Tree of Savior Forum

Earth Tower Handbook v1.10 (No longer updated.)


This guide is no longer being supported. With time, it will become out-of-date. Hopefully it’ll be useful to some of you guys before that point. More explanation as to why I’m quitting can be found here.

Hi all, Saintone here again. I’m the Cleric from the 10/F, 15/F, and 20/F iTOS ET clearing party, here to present a small project I whipped up yesterday. We were the first to clear the entire tower outside of Korea and managed up to the 15th floor even when 7/F was bugged and borderline impossible.

Turtai don’t mess around.

This is an Earth Tower handbook I’ve written in an attempt to educate the playerbase on what Earth Tower is all about. Most of the information in this work is subjective and my opinion at best, from my experiences either playing, partying with, or witnessing each and every single class’ capacity within the tower since the game launched in both the Korean and English versions of the game.

I intend to keep it updated in an effort to help those who are dissuaded by the idea of going, to give it a shot. I can’t promise success, since a lot of ET is dictated not by what you know, but how you perform. But I would like to preface the guide with a single statement: so long as your build has some sense to it, there is more than likely a way to have it clear at least half of the tower with a proper supporting party.

I’ll continue to add more information as my own team progresses through the tower as well. I hope this resource comes in handy for some of you. As class balances occur, I’ll also try to reflect that in the pseudo-tier list, as well as class additions when rank eight is incorporated in.

If people find it useful, I’ll try to do more things like this for additional endgame content, such as Solmiki (ET21-40) and future similar challenges.

As a disclaimer, you are always welcome to ask questions, provide input and feedback, and request sections to the guide whether here or privately. I can be reached in-game (Saintone, Klaipeda) or via some Discord channels.


version 1.0 - This is the first iteration of the published guide. It has a brunt of what I have on my mind when it comes to Earth Tower as of the game version present on July 13th, 2016. It has some descriptions for Earth Tower floors 1-14 and very few pictures. Most of the common FAQ questions were answered, ratings were given to all the rank 1-7 classes, and numerous general tips were given.

version 1.01 - First update. A proper table of contents that allows for quick navigation through the document. More images. All known enemies are now included with quick links to their online database page.

version 1.02 - Included a shopping list for decent assets to pick up before heading into Earth Tower. Adding more images of the individual floors, but not all of them yet.

version 1.03 - 7/F was fixed, so the guide was updated to reflect tactics for succeeding on it easier. Paladin moved up a star, because it’s actually good after the 10th floor (but still struggles before that point). 12/F is significantly harder, will need more elaborating. A note regarding Pyroego and Dispeller scrolls has been added as well. Animus no longer bugs HP on entry to the tower.

version 1.04 - We’ve since cleared all of Earth Tower. Some miscellaneous information added here and there, as well as some additional (but not yet in-depth) information regarding floors 15 through 20.

version 1.05 - Barebones for R8 added.

version 1.10 - Job ratings revised. Con table removed, individual star ratings for each job circle added. Some revisions here and there; this is still being worked on and will be edited over time. Miscellaneous things added here and there, such as Enchanter’s Armor Buff added to list of assets you can purchase before running.


Bookedmarked, Liked, and godspeed Saintone.


Turtai gets a bad rap, his dogs are just doing their job, you entered his house and they aren’t happy about it.

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Hey Saint, nice guide so far!

Quick question. Have you had an Oracle in the tower yet? I was curious if you could use the change skill on any of the more annoying mobs, or potentially the low hp 1 dmg per hit mobs.

Hi, great guide!

I suggest that you put screenshot on barrier example (where to place the barrier).

@Mirarara - This is planned with the next version of it for most of the floors! Just wanted to push out information as soon as possible.

@matthias2479 - Doesn’t really solve much unfortunately. Most of the mobs individually aren’t really worth changing since they aren’t that tough to deal with, or they just change into something equally annoying at level 280.

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Was thinking those catacombs dogs in the gif might be better off as kepas, or at least something without a ranged attack, but i get what your saying

Thanks for your hard work, already bookmarked it! ˆ•ˆ
I just hope I can do something even if I don’t follow the meta strictly @.@

Good guy Saintone teaching scrubs like me how to get things done. Keep up the good work brother

thx so much for the time and effort, mango =D

@Veritas Can you explain this?


Food buffs are extremely useful and nearly essential for climbing the upper floors.

You don’t actually need them in the tower itself.

Sounds contradicting or the “one star” doesn’t feel right here.

Its basically a ranking based on how much you want X class in your party.
You don’t want a squire in your party because you can get their buffs outside of the tower.

@Veritas i know u ranked highly for peltasta c3 full con. What is the ranking for peltata c1 not full con?

Glad I went full con pelt3 with my squire3 then

how much damage do the monster do in ET 1-10?

5k per hit? More? IT would help a lot to understand the actual difficulty of the first floors if we knew the amount of hits a 10k health player can take (which is the avg. of non CON investors) Magic / Melee / Ranged, skills / basic attacks. Things like this.

Input much appreciated

@Estryark - As @Delcas explained, the buff is one of the most powerful assets you can bring with you to Earth Tower, but it’s a service that doesn’t require the Squire to be in the party itself to achieve.

Fortunately, you’re a Peltasta C3, which is honestly all you need to be a proper tank in ET.

@fatedhour - Less. Ideally, you’re able to contribute suitable DPS to make up for it. Either AoE as something like a Doppelsoeldner, or great single target damage versus a boss, or single target damage in tandem with Joint Penalty, or able to lockdown enemies efficiently.

@soul_drain - Mobs can hit anywhere from 2’000 to 8’000 damage with no level penalty on your average DPS class. The ranged and magic mobs tend to do more than the melee mobs.

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Then you can ask the mobs if they wanna pvp


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I think your guide is pretty bad on the class parts, maybe a little more research on each class and you might get it to where it needs to be but right now it’s seriously lacking.

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