I have been meaning to write this post for quite a while, but with the instability of the forums it has proven to be quite difficult.
There is a lot of discussion right now as to where the Swordsman tree stands as a whole, from a lack of identity to unrewarding playing style, there are multiple factors that make people unhappy with the current state of this tree and need to be dealt with one way or another.
While I find most of these discussions providing fair points and I understand their need to have additional playing styles with this tree, I also heavily disagree with many of the statements they choose to make and on many occasions exaggerate just to ask for a change from IMC.
I am not going to go into too many details about my thoughts on that, as I could just make another giant post about it. Instead I want to address another particular issue, which is the lack of proper feedback.
âWe want changeâ without any additional information is not good feedback that the developers can use to improve the game for us.
My intention with this post is to asses the current state of the Swordsman tree as a whole, identifying pain points on each individual class and circle, as well as provide a possible solution to improve each case.
However, there are a few things to take into consideration:
I am not going to suggest radical changes to classes, as it is not up to me to decide the identity they should have and without context provided by IMC as to how they want to craft each one of them, I feel it is pointless to ask for things that could not be aligned with the original design of the class.
I am not going to suggest changes that require âtechnologyâ that isnât there. This means that while I could suggest a pretty âcoolâ change for a class, it would be more effective to make a change using something that is already coded in the game as it would be faster and wouldnât require as many resources to be implemented that way.
I am not going to assume things that I donât know. Without actual information as to how IMC wants to shape the game and classes, I canât go into some changes as they could not be what IMC is looking to do with the game.
With this said, I will try to explain as much as I can as to why I believe a change is required, how it should change and why it should change.
Finally, while it is most likely that none of these suggestions might make it through to the live game, that is not my main goal with this post.
I want to start an open discussion so that we, together as a community, can start a proper conversation with IMC as to what changes we would like to see to improve the Swordsman classes.
As I believe we, as players, have the most knowledge when it comes to enjoying the game and with the amount of time it requires to level up multiple builds in this game, it shouldnât be expected for IMC to understand the pains of playing a particular class without actually playing it through 200+ hours and multiple stages of the game like many of us have with multiple builds.
This is information that we can and should share with them, as it is the best way to move forward if we want to see change in the classes we enjoy to play.
###The damage scaling problem
While I could suggest for some skills to receive a change to become better damage tools at higher levels (for example Damage: 150% + xxxx), I am not going to do so on all cases.
Well, because I donât know if IMC wants to make skills from lower ranks good damage sources at higher levels. Or if they want skills from higher ranks to replace those from lower levels.
A change like this has an effect on every tree and it is a conversation that involves everyone, not only those playing Swordsman, so I donât feel it is appropriate to talk about it on this particular thread.
##General overview
To make it short, the first circle of Swordsman is pretty good, while the following circles feel extremely underwhelming and provide little reasons for players to choose them outside of PvP-centric builds. Generally, I donât think it requires too many changes, but it should have better reasons to choose more circles of it.
###Gung Ho
Problem: Currently Gung Ho is pretty good for early levels, but is mainly due to itâs attribute that enhances it further in terms of damage output. It doesnât provide any rewarding benefit into higher levels.
Proposed change:
+1.0% Physical Attack per level
-0.5% Physical Defense per level
Level 1:
- Physical Attack: 1% + 8
- Physical Defense: -(0.5% + 2)
Level 15:
- Physical Attack: 15% + 50
- Physical Defense: -(7.5% + 10)
This change makes the skill scale into higher levels, while giving a good reason to invest into more levels of it. It doesnât have any significant effect on the early levels, as itâs impact will only be noticeable with high amounts of Physical Attack.
Problem: Same as Gung Ho, it doesnât offer any scaling into higher levels and it doesnât provide a good enough reason to invest further points into it.
Proposed change:
+10% Physical Attack at all levels
Base damage increased to 8 at level 1
Damage increase per level increased to 3
New attribute:
- Required Circle: Swordsman Circle 2
- Effect: Increases the number of hits by 10 per attribute level.
- Max attribute level: 5
- Penalty: SP + 20
Level 1:
- Attack: 10% + 8
Level 15:
- Attack: 10% + 50
This change simply adds extra damage at higher levels, while not having any significant impact at early levels as it requires high amounts of Physical Attack to do so. In my opinion the number of hits it adds per level is a good incentive to level it up further, but it needs a way for high attack speed builds to be able to utilize it more, that is why I think that an attribute to increase the number of hits it can do is a good option.
