Hi everyone,
i just wanna ask will sorcerer get buffed in the future of patch and get its bug fixed?
I am planning to go for sorcerer.
Especially this thread: Sorcerer bugs and problems collection
thanks for reading and commenting <3 Cheers
Hi everyone,
i just wanna ask will sorcerer get buffed in the future of patch and get its bug fixed?
I am planning to go for sorcerer.
Especially this thread: Sorcerer bugs and problems collection
thanks for reading and commenting <3 Cheers
I will be happy if it gets buffed but its pretty balanced atm. Most of its problems are AI wise and that would mean quality of life fixed which is actually their lowest priority too… BUT its still fun to play, i encourage you to pick it up nonetheless.
I will try to summarize about some stuffs on that thread:
Not sure if Chapparition is included on that, but as far as i saw, it is working fine, the AI still need to be tweakened, but i only see, sometimes, the monster dodging one attack here and there.
I do agree that a bigger distance is necessary, the summon get in the way of NPC’s and interactive objects often.
This one i am still making some testing, but it seem that when you stop and shoot what you want to kill the summon automatically turn to the target and attack.
I don’t like to go into some irrelevant details, but this one i think it is more related to the class background, i mean, you are summoning a demon and it will consume your magic (on ToS case SP), in all honesty, this falls under the case of classes synergy, on Sorc case is the Alchemist.
I think this one could be solved by pressing the summon skill key again, but then again, IMC would need to do some testing.
Right now this will be my build:
So far i am having fun as i did on the 2nd iCBT, i am not pressed to get Temple Shooter, i do go on Royal Mausoleum every now and then to check on it, but so far, Chapparition is doing great, lots of criticals and its almost 180° attack angle help lots getting some scattered mobs (different from TS), i want to get some other cards and do more testing to see what fits better my tastes.
I hope i could at least give something for you to think about, it is not a bad class be it C1 or C2, but Hold skill is too good of a skill to be left out, specially on world boss fights, that skill also can help on the tight leash range too, you put the summon into hold on the other side of the map and it won’t come unless you use hold again.
The melee summons not being able to hit things happens with some and not all of them. I know for a fact it happens with shadowgaler and unknocker and the issue with summons attacking in the wrong direction is really noticeable with Templeshooter. Essentially the summon will attack in whatever direction it is facing once before turning and attacking a target.
hey everyone, thanks for all the awesome reply, im sure they would do some bug fixes for the AI in near future for sorcerer ^_^, and plus, i saw Necromancer having 2 summons that doesnt eat away sp, im so gunna go for C1 sorcerer and nercomancer C2 :DDD