Tree of Savior Forum

[Mega Polls!] Regarding some of the big hot button issues to be used as feedback for imc

Well, given that we are in an information asymmetry situation, opinions are shaped by the data that are available…

Following MMORPG precedent, Tree of Savior’s South Korean launch has been plagued with innumerable bugs and cash shop controversy.

EDIT: It would always be nice to be pleasantly surprised, but it’s not like these opinions just spontaneously appear from nowhere.

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Bringing back the exp counter would be good too. >_<

DEX is imbalance would like split to DEX/AGI or DEX/LUCK for balance character status

What is imbalanced in DEX? It’s still less profotable stat then STR or CON generally.

One of the gripes I have with ToS is that for all the beautiful world they made… There seems to be an insufficient amount of indoor maps!!

Indoor maps (houses / building / etc) sets such wonderful mood for the world. I think we need more of them! I’m always tempted to go into that house in the field, but I can’t. :cry:


Since modifying this poll affects its results, maybe take in everyone’s feedback then launch a V2 poll with better options?


read here

got no clue where to post this and dont wanna open up a new topic for this but…

thinking about end game or stuff and also the many more classes and circles wich might/will get introduced also considering the nerfs that might appear…

this game needs 100% a way on changing circles - lets say (just an example) 20% of the players are going for wiz 3 - in 6 months IMC realises that 50% cast speed + damage got too much of an impact for later circles and the dps scaling is way too high - so what should they do? simply nerf the class by removing the 50% damage attribute - for sure everyone of the single 20% guys wich choose to go wiz gonna be unhappy or even worse - cause they sacrificed 2 circles for a single attribute - now ya might say “go and level up again” not everyone got time to grind said class all over again + what about the token/exp tomes spent - ya wont see a refund on those

changing circles shouldn be available just like that but for sure be available for those classes who got a major nerf - and changing this little attribute kills the whole build for said mage - so all in all everyone who got a wiz c3 should be able to reset his circles and choose them new - wich is in no way an advantage since your fav build just got killed - so its not really “helping the player” its just a mere compensation

same would apply to any class wich gets major nerfs after a big patch

in other games classes are more linear and if skills are being nerfed they can simply reset their skills for free at any npc - ToS is more complex making it harder to even find a proper solution for said issue

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I am strongly opposed to that. in other games when ever a class gets nerfed they don’t go " o sorry would you like us to make your X into a Y?" Buffs and nerfs are part of mmos.

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Hmm… not a bad idea… that said:

I was actually hoping that imc staff would actually take the initiative to be more active about getting this kind of feedback from the community. So my hope is that in the future they will be the ones creating maybe weekly or at least bi-monthly polls about various current issues and/or future directions.

The ultimate hope is for there to be a much more transparent development environment where players and devs are in closer contact, some really great examples of this kind of extremely productive back and forth can be seen with these games:

Dungeon Defenders II
Path of Exile

If you want to build an enduring game, you need to build a loyal community that is engaged. You do this by interacting with them closely, taking in feedback and being open and transparent about decisions and why they were made the way they were.

I have no doubt that imc staff members like: @STAFF_Ethan, @Staff_Julie, @STAFF_John, @STAFF_Shawn see poll posts like this, and I definitely know they see the data and read the discussions.

But I also have to wonder how much of the feedback that the staff members read actually ends up making it to the devs and directors (you know the people making the actual decisions) over in Korea?

I guess only time will tell.


3 more poll ideas:

  1. how restrictive Team Storage should be considering the game is about playing a team of alts (right now it’s Token only, and wastes “potential”, while IMO it should be accessible in a restricted fashion for free, with the option of expanding it via TP, the same way lodge is expanded via TP)

  2. In regards to the 600% EXP boost from using match-making system for dungeons, also known as the “impossible to ignore incentive to tell your friends to gtfo because it’s better exp to play with strangers”

  3. Trading being blocked for non-Token users, rather than being just highly restricted and comfy for Token-users. But you mention that topic in the last bit so…

More specific thoughts on that:

if you played rift - you had 3 circles to choose from and if one gets a major nerf you simply go to the npc + pay some in game gold and all set and done

others games you play you get offered a skill reset potion - just that in this game skill reset means as good as nothing - doesn help you if they nerf a whole purpose of a circle and you reset skills - the main problem remains - your whole build gonna be useless

skill reset in other MMORPG (wich are most common) are like circle resets in this game

That would only be a case if they removed skills as a whole. Which they havent done in a long time they just adjust them up and down now.

i took the 50% damage attribute as an example - nobody would take wiz 3 if it wasn for that one attribute - if IMC nerfs wiz3 by removing the attribute from quick cast (wich MIGHT be possible cause its just to good to be true) you will see MANY people complaining - you might not think of it now but what if it happens? wouldn you want to have a 100% security that theres something done to compensate the loss you have? cause its a heavy loss indeed

Removing attribute is also really unlikely and hasn’t happened in a long time, i think your afraid of occurrences that happened in early beta, you shouldn’t consider those standard practice as they have not repeated them.

Also i don’t think quick cast is to good, it requires a 3 circle investment. Really going to c3 in any class should be that rewarding but currently is not consistent.

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So while i’ll be wearing my headgears purely for cosmetic purposes. You’ll be be saving up 15mil per headgear to get the best stats. even though the game is just fine without them.

Great another person I can despise.

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just that the attribute scales with each and every dpsing skill - and 50% is quite alot - and it gets even better with more circles being introduced its not like it scales worse the better classes come into play- it just gets better and better and 2 circles wont look like a big investment anymore

lets check for an alternitive - electrocute does have a nice synergy with cryo skills - but then again it doesn have an overheat + 30 seconds is quite a long time - also considering the status resist of cleric classes makes it less impactful in pvp - same as you wont have any benefit on bosses - so this kinda synergy is situational - like most if not all other attributes in the game (didn take a deeper look into archer and swordsman)

and yup im afraid that such major nerfs happen and just wanna be prepared for those - nobody tested circle 8 9 10 and etc yet (and im quite sure they will come i mean…makes no sense that they dont right) but one thing is for sure to everyone: wiz 3 will always scale with each and every dps skill that will come in the future…if IMC does realise how impactful this skill+attribute is they got no other choice but to nerf it

Are you saying you hate how I spend my money or that I “support” it?

I understand it scales well because it is percentile but also keep in mind IMC has stated they might end the ranks at 8 and make the rest of the classes hidden / spread through those ranks but lets assume 10.

So we are looking at 9 ranks since 1 is obviously wizard. 2/9 is still a fairly large investment.

Adding to what you said. The “Open dungeons” and 3 star maps could have some sort of bonus xp for forming unique parties.

there we got another problem - what if they introduce a hidden class couple months after max circles have been reached wich requires lets say 3x sorcerer and you got your 3x sorcerer setup and took a useless to mediocre circle to fill cause you had no clue whats going on in future - dont you think the 3x sorcerer who loves his wiz only for the summons wouldn feel kinda…you know

all in all the circles are great no doubt about it but there are so many questions open regarding “what if it happens”