Tree of Savior Forum

Reality Check: TOS is a casual MMO

yeah man a game with 1 month of playing for max level where you lose nothing on death and no pvp is so hardcore xD xD xD if only those plebs in games like lineage or eve knew how hardcore this is they’d feel ashamed~~ xd xd

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Yeah dude, cuz fuckin math makes a game for hardcore players only. And don’t get me started on low drop chances! HOOOLYY crap man, let me tell you about how god damn hardcore that is! AHHHHH! IT’S SO HARDCORE! AHHH!



Alright, since you managed to act like an adult for a change and make a post without cursing or saying that anyone disagrees with you is retarded, I’ll actually bother replying.

You can’t mess up your first rank. That’s literally impossible. You basically can’t mess up by the time you reach rank 2 either. At this point you only have 3 options, and they are all pretty clear. By the time you reach rank 3, you could theoretically make a mistake at this point. It still takes virtually no time to level a new character to this point though. This would mean it isn’t until rank 4 where there’s even the smallest of consequences.

Here’s the real issue though. By the time you have reached a decent rank, you had PLENTY of opportunities to think about what you were doing. You chose not to though. That’s fine. Your build is still luckily going to be viable. It might not be the best though. Now whose fault is that? You blame IMC. This is just absurd. You chose to not plan properly, and now you have to blame someone else. That is 100% your fault. No one else’s. You don’t DESERVE a reset.

You made a mistake. Act like an adult and own up to it. It’s not even a horrible mistake. All the classes do essentially what you think they do, pending you have at least a 2nd grade reading level. You can even read all their skills as you are promoting. There might be a very slight differentiation in what they do compared to what you think they do, but it’s nothing major.

If you are confused about what something does, ask in game or on the forums. It’s that simple. There are tons of helpful players everywhere. If you went in blindly because you chose not to do this, you should accept the consequences of your refusal to learn. IMC isn’t being inconsiderate. Grow up. You messed up, not them. Stop blaming others for your inadequacies. You just don’t want to take any responsibility for your own ignorance and that’s all there is to it.

Finally, if ToS is designed for casuals as you say, then surely those players should have no issues reaching the level they abandoned their character at anyways. Your own logic defeats you here.

I could say the same thing a skill resets and stat resets. But uh-ohhh, they exist. Remake character because you went full dex? Nope, here’s 10$ to fix a mistake.

Do you get it yet?

Rookie mistake.

Additionally the forum population simply cannot answer all of the question. There are pardoner/pd questions open for about two weeks now. There is no answer so what is the player supposed to do then? There is no answer unless someone does it or can ask in korean.

I don’t feel qualified to be a source of knowledge on the cleric boards, so I refrain. On the swordsman boards, however, you can just take a look at my post history and see pages and pages of lengthy replies helping players.

Once I get a few clerics in the 200s range, I’ll start answering questions there as well.

There are very, very few questions that can’t be answered. Most of them you can simply ask in shout chat in game, and get literally dozens of replies. That is, of course, unless you’re a Bokor. Nobody plays Bokor. If they bugged the class change quest for a year no one would even notice.


Yeah, so until IMC can give the simple answer of whether circle swaps will be ever be a thing, I’ll be making all the better arguments clear as to why they are beneficial to the game.

So if you want the rampage to stop, talk to them.

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Your ‘rampage’ is going to end when IMC inevitably locks your account because you can’t go more than 30 seconds without cursing or calling someone ‘retarded’. I wouldn’t doubt it if you get flagged 10 times a day.

I haven’t used the word ‘retarded’ once in one single post of mine, and I actively avoid doing such things because it’s offensive.

But nice try.

What does “casual” even mean? You’re just saying words that don’t seem to have any bearing on anything.

Oh another idiot like OP that reached mid game and thinks he know everything. You do lose something on death, it is just on 2* map and above. Get educated. Now quit the game or reach to the 1% playerbase and realize how stupid most of the complaint in forum are.

Shhh …

don’t tell him~

This one actually made me laugh, but the whole ‘internet tough guy’ bit always cracks me up. Very scary behind that monitor.

Yes. You’re so afraid of being offensive. All you give is well thought out replies. Oh, and the one that proves you’re also just a blatant liar, who can’t ever admit their own faults:

Thanks. I thought so too.


He probably has split personality. Don’t judge him until we know for sure.

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Oh hey, the one comment directed at me. Yea, I had a pretty good laugh at that. He had to resort to name calling after he started to lose the debate. And then never looked at that thread again, just started spamming other threads.

That’s pretty much all he does. At this point I’m starting to suspect it’s a troll account. Even kids aren’t that blind to their own issues.

i’m disheartened to think it, but it’s probably a legit account. it’s another case of that old adage, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”
at this point, it’s imply a case of not even knowing enough to be able to see how much there is still to learn.

Ah, what PD questions are those? Pardoner? Because there’s been atleast one detailed thread about the abilities that can be scrolled.

Not everything is known, and not everyone even reads the forums. Which is to be expected, its a new game after all.
Why are you expecting to get it all handed to you on a silver plate so soon after release? Or period?

Why so ungrateful towards the knowledge that is shared to others?