###Pain Barrier
Problem: This isnât a problem with the skill itself, but the entire tree in general; and that is the lack of way to counter hard Crowd Control effects.
Proposed change:
Removes all negative status effects on use.
Cooldown reduced to 35 seconds
Base Duration reduced to 10 seconds at level 1
New attribute:
- Required Circle: Swordsman Circle 3
- Effect: Grants 8% chance to resist Freeze, Sleep and Petrifaction.
- Max Level: 5
- Penalty:: Becomes more vulnerable to Knockback and Knockdown.
Level 1:
- Duration: 11 seconds
- Cooldown: 35 seconds
Level 15:
- Duration: 24 seconds
- Cooldown: 35 seconds
Mainly to provide great utility and a way to counter hard Crowd Control as a Swordsman. These changes while they are slightly nerf to the C1 of this class, it also provides great incentives for going into C3.

###General Overview
Peltasta right now is a great a class at C1, mainly because of the utility it offers through Swash Buckling and itâs attributes. However, it doesnât have too much of an identity outside of that and itâs mechanics to make it more âtankyâ donât really offer a real way to do so.
###Umbo Blow
Problem: Unreliable CC.
Proposed change:
Attribute change: Umbo Blow Stun
- Effect: Increased Stun chance to 20% per attribute level (100% at level 5). Reduced Stun duration to 2 seconds.
The stun should be reliable, instead of just a chance, this gives the Peltasta a better way to deal with opponents during difficult times and it helps to cover the hard CC weakness that future classes on the build can have.
Problem: The Physical Defense it provides isnât at all significant in the game and it doesnât scale well into higher levels. Same as Gung Ho, this skill should have more incentives for leveling up that will stay relevant later on.
Proposed change:
Physical Defense: +1.5% per level
Physical Attack: -0.5% per level
Base Physical Defense: 20 at level 1
Physical Defense increase per level: 5
Level 1
- Physical Defense: 1.5% + 20
- Physical Attack: -(0.5% + 14)
Level 15
- Physical Defense: 22.5% + 90
- Physical Attack: -(7.5% + 63)
Better scaling into higher levels as well as an incentive to add more points into this skill.
###Shield Lob
Problem: This skill really doesnât do much and it is pretty underwhelming overall, considering the damage it deals and itâs effect, both which are simply weak.
Proposed change:
Damage: (Shieldâs Defense x SkillLevel) + xxx
New Additional Effect: Increases the Physical Defense of allies around the area where the shield was thrown at by the amount of defense lost times 3 (Shieldâs Physical Defense * 3).
- Base Duration: 3 seconds
- Duration increase per level: 1 second
Level 1
- Attack: (Shieldâs Defense x 1) + 209
- Effectâs duration: 3 second
Level 10
- Attack: (Shieldâs Defense x10) + 873
- Effectâs duration: 12 seconds
I think that adding some utility to this skill rather than pure damage is a good way to complement this class. In this case the Peltasta is sacrificing his shield to increase the Physical Defense of his allies. While the increased damage not only gives it a better reason to level it up, but also increases the possibility to aggro a monster with the damage dealt and bring itâs aggro to the Peltasta.
Problem and justification: This isnât really an issue, but I believe that this skill would be more useful at Circle 2 as the Peltasta requires a better source of damage to deal with enemies earlier on. Waiting until C3 to acquire just more damage doesnât seem to be too rewarding and doesnât provide any real significant incentives for going into C3.
Proposed change:
Circle: Peltasta Circle 2
###High Guard
Problem: The penalty it has is too big to justify using this skill.
Proposed change:
Circle: Peltasta C3
Block: 5% + 50 per level
Attack Penalty: -10% per level
Duration: 10 seconds
Cooldown: 20 seconds
New attribute:
- Required Circle: Peltasta C3
- Effect: Increases the Attack penalty by 30% (80% total at level 5 High Guard). Shares 50% of the Block increased by High Guard to every party member around the Peltasta (radius-based, like an aura).
- Max attribute level: 1
Level 1
- Block: 5% + 75
- Attack Penalty: -10%
Level 5
- Block: 25% + 250
- Attack Penalty: -50%
My opinion is that this skil has the highest potential to make it worth it to go into Peltasta C3. This is the main reason why I switched it with Butterfly on the circles they are acquired at.
At the same time, while the Attack penalty remains the same, it isnât as punishing as before as itâs duration is lower and it is plenty of time to take advantage of the effect it has on Umbo Blow and Rim Blow.
Finally, I think that adding some utility, in this case sharing it with the party, brings more utility to the class as a whole and suits it better.
