Below are just my opinion on the suggested changes
swordman - i agree with most of the suggestions, though i think the concentrate attribute give too much extra attack charge at the suggested value
just thinking sw c3- cata c3- end game class(r7+) with decent spr (for CC resist and block pen) would be almost unstoppable at that rate (not really a big problem since they will probably kinda squishy if the go offensive route, but tanky route will become kinda anti-CC
note: i’m not sure they fixed double slash description(aoe ratio) in-game yet, too lazy to complain at bug section
i think this skill should be the main component from peltesta, the current design is a disappointment (then again that is just my prerogative )
i dunno whether the peltasta ability to tank magic is intentionally made to be poor or not, but adding magic def to the equation may give an incentive to increase this skill
other possible change would be by making this skill to reduce dmg received instead
if not, i think better % gain and less flat gain since priest aspersion greatly overshadowed this skill at the current suggestion
not really agreeing with this one, but making this skill c3 would also be fine
my suggestion of the skill rework (compared to the original/current) would be:
- more block/level, may reduce block bonus at lv 1
- reduced movement speed should be alright, may include bonus resistance to knockback / knockdown
- all ‘damaging shield skills’ get better damage (compared to current design), either by nullify the penalty from them or assigning bonus damage
- can shield ally close to the caster (like pavise)
i don’t include number since i’m fine with either this skill become c2 or c3 skill
peltasta - i agree peltasta need to be buffed (either by more damage or more tanking capability) especially c2 and c3, currently the c1 give out so many utility thus making c2 and c3 kinda underwhelming
highlander - i don’t really know much of highlander build, but i believe it should be buffed/nerfed to be balanced with the other r2 class, if the other got major change
barbarian - i think this class is mostly fine, proposed changed are ok, kinda hoping they swap some skills between circle but it’s also fine at current design.
hoplite - i think the suggested changes are fine, but the values could be reduced or better paced(increase/level) as currently hoplite is already strong for early game
cata - i agree impaler need to be given a reason to level, steed charge at the moment is simply bad, suggestion would be increase of level would increase the distance traveled and add an attribute that will drag the enemies (or maybe only the first enemy it hit) instead of just knockdown. the increase in distance would make this bothersome to use in pve, but giving it another interesting skill when it used on pvp (and it fit the charging cavalry for me )
i think its fine for cata to lack damage since it’s main point is having mobility (and extra defensive stat from companion)
rodelero - i think first thing they need to do is making up their mind if this class is a defense oriented (as currently suggested by the blue emblem) or offense oriented (change to red emblem) as currently the class skill is offense oriented and/or the CC is quite underwhelming, please make some synergy available (then again this will probably take time and couldn’t quickly implemented) for this class is recommended since its currently very boring to play in most scenario
squire -
MT skills need better scaling (weapon & armor mt), but not as high as what you suggest
weapon mt : 75% weapon attack even without flat is way overkill, 15% or 30% on lv15 plus current flat is already enough even considering lv400+ gear)
armor mt : at least it need 0.5 def for every (star x skill level), may need percentage for lv300+ gear
penalty red : i don’t think current skill works, squire does need a C3 skill but i have no idea what to suggest
base camp/refreshment table : i don’t agree with ability to sell refreshment table food since it reduce the need to include a squire on a party but i really hope they decrease the cost to make the basecamp and refreshment table (increasing the food ingr price is ok) or fixed the basecamp buff which suppose to increase buff duration (i’m not sure about other class buff, but tested that food buff didn’t receive any bonus from basecamp)
current pricing is really bad if you aren’t planing a long grinding session
corsair - agreed with your opinions, i especially want a better scaling for jolly roger
rest of class i’ll reserve my judgement since the class is not yet complete… but i agree that most of the offensive swordman class need better scaling comparative to other DPS class, its true that swordie have 3x hp, but the damage comparison is very crude making DPS swordman class obsolate in competitive environment
in general (not only swordman tree), i do hope they give better skill description and patchnote / changelog (instead of ‘ninja’ patch we sometime don’t even know/notice).
rants: i still think templar should be a hidden rank instead a real one… i was thinking about hidden class templar for each class tree that have 3 common skill, and an unique skill (differ for each base class)
summon member/tower and improve craft time would be the common skill, while swd/arc/wiz/cle having str/dex/int/spr aura (similar to current templar’s design)