Hello, everyone
In the last days I’ve seen a lot of topics created because of sorcerer’s “unique” issues, so I decided to create a thread to organize and, if it becomes solid enough, foward to our beloved devs (and our beloved staff “fowarders”).
Before we begin I apologize for english is not my native language.
If you’re looking for information, build in general or just discuss the class, please, go to this thread by @Scyphoza :
Sorcerer Info Megathread
For video footage of some problems please refer to @caudaite 's thread:
Problems and videos
For card discussion, @Pandaroc 's House of Cards thread
You can find information, but they are long outdated here:
Sorcerers Grimoire by @Tsuyucchi
Sorcerer Skill guide by @arnanv_2
(please don’t necro revive old posts, we are not necromancers )
Other suggestion by me:
Summon’s UI
Let’s divide them, they will have the format as the last of their topics.
BUGS :bug:
Bug level:
Description: Skill Summoning with melee devils sometimes miss their attacks.
When/How it happens: When the summoned creature stays slightly out of range it keeps attacking but it isn’t close enough to hit:
You can see in the end of the video.(after 38s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlaThZLUHCAIt seems fixed
Bug level:
Description: Summon just stands still not attacking anything
When/How it happens: Use Hold/Attack Ground to set a place for your summon guard/go, use Ride and a skill of your choice, after that, unmount and wait… your summon will finish whatever skill animation he is casting and will stand still until you use Hold again or re-summon.
Bug level:
Description: Sometimes you get stuck while mounting/unmounting and become unable to take actions since your normal skills black out and you don’t get riding skills. You have to be knocked back or relog/switch channel to regain control of your character.
When/How it happens: Unable to reproduce reliably, probably something to do with bosses.(maybe getting knocked back during riding’s animation)
Bug level: (greater is worse, max 5)
Description: (brief description of the bug)
When/How it happens: (how did it happen?)
PROBLEMS :head_bandage:
Most of these are opinion based by me and few other threads i’ve seen around the forums and, as such, should be discussed with more points of view. If you disagree please share your toughts in the comments and lets try figure out a way that is best for all players. The problem level is entirely based on my perception of it.
Description: Summon’s leash range is too short, it often leads to dangerous situation for the player to be around the summon and at the moment you walk a little far he starts chasing you until he arrives your postition. The summon only attacks after chasing you in the moment he gets to your position.
Problem level:
Current Workaround: Learn its max range and avoid getting too far, be careful with boss attacks though, they’ll send you flying and the summon will cancel whetever he is doing to follow you.
Solution: Add an atributte(off/on) to sorcerer c1 which gives +10(Max lv 3 or 5) leash range. If the summon is under half this new value while the master has the atributte active he should start looking for something and attack it.
Description: Summons waste attacks on traps, Tree Crystals and other objects.
Problem level:
Current Workaround: If you have sorc c2, position your summon at the very same spot as the target you want him to kill, if you don’t, try to walk him to it.
Solution: Look for new targets if the damage dealt is 1 or don’t target objects at all. (this could lead to a new issue, boss not attacking event objects you need to destroy)
Description: After chasing you because of leash range and aquiring a target, the summon will often attacks in the direction he is facing when he stops walking, not the target’s position.
Problem level:
While you summon is chasing you, stop right before your target, facing it, it doesn’t always work.
Solution: Get shooting classes, templeshooter
Description: SP regen deactivates when summoning, leading to the player often choosing between his sorcerer skills and his others classes’
Problem level:
Buy campfires, carry SP potions or propose marriage to a Kabbalist. Use your campfire whenever you use summon servant
and sit while he uses its buffs, meow.
Solution: Sp locks are supposed to not let you afk farm (templeshooter is not a Z-bot, he is too strong for that) so as suggestion, Summoning gets an attribute at C3 which let you regen your SP, but increase the SP drain by (50%/100%) and gives to the summoned devil a timer(5/10 min max) which after he vanishes and you have to summon a new one.
Description: Evocation is bad and I should feel bad for lvling it
Problem level:
Current Workaround: If you find, please tell me, but I do love watching bosses explode.
Solution: Chooses between of the devil’s skills randomly and use it before exploding. Set both the chosen skill and the explosion to scale with: Skill lv, Attribute lv and boss patk/matk(including card level). This gives options to chosing and leveling other cards and makes the skill worth to get at rank 7. Don’t forget to balance it’s base damage and cooldown properly.
Description: Controller users don’t have a way to unsummon quickly.
Problem level:
Current Workaround: leave the mouse in the spot the Summoning buff usually stays in second row, so you can fast cancel it.
Solution: Put an reconfigurable input in the key configs for unsummoning, like backspace is for return for quests.
Problem level: (greater is worse/ max 5)
Description: (brief description of the problem/ concern)
Current workaround (an way to work with the current state)
Solution (optional): (if you have something in mind, please share, but don’t be restrained to it as the ultimate solution)