Problem: Not really a problem, but I believe it could use Overheat.
Proposed change:
Overheat: 2

##General Overview
Right now I think that Highlander is alright. The problem with it is that it lacks a general identity that truly distinguishes it from other classes. I think that it needs more variety in terms of playing style, but I am unable to offer better suggestions on it since I donât know what is the real aim that itâs designers had when creating it.
###Cartar Stroke
Problem: Scaling into higher levels.
Proposed change:
New Attribute:
- Required Circle: Highlander C3
- Effect: Reduces the casting time of Cartar Stroke by 15% per attribute level (75% at max attribute level).
- Max attribute level: 5
- Penalty: Overcharge reduced by 1
Better scaling into higher levels as well as an incentive to add more points into this skill. It also becomes better at Highlander C3 as it has too long of a casting time to become truly usable in practice, which should be solved by the proposed attribute.
###Cross Guard
Problem: No real problem besides inconsistency. Why is it that every other skill on the Highlander kit has no weapon restriction, but this one does?
Proposed change:
Required Stance: TwoHandSword, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSwordDagger, OneHandSwordPistol, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol, RapierDagger, RapierPistol.
It allows for more variety of builds, giving Highlander another reason to become a solid choice in builds looking for more combat utility.
###Sky Liner
Problem: Scaling into higher levels.
Proposed change:
New Attribute:
- Required Circle: Highlander C3
- Effect: Reduces Sky Linerâs cooldown by 5 seconds when used on Bleeding targets.
- Max Attribute Level: 1
- Penalty: Removes Sky Linerâs double damage on Bleeding targets.
The new attribute looks to give a choice between burst damage and sustained damage to the Highlander and compensates for the difference with the version on kTOS, without being as powerful

##General Overview
Barbarian overall is in a pretty good spot. If we get the same changes that kTOS did, then it will bring a pretty good amount of extra damage that this class needs into higher levels.
The main problem this class has is with two skills on the first circle.
Problem: This skill doesnât really do much of anything, to be honest. It is not good for CC and it is not good for damage, giving players no reason to pick it over any other skill on the kit.
Proposed change:
Overheat: 2
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Animation: Reduced by 50%
Effect: Knocks the enemy back and knocksdown every enemy hit by it.
As of right now I canât think of ways to change this skill without making a new skill entirely, so all I propose is to give it more use so that it can become a decent Pierce-type damage addition to the Barbarianâs kit.
###Stomping Kick
Problem: The damage it deals isnât particularly good, especially when we donât have any way to increase our jumping height to increase itâs damage, plus itâs high cooldown.
Proposed change (Option 1):
Attack: +20% per level
New Effect: Knocksdown mobs around the Barbarian.
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Overheat: 1
AoE Ratio: 4
Level 1
- Attack: 10% + 219
Level 15
- Attack: 300% + 958
Proposed change (Option 2):
Attack: +10% per level
New Effect: Jumps to a designated location or targeted enemy (same as Long Stride from Hoplite).
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Overheat: 2
Level 1
- Attack: 10% + 219
Level 15
- Attack: 150% + 958
I think that this skill works pretty well with some added utility, it can either be a nice AoE or a gap closer. The extra damage offers it more reason to level it up further.
Problem: Scaling into higher levels.
Proposed change:
New Attribute:
- Required Circle: Barbarian C3
- Effect: Increases Seismâs damage by 10% of Physical Attack per attribute level.
- Max Attribute Level: 5
- Penalty: Removes the Stun effect.
Better scaling into higher levels without making it too powerful at lower levels or PvP.
###Giant Swing
Problem: Itâs cooldown is too punishing considering how easily it can fail or be resisted.
Proposed change:
Cooldown: 40 seconds
This brings it up to par with other disabling skills like Impaler. The lower percentage on scaling is due to it being a hard disabling skill.
Problem: It deals nice damage, all it requires is a little bit more of extra help on itâs cooldown and to fix itâs hitbox.
Proposed change:
Cooldown: 10 seconds per skill level (50 seconds at level 5).
Hitbox: It covers now the entire length of the weapon.
Base Duration: 2 seconds.
Duration: 2 seconds per level (12 seconds at level 5).
Level 1
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
- Duration: 4 seconds
Level 10
- Cooldown: 50 seconds
- Duration: 12 seconds
I think that the balance between itâs duration and itâs cooldown is good enough to justify taking more points into this skill, while overall decreasing itâs cooldown.

