Tree of Savior Forum

Endgame questions!

I just want to know if there is difficult end game, Only threads about this are like 1-2 years old. So the game should’ve improved I assumed.

My girlfriend is coming from FFXIV
I’m coming from Wakfu and Ragnarok.

We don’t grind, but we just want content that is difficult and requires gearing to beat. FFXIV is too slow and quest hub. Wakfu/Ragnarok is incomplete.

You may refer to this post and guide for endgame dungeon content (earth tower) : Earth Tower Handbook v1.10 (No longer updated.)

And for fantasy library : [Guide] 315 Dungeon - Fantasy Library

None, because PVE were nerfed to the ground. You can progress very easily without thinking too much.

Solmiki probably come close to what you want.

Same goes to TOS. Incomplete and buggy game and you have to clear tons of quests to progress fast.

you missed out on the event that gets you to lv.290 within a week or two. they gave us a bunch of 150% and 300% exp tomes to make leveling simple.

you’re going to have to deal with the quest hub and grind in a party from time to time like ragnarok not to mention the game is far from complete and it’s a bugfested game

i personally think ragnarok is superior to tree of savior considering it has better end game and less need to grind for materials so you could have a decent weapon.

You can’t ask about something doesn’t exist

this game have no end game

this game doesn’t even finished yet, lv cap is 600+

this game is nothing more than daily routine saalus/dungeon/et and farming stuff

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tbh this game endgame is close to braindead robot mode.
I duno why ur gf wanna jump from ff to this pithole lol.

well I sum up for u , endgame:

  • orange weap and the retarded dpk

  • Solmeme gear x4 minimum (I’m too lazy to count how many months u need for 4 parts, not to say those aiming for 7 parts, with only 1 char running it)

  • amount of bless shard to trans10 ur weap (here’s the real end game, how many months and alts u gotta make to run saalus or jz be a casual)

  • amount of bless shard to trans armor - last priority

there’s a reason why they call it tree of dailies aka tree of saalus+290. saalus for the bless shard, 290 run for the silver bank to reroll solmeme. that’s all the content. pls don’t count in tbl and gvg, stop making a joke of these.

Annnnnnd last but not least, repeat cycle when they release rank9.


There is no endgame. Just bees. A lot of bees. Bzzzing around.

It’s nice to walk through the maps and the story line some times but that’s it. Maybe there will be an endgame in a year or something.

IMO endgame difficulty and enjoyment currently depends on how you’ve been playing the game.

Do you;

  • Plan on absorbing quest dialogue, lore, atmosphere, doing what you find fun? Do you pick the classes that look the most interesting to you, exploring the quirks and effectiveness of the skills? Do you intend on building your character using resources you acquire naturally or via goals you decide yourself?


  • Do you prefer to maximise character progression by ruthlessly speeding through the game, focusing on the most effective ways to do it? Researching meta builds, configure them according to community research for highest dps, defense, etc? Identifying the most efficient ways of getting silver, dps, def etc. and focusing your time on that?

There’s nothing wrong with any of the above. Everyone plays differently, and you’ll probably be doing all of it to some extent regardless of how you play.

But if you focus more on the 2nd bullet point, you’ll find yourself at end game quickly, with an OP character, locked into an endless cycle of running dungeons / grinding the same mobs for fear of being left behind or wanting to catch up. Some players end up doing that on several characters to speed up progression, and carry on regardless of how fun it is. End game content diminishes as ToS becomes a point-and-click game, and this isn’t saved by PvP content due to the imbalance of classes and flawed progression systems. No need to go into individual issues here.

So back to my point. IMO endgame difficulty and enjoyment currently depends on how you play the game.

The game starts off easy for a while. Depending on your class and amount of time you’ve spent on your gear, you’ll encounter difficult situations at 240+. A solutions to this (other than ability) is to work on your gear. And if you’re able to focus more on the 1st bullet point, I think you’ll be just fine.



I’ll second the pvp parts of this point.

Fun is the name of the game here. At the end of the day everyone plays the game to have fun, to enjoy themselves.

For the hardcore(and semi), a lot of what they determine to be “fun” is derived from feeling significantly challenged and overcoming challenges to win. Difficult content is what these groups enjoy. Not difficult in the sense of requiring cheese-strategy to win, but difficult in the sense of requiring skill, coordination and teamwork to win.

People miss worldbossing not because the mechanics of worldbossing were good or that killing the worldbosses was interesting/challenging, but because the competition against other players was very interesting. The organisation that went into it, the group coordination to secure the bosses, the work that went into tracking and spawning them, the extremely detailed and intimate knowledge of the game in order to compete with others that also wanted to secure those bosses. This was in itself a form of pvp, created by pve, a generated challenge that people enjoyed thoroughly despite optimisation issues.

PVP supplements pve endgame for these groups because when it is well balanced and cheese strategy/frustrating mechanics do not exist, everyone feels properly challenged. When people feel properly challenge they enjoy overcoming those challenges.

Endgame should adequately challenge the hardcore without being lazy with regards to generating artificial difficulty.

I think a very strong extra reason to bring back worldbossing is due to the social nature of it. Previously, worldbosses were an incredibly strong social part of the game. When waiting on worldboss spawns and competing with others you would naturally meet and group up with other players. Friendships were made due to worldbossing that I still have today even with some that have moved to other games. It was an excellent tool to generate social interaction between players.

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All I gotta say is “Good Luck”…


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endless boring run with ausrine melstis

IDK what all these guys are talking about. The endgame for me has just been opening a cube every day. Still no practonium, boys.

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