm without any lag using American Region, ill check it out in game

ill test out PS3 Controller vs Key board and SEA Ping, :grin: soo if anyone does about that ill give feed back

Ayt thanks guys. Hopefully we do get a SEA server.