##General Overview
Hoplite in general is a solid class, the problem is that it relies heavily on auto-attacks without any proper way to enhance them. It also struggles at Circle 3 that, even though Spear Throw is better now, still lacks a proper way to deal a significant amount of damage.
Problem: Scaling into higher levels.
Proposed change:
Overheat: 2
Cooldown: 20 seconds.
New Attribute:
- Required Circle: Hoplite C3
- Effect: Increases the number of hits from Pierce by 1 (3 to Medium-type targets, 5 to Boss-type targets).
- Max attribute level: 1
- Penalty: SP + 20
Pierce doesnât offer too much damage considering that it doesnât have Overheat and a long cooldown. These changes will bring more life to the skill, while making it slightly more relevant at higher levels, just when Hoplite requires it the most past C3.
Problem: Stabbing is currently one of the strongest damage skills that we have in the Swordsman tree, the problem is that it isnât as reliable as a damage source considering itâs cooldown and no overheat. While I donât think that it is necessary to change either of them at lower lvels, I do think that a little bit of extra power at higher levels could make it more worthwhile.
Proposed change:
New Attribute:
- Required Circle: Hoplite C3
- Effect (Option #1): Decreases Stabbing animation speed by 50%.
- Effect (Option #2): Decreases Stabbing cooldown by 10 seconds.
- Max Attribute level: 1
The effect added gives a better incentive to go into C3 of this class, while also making it a better source of damage at C3 which it needs.
Problem: The only problem Finestra has is itâs attribute, which is based off INT.
Proposed change:
Attribute change: Finestra Physical Damage
- New effect (Option #1): Adds 10% of your Block to Physical Attack while Finestra is active.
By scaling from Block instead of INT, it promotes a different path to build a Hoplite, which is using more CON instead of other stats such as STR. I feel that using Block instead of CON for scaling gives this attribute a better limitation in terms of power as it would require a shield for it to be effective.
###Long Stride
Problem: It long cooldown, lack of Overheat and poor scaling in general make this skill very weak when it comes to using it as a reliable gap closer. The animation is too slow, but I think it would be a fair trade to have should this skill be improved on other areas.
Proposed change:
Attack: +15% per level
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Overheat: 2
Level 1
- Attack: 15% + 348
Level 10
- Attack: 150% + 10711
I think these changes make it a more viable gap closing skill, while not making it too strong.
###Spear Lunge
Problem: Spear Lunge in general is fine. But I think it would be better as a full utility skill rather than a damage one as it currently is.
Proposed change:
Base duration: 4 seconds at level 1
Duration increase per level: 1 second
Level 1
- Duration: 4 seconds
Level 10
- Duration: 13 seconds
By increasing the duration of the vulnerability, it gives this skill a better incentive to be leveled up, instead of being just a 1 point skill as it currently is.
###Spear Throw
Problem and justification: Scaling into higher levels.
Proposed change:
Attack: +30% per level
Attribute change: Spear Throw Bind
- Effect: Increases the chance by 25% per attribute level (instead of 15%).
Level 1
- Attack: 30% + 565
Level 5
- Attack: 150% + 1044
The higher damage helps it as a single hit skill. The justification for the attribute is rewarding the player for being able to land this skill on a moving target, guaranteeing that the bind will go through instead of leaving it up to chance. I feel it is fair this way, as the player is already required to land the spear to have a chance of activating itâs effect.

##General Overview
In general, Cataphract is on a pretty good spot thanks to the considerable amount of buffs it acquired through the past balance changes to the game.
I think that this class would rather benefit from a skill that allows them to auto-attack while moving, to fit itâs thematic, but it isnât necessary.
Problem and justification: Give it more reasons to be leveled up.
Proposed change:
Base duration: 5 seconds
Duration per level: 0.5 seconds
Level 1
- Duration: 5 seconds
Level 15
- Duration: 12 seconds
###Steed Charge
Problem and justification: Itâs AoE Ratio is too low to bring it up to par with the other skills, I feel that making it a better AoE skill could make it more viable on builds.
Proposed change:
AoE Ratio: 4
###Doom Spike
Problem and justification: The other 2 damage skills besides this one have short cooldowns, I feel that this one should have it too or at least Overheat. Would help Cataphract at higher stages of the game.
Proposed change:
New Attribute:
- Required Circle: Cataphract C3
- Effect: Reduces Doom Spike cooldown by 8 seconds.
- Max Attribute Level: 1
- Penalty: SP + 20

##General Overview
On one part I understand the basic principle behind the Rodelero class, as an offensive shield-wearer class that focuses on disrupting the enemy.
