Tree of Savior Forum

[Mega Polls!] Regarding some of the big hot button issues to be used as feedback for imc

It need to be but then there will be so much more bots and gold selers in the need tbe trade later on any way.

i havnā€™t had a thorought thought on it but want them to change the current token system
1:1 trading restriction - i dont have a strong preference on this yet
magic scrolls
cash shop prices
etc etc

i simply hope them to have more thoughhts in the cash shop and token system design

In an mmorpg you cant to more for cash sgop.

How you make poll like that? Can you kindly give me a link? Thank you

type [poll] and then [/polI]

Buff exp outside dungeon.
more good farming maps.

Iā€™m going to have token for a long time, I dont want movement speed removed. Magic scrolls dont help much endgame so I wouldnā€™t mind they stayed there if I decide to buy them.

I realize this game wants to be f2p, but Iā€™m not a whale and even I want to give magic scrolls a try and keep movement speed. It makes tokens worth it.

This should be what youā€™re looking for:

NOTE: If you want to create multiple polls in a post you need each poll to have a unique name.

[poll name=myfirstpoll]
- Option 1
- Option 2

[poll name=mysecondpoll]
- Option 1
- Option 2

I also did some testing to see if editing a post in various ways would wipe polls and here are the RESULTS

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This sounds like a great start! Unfortunately I canā€™t add this poll to the existing opening post because it would wipe out the current votes on the polls. Also you would need to add an [Other] option as well as a [No Opinion] option. But it looks good to start!

I unfortunately did not have the foresight to reserve another post for additional polls but thatā€™s lifeā€¦

The problem with your polls is alot of the voters in this community havenā€™t played with these things yet and donā€™t know ā– ā– ā– ā–  about them. On the topic of the scrolls the stats they give are so low they mean next to nothing by the time you hit 200+ the only stat you can get on a hat that scales well into late game is aoe ratio.

This already doesnā€™t apply in arena, but when in gvg it shouldnā€™t apply either, currently it does because your fighting out in the fields.

It would be nice to have more to encourage grouping with your friends but the 2+2(token) we have now is not that bad.

Yes, I concede that could be a problem, but itā€™s a problem with pretty much any poll. For example, in politics, there are surely a lot of uninformed, poorly informed, or misinformed opinions. The purpose of polling is to get descriptive information about how a population feels about certain issues.

Personally, I think that allowing stats to be obtained with real money in such a direct way is dangerous. Because imc might rationalize: ā€œLook at all these sales we got for magic scrolls (we both know that such an item would drive sales)! This must mean they are okay with the community!ā€

In fact though, the data thus far (as of 3/23/16 10:46 EST) shows that the community has a slight majority opinion that such scrolls are too powerful (15%) or that the scrolls should be completely removed (42%) [presumably because they are too powerful under any circumstance, is my interpretation]. So the view of the community indicates (in my view) that 57% of currently polled community find magic scrolls to provide an unfair advantage.

You are saying that at least some of these views are uninformed or misinformed, which could be true. But opinions in the public sphere can bias decisions. If someone is looking into this game and they have a ~6/10 chance (based on the population sample) of running into someone who thinks that there are cash options in this game that are too powerful, then they might decide: ā€œscrew ToS, Iā€™m going to go play something elseā€. It might not be true, but again thatā€™s imcā€™s problem not yours or mine.

I hope that you can agree though that Iā€™ve tried my best to keep the polls that I did post unbiased while allowing for alternative options.


Well once again many of those players were not even in the betas or Ktos. Also those scrolls drop in dungeons, its not like you donā€™t get those stats if you donā€™t pay.

Yes @thebloodyaugust , I have addressed your point. Perhaps not necessarily to your liking but, I hope you can see where Iā€™m coming from as well.

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I know you mentioned the community i read your whole post, but i was adding that those items are easily obtainable in game as well and is not strictly a cash shop item which was not mentioned by you.

ā€œIf you had to choose one thing for imc to make a major focus for the next ~1 month of development or so what would it be?ā€

sees the majority of votes are for fixing bugs and balancing classesā€¦

Yeah itā€™s confirmed that almost all the voters here havenā€™t played ktos.


Well, given that we are in an information asymmetry situation, opinions are shaped by the data that are availableā€¦

Following MMORPG precedent, Tree of Saviorā€™s South Korean launch has been plagued with innumerable bugs and cash shop controversy.

EDIT: It would always be nice to be pleasantly surprised, but itā€™s not like these opinions just spontaneously appear from nowhere.

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Bringing back the exp counter would be good too. >_<

DEX is imbalance would like split to DEX/AGI or DEX/LUCK for balance character status

What is imbalanced in DEX? Itā€™s still less profotable stat then STR or CON generally.

One of the gripes I have with ToS is that for all the beautiful world they madeā€¦ There seems to be an insufficient amount of indoor maps!!

Indoor maps (houses / building / etc) sets such wonderful mood for the world. I think we need more of them! Iā€™m always tempted to go into that house in the field, but I canā€™t. :cry:


Since modifying this poll affects its results, maybe take in everyoneā€™s feedback then launch a V2 poll with better options?