Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

Expressed myself wrong. sorry ;-;, I corrected it[quote=“avykos, post:69, topic:188142”]
Good Rod for Sorcerer

I see you really got into the tanky sorcerer, don’t let your dreams be dreams! /o

This rod is good solution to decrease your SP. Decreasing your SP means easier SP management.

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So in general it boils down to my choice of Rank 7…

My original Plan was to choose Warlock. But as i read more and more about the Class Choices and get to know the game better i am not so sure anymore of this choice. If i take a class like Warlock or any other “caster” type i have to drink potions while the summon is out.
Necro C1 is an option but looks lackluster.
Linker C3 could be another choice as well as Sorc C3 to get a synergy with familiars and linking but then again it boils down to drinking potions. To me it looks like no R7 Choice really complements Sorc C2.
Perhaps i just go Sorc C3 take the Bats for now and hope they fix C3 sometime soon…

But in general since i hit Sorc C1 i am really enjoying the class and think the class can just evolve forward in the future. I am really eager to see where it goes…

The same problem here, comrade.

Still can’t decide between Warlock or SorcC3.

Yeah. It really is kind of a dilemma. But i just recently reached Sorc C1 at around level 127 and now got 132. So still a long way to go. But at it is now i tend to just go Sorc C3 skill the Bats and wait…

Wait until you get about lv 10job in c2, when you’ll have all controlling skills and summoning lv 10, then decide if it pleases you enough :smiley:.

also, i’m creating a bug/problems compillation intended to foward to devs if it gets good enough. It’ll appear shortly, please help me there boyz o/
edit: created woman peeling potato

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Feel free to use my Unknocker video to show the attacking empty air bug to the devs. The bug starts like 40 seconds in. Ive seen shadowgaler do it to but i dont have video for shadowgaler.

Alright, also i’ll be referencing this and other threads for information, if you don’t mind.

With the current state of the game, I don’t think IMCgames will make any major change for sorcerer soon.

I love sorcerer but I hate its mana mechanic and the way demon work right now. So i’m going to Necromancer C2, then w8 for rank 8 come out to pick Sor C2. Only use Demon if necessary.

Go for it the more visibility sorcerer issues have the better. I will start using some other summons than Templeshooter to see if i can get some of the other summons to show bugs on video.

It’s alive!!

I had that at classl lvl 1.
Summon Familiar could wait.

Its kind of goofy how Attack and Hold both take up a skill point.

Nuale is also a waste of a card, that just AA’s even if you ride it and the AA sucks.

I can see different purposes in them, Attack orders them to go and after they finish they should return. Hold to stay there forever and ever until the apocalypse arrives.


Hold especially good in fighting with bosses.

I use them both but I could just as easily make do if it was just 1 with an attribute to act as the other.

hmmmm… yeaah… i can see a possibility :hushed:
what if:
Delete Attack, keep hold, change hold to have an toggle off effect. When you press the skill once the devil go there do his thing and its cooldown starts internally, the skill could be used again to cancel the hold order and the remaining cooldown shows up on skill bar.

More points for bats \o/

Guys can i ask how many damage do the evocation compare to other class? Like elementalist or kino? In pvp the evocation is good or is useless cause to bad ai?

Evocation is not really a summoning skill

In the way it works you can compare as a high lv Earthquake(no double hits from lethargy :p)


see that 2500 damage? that’s right thats evocation almighty power

Oh thanks for info. 1 more question. The summon is a devil boss card and more star the card have more strong is the boss. Some boss whit 5 star have a good aoe but the damage is good or is useless compare to fire or elementalist? In pvp the boss is strong ? Sorry form bad english

Templeshooter does pretty good damage in pvp if you can cc whoever you fighting so that Templeshooter can actually hit them.