The problem in my opinion is that the CC the Rodelero class is quite underwhelming, especially when compared to the CC that other trees (Wizard mainly) have. Making Rodelero just look cute when attempting to compete against them.
In the end I think that this class requires new skills rather than balance of the current ones. But here are a few changes that I think could help the class more (in addition to the balance changes that were applied on kTOS recently).
###Targe Smash
Problem: Not a problem with the skill, but the class in general.
Proposed change:
- Overheat: 0
- Cooldown: 0 seconds
Justification: I believe that this is the main skill of Rodelero (or at least the candidate to be) and it could bring the damage potential this class is missing without being too powerful (no insane multi-hit for example).
###Shield Push
Problem: The defense reduction is too low and it requires a high amount of skill points to be any significant, while still being outclassed by other skills with [Armor Break].
Proposed change:
New Effect: Has a 10% + (6 * SkillLevel) % of causing [Petrification] on the enemy.
[Petrification] Duration: 2 seconds.
[Unbalanced] Duration: (5 + SkillLevel) seconds.
Justification: Just to add an extra status ailment to the kit of Rodelero, while making it have some synergy with Targe Smash.
###Shooting Star
Problem and justification: No problem, I just feel that this skill should be on C2 rather than C3.
Proposed change:
Required Circle: Rodelero C2
Problem and justification: In my opinion this is the candidate to make Rodelero C3 worth it, that is why I will propose change it to that circle instead while improving itâs effects.
The added effect should give it more synergy with Targe Smash, while providing a new way to be annoying. -
Proposed change:
Required Circle: Rodelero C3
Duration: (2 * SkillLevel) seconds
New Effect: Enemies attacking a character under the effect of Slithering have a (3 * SkillLevel) % of being frozen.
[Freeze] Duration: 3 seconds

###General Overview
Overall I feel that Squire is on a fine spot, considering that it is a class aiming towards utility. However, right now there is not enough reward for going into C3, besides making the skills acquired from the two previous circles better and I think that could be easily fixed.
###Weapon Maintenance
Problem: Scaling into higher levels.
Proposed change:
Increased Attack: +2% of the weaponâs Attack per level
Level 1
- Attack: 2% + ([SkillLevel +1]*[Number of Weapon Stars])
Level 5
- Attack: 30% + ([SkillLevel +1]*[Number of Weapon Stars])
Justification: While Weapon Maintenance gives a nice bonus at early levels, it doesnât stay as valuable at higher levels. While the percentage I am suggesting might be too high, I think that the idea is the main point and the value can be adjusted.
###Armor Maintenance and Penalty Reduction
Problem: Neither of these skills shine of their own and there is not enough benefits received for picking them on a build.
Proposed change:
Armor Maintenance receives Penalty Reductionâs effects
Equipment Durability Penalty: -1% per level
Consumed Silver Penalty: -0.5% per level
Consumed Gem Penalty: -1% per level
Physical Defense: 10 + SkillLevel + (Number of Armor Stars)
Magical Defense: 10 + SkillLevel + (Number of Armor Stars)
Level 1:
- Physical Defense: 11 + (Number of Armor Stars)
- Magical Defense: 11 + (Number of Armor Stars)
- Equipment Durability Penalty: -1%
- Consumed Silver Penalty: -0.5%
- Consumed Gem Penalty: -1%
Level 15:
- Physical Defense: 16 + (Number of Armor Stars)
- Magical Defense: 16 + (Number of Armor Stars)
- Equipment Durability Penalty: -15%
- Consumed Silver Penalty: -7.5%
- Consumed Gem Penalty: -15%
Justification: I feel that this will give a little bit more incentives to make Armor Maintenance a good option for Squires to choose it over Weapon Maintenance and give more variety to the shops they can have.
###New skill: Refreshment Shop
Required Circle: Squire C3
Max level: 5
Effect: Opens up a shop to sell refreshment food with effects based on the level of Refreshment Table.
Duration: 10 minutes per skill level (50 minutes at level 5).
Cooldown: 60 seconds
SP: 0
Justification: I think that the food from Refreshment Table plays an important role at higher level content and being able to buy it from Squires not only gives more options to players to go into that content, but also gives the Squire a much better incentive to go into C3 while increasing the variety in shops.
This skill still doesnât completely replace Refreshment Table, as the buffs will only be able to go up to 50 minutes duration with this new skill, while Refreshment Table+Base Camp still further increase the duration of the food (30 minutes per level of Base Camp), giving a good enough reason to still do it the traditional way in a party.