Tree of Savior Forum

We badly need an official statement regarding what the VAC Covers IMC

I wonder why staff is not responding…

UPDATE BELOW! :mushroom: chars

This is not an update, we know that exp viewer is allowed, we are asking about better quest mod and monster counter and red map mods. And that quote was taken before VAC was put into place.

Well from what I understand, as long as the thing is considered an “add-on” and is part of the addons folder then it is not a mod and it’s legit.

As for betterquest, it’s a mod because I sincerely think it can be considered as what they mentioned as “excessive datamining” and directly tampers with the game’s data files through a method that prevents the launcher from overwriting the file that enables it.

If betterquest was to be turned into an addon the maybe it has a chance of being legit :confused:

They really should make use of Steam workshop for addons.
Then they can explicitely allow and disallow addons for everyone.

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my only concern at least for myself its about expviewer (plus monsterkillingcount and mapexplorer) since i dont use betterquest i like to talk every NPC since that also adds to your journal of NPC meet.

and we also want to know about that if their stand is still the same about such addon because the VAC thing. they already said its fine but we still want to know if they still think the same about the addon expviewer (and the monsterkilling count and mapexplorer)

I’d like to know their stance on BetterQuest myself but I doubt we’d be getting a definitive answer anytime soon ._.

Mods are really in the gray area because as evidently stated on the terms of use, any modification to the game client is not allowed, but IMC is lenient on the ones that don’t give unfair advantages to players who choose to use them.

I don’t have a “final” official statement from IMC but I’ve gotten word that the following will not get you banned:
-EXP viewer
-Fog viewer

I’ll check again about BetterQuest.


Thank you for the response Staff_Julie!
I’d also like to have this confirmed:

Basically, it’s a pack of convenient addons that includes both the EXP Viewer and Fog viewer. It’s an all in one convenience so I’d also like to have the other mods inside them confirmed which are:

  • monsterframes - shows details about mob like specific amount of HP, race, armor type, and size.

  • monstertracker - tracks how much of the monster you have killed already and notifies you if you are eligible for a reward from Wings of Vibora for the mob kills.

  • channelsurfer - Allows one to switch between channels without being bugged by the confirmation window when activated.


Juliet, you didnt say anything about the monster killing count. its banneable offense or no? since the only thing that addon do its just count the monster you kill for the XP card from wings of vibora. (since the game dont have this option to show how many monsters you have killed while killing them, only to check it trought the Journal which dont update quickly and its like a pause because players have to stop to check it).

Also its included with the package of Expviewer and Fog viewer. Just to be sure and clarification. Thanks

I assume the mod that show remaining wugushi pot / necromancer corpse would not consider unfair advantage right?



Really hope @Staff_Julie Replies, cant proceed quest without the betterquest. Ill just stay at town and wait for her reply. :3

Exactly do not forget these please.

Following this post for purposes

My country worry about VAC they said "mod cant use becoz mod is modify clien and VAC will be got ban u "…SRY for bad english

@Staff_Julie It would be really nice if you could open a sticky thread OR a subforum where ppl can post their mods. Just today a new one made its way to reddit, one that automatically blocks RMT gold spammers with the option to auto report them (ok that part is bad imho) as well as hide the fps display. I think if these talented users had a platform to submit their mods too and before they get made public need to be approves by the staff, that would be nice.

FogViewer, Mob kill count viewer and exp viewer are very valuable, but that new chat addon sounds too good to pass by. The betterquests one isnt exactly that great, i like to follow quests list posted online somewhere.

Still no update with betterquest? @Staff_Julie

People are starting to make lots of great addons/mods. You should make a Official Thread saying which ones are approved and can be used!

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And what about monster tracker?