Tree of Savior Forum

Known Issues - June 1st

Was basically ranting about that in party chat some hours ago.

[quote=“ramonn62, post:34, topic:285003, full:true”]
Doppelsoeldner It has two broken skills : Double Pay Earn and Deeds of Valor.two months ago and no correction for class[/quote]
You should also tell them what aspects of these skills you think are broken.
Just saying “it’s broken, fix it” doesn’t tell them what’s wrong or what aspect about these skills you’re talking about.

(It’s fixed now for new players, but we never received our Part 4)

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This bug caused me a huge problem needs to be repaired urgently .

Seriously, you just had a maintenance and Dungeon/Mission queues still broken??? Are you just ignoring the problem or wtf? I cannot believe this is really happening, you’re gonna lose tons of players if you keep working that way.

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Last Time in April they needed over a week to fix this Bug.
Its always the EU Server.
We pay the most and get less service.

I have this error;

Help please?

Pls put brown tini horn on brown tini’s, i can’t craft my archmage bangle T^T

Nope I’ve poled plenty of monsters of that type with no problems. It almost appears to be random which monsters you can pole or not.

Is this still an issue?

Before i leaved Orsha and transfer to Silute, it was a mess. Here in Silute this is not happening… yet (?).

Yes, Dilgele price on Fedimian is 19k.
That’s some high quality drug.


oh known issues, as well include bots? lmao

there 's an bug that make some mobs who run away from player suddenly teleport although they don’t have teleport skill

Bokor’s hexing targets friendly targets and goes through the animation even though it doesn’t connect. It makes the skill really hard to aim when Clerics can’t change targets freely.

What about [Moving Validation Error] too Fast
There is a lot of closed threads since April talking about this and is unresolved yet. So when the staff are going to start paying attention to this issue?
thx in advance.

if I remember correctly they removed the pop up text some patches ago, sadly my internet went down last month :sob: and cant confirm if it was returned or still gone…

The skill “Raise Dead” still bugged, the skeleton still can be summon with not totally HP, and his health dont scale with the skill rank.

Here your patch notes telling us the fix, but still not function.

The skill ‘Raise Dead’ shall be changed like below.

  • Fixed the problem of non-full HP Skeleton Soldiers getting summoned.

  • Fixed the problem of HP for Skeleton Soldier not getting increased even after the skill level did.

yes it is. its a buff now and not a passive skill. i have a corsair and i know it works.

(atribute)Create a Shogoth: Enlargement just dont work, the Shogoth dont grow his size never and I cant confirm if his health increase.

Atribute description. Increase the chance of enlarging the size and maximum hp of the summoned shogoth by 1% per attribute level

Just dont work and is a very expensive atribute please fix it.

Swordsmen non-tanks are useless.

Look at your forums and fix them.