Tree of Savior Forum

Final batch of Beta Key Distribution - Completed


We are IMCGAMES TOS team.

We are glad to share with you that we’ve obtained more keys from Steam. We want to apologize for your wait.
We will begin sending out the final batch of Beta Keys from this point on.

There may be some delays depending on the mail server’s processing capacity so we expect that it would take approximately 24 hours to complete sending out all the emails.

You can also check your Beta Key from our website by clicking on [Check your Beta Key] button which will be displayed on the top right corner of our website after you log in.

We will put in our best efforts for our fans throughout the test period.

We want to say “Thank you” to Steam staffs for their full support. We will be able to carry out the test without any delays due to their amazing support in spite of our request for a huge number of keys.

  • For the registrants who do not receive the keys, either your conditions did not meet our requirements (ex: registrants from the countries where TOS has local publishers and etc) or your registration was not processed in a timely manner. We hope to meet you in our future tests.

  • Github contributors, fansite managers, and media will be contacted separately via email.

  • Beta Test keys and accounts are non-transferable. You may not sell or exploit the Beta keys for commercial purposes. Your Beta key will be revoked immediately and you will be restricted from participating the beta test, including future tests, when found selling the key or using it for commercial purposes.

Thank you


Good luck with finding sellers. Here’s a topic about one already.

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Good to hear for those still waiting.Thank you IMC for the great work!


I’m glad Steam accepted ! I already got mine, but I’m still happy for the others that are going to get them !
Thank you for your hard work for us.

até que enfim, a espera valeu apena

Glad to hear you got the problem sorted out guys

oh the [Check your Beta Key] button oready there? :open_mouth: or… soon will be there?

wish i can get my key soon… tired of waiting xD

@natzrofatal, can’t see the button yet too. Hope it’ll show up soon :). Still looking for my key >.<

@pfabrino I think you have to logout and login again, i did this and appear

Wooooo got mine :3, thanks !!! :heart_eyes:

Oh really!!! :smiley: thanks for the info

GOT MY KEYS!!! :heart_eyes:

THANK YOU IMC!! :scream:

Good day, I registered my girlfriend in the test. When checking the code on the site, to get this message:

It is so unfortunate that we could not accommodate you for the Beta Test
this time since your conditions did not meet our requirements.(ex:
registrants from the countries where TOS has local publishers and etc)
We hope to meet you in our future tests and we will try our best to listen to user suggestions and feedback all the time.
Thank you for your interest in Tree of Savior.”

Why is that? Playing with Ukraine, before there were no problems … There is still hope for a key? Thank you.


got it too tyyy :heart_eyes:

Just a question, do you or your girlfriend use VPN in your machine? If so, which country? They might get your location from that, and if you were connected as someone from any of the the countries they already have distributors/local tests you would be left out. Try sending them an email anyway. Good luck friend!

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Thank you TOS team and also lets praise our Lord and savior Gaben while were at it :triumph:

you did not apply within the timeline. registration ended few days ago for the cbt tho.

Can’t we give key for our friend?

Thanks a lot for your hard work! :smiley:

[Check your Beta Key] :grinning:
registration was not processed in a timely manner. :sob: