EU Server Location Query by @Staff_Julie
Julie is doing a query from players asking about where do you expect the server in EU to be located and also where you’re playing from. She’s asking this from everyone. It’s no confirmation or anything, most likely to scope things.

The top vote from so far seems to be Frankfurt, Germany, which is a very central location that covers most of EU and is even good for those living in Russia. If you’re not from EU go post in this thread anyway as it’s not just for Europeans.
Regional Servers
Which means you just have to wait patiently. Possibly till the end of the Early Access, or even longer. If something gets announced we can count ourselves blessed, but if not, make sure that if you want to keep your Founders Package unused for an EU server, read on.
Sales Data from Steam

Voice your concern for wanting an EU server here:
An EU server is a big deal for a lot of us and as of now only one server located in NA is planned, and everything else is up in the air. For newcomers to the forum I figured I’d write a list of things we as the community have pieced together of the situation combined with official information, and what you can do to further help get ToS community updated with information of an official EU server, as pieced from various comments, topics, threads and users. If it’s not directly quoted from an IMC post, it’s not official.
Founders Package Prices for EU players
- 45.99€ for Package 1
- 27.99€ for Package 2
- 9.99€ for Package 3
Total if you buy all (they stack their benefits): 83.97€ (94.48 USD)
The official FAQ that is SUPER important:
If you buy the Founders Package, it can be saved!
In other words if you think the Founders Pack deal is worth it for you, you can “reserve” yourself one. Just do realize that it might not help a EU server become a reality, or it does, we don’t really know. It is up for IMC to decide right now, and also since the packages are marked as DLC they have a limited time tied to them if you want to refunds them through Steam and DLC has its’ own set of policies regarding refunds on Steam.
The Founders Package are sold as DLC in Steam.

Refunding is possible!
So if you buy the pack now and decide to play in the Early Access NA server, if no EU server is provided, you can. Just every day remember not to touch your delicious founder gift mail full of goodies so you can save the contents for a future server if none is provided for the launch.
However Steams refund policies are a little different as Julie mentions. Gathered from a lot of forum comments here, the general consensus is that you have about 2 weeks after a DLC purchase to refund it. After that, nope.
So if you decide to hang around longer than the 29th with your Founders Pack in your pockets, realize that the expiration date on your refund will expire even if you decide not to open the contents.
All in all it’s a little complicated because there’s two sets of policies at work here and it is mostly Steams complicated policies that make it so… well complicated.
What about server transfers in the future? [Updated]
Team transfer basically means all your characters.
Basically they’re not promising any EU servers, but if there is one you get a transfer. If you buy the Founder’s package, you will be allowed a transfer to another server.
This also is aimed at the NA audience too, who are afraid the Founder’s servers might empty up once actual free to play servers open up. Free to play servers still get 21 days to themselves without Founder’s guys being able to transfer, which is fantastic if you ask me.
It still is in no way a promise of a localized EU server.
Keep that in mind.
Founders Server Pack 30% Discount If You Wait
My own thoughts
Hope this clears up some things for EU people specifically who have been pulled in every direction at once.
Just realize this forum is full of fans of the game who are hell bent on “defending” the game and it’s developers by flagging EU posters, requesting for their bans and generally being just big asshats. Don’t let them discourage you from writing your opinion in wanting an EU server. They are simply users afraid of a divided server population or users who don’t understand the actual value of a local EU server.
The big EU - NA Server Suggestion
A lot of us EU folks understand the tiny time frame they have right now for any kind of possible big movements regarding an EU server, so the big suggestion a lot of us share is that we would be fine if one of the NA servers was simply tagged as (Europe) for the EU Founders.
Once the staff has the time / funds / reason / discussions needed, then simply transfer the servers database, with the players, over to an actual EU based server. Just copy+paste us to a new server and this way we can buy, redeem and use the Early Access stress free to play and enjoy the game, even if it is laggy, because we know that in the future we’ll have a lag free server and our time will never be a waste.
I highly recommend following these topics and reading them daily for this coming week: