Tree of Savior Forum

Reality Check: TOS is a casual MMO

Your point makes sense. But i dont think a casual game would have a leveling curve that would take this long.

Im lv 223, and i just did a mission that each boss gave me 1 percent.

Its kind of a hassle now because ques take longer then 5 minutes.

And you grind 3-4 hours to gain one level. Its pretty long leveling. Specially worried about levelings that are 300+? why? because no casual can make it up that high. And no one is that patient to feel like they are gaining nothing or very little. Once you get to level 300+ itll probably start feeling like vanilla maplestory where it takes you a week to get 1 level. Which is terrible.

There isnt a lot of variety to level, and maps are starting to feel like they give less then 15 cards. Then monsters become really tanky, 60k+ HP… cant really solo them because it takes a long time, sometimes theyre retarded strong too. and its inefficient.

What bothers me the most the feeling of bad balancing. Grinding is way better then doing dungeons. Doing the lv 217 dungeon, I get 1m EXP per hour. While in open world dungeon its 3-5 times that. And dungeons you can only do 1-3 times a day. The fact that you can only do dungeons that many implies that its suppose to be very rewarded. Which is not at lv 220+

Missions is the same way, I only get about 1 percent per boss. Which is way low. Killing bosses in this game isnt worth it. On top of that they dont really drop anything but money or maybe sometimes some white recipe.


I am curious (I am 204), if IMC managed to continue to put quests past 232 would the feeling be the same if they reward us high level exp cards? And I do agree there’s bad balance between dungeons and grinding at high levels.

I want to know about interactions between priest 3(exorcise), pardoner discerning evil and pandemic from pd.

My 2 cents.

Its both a hardcore and a casual. First lets establish what is a hardcore game and what is a casual game.

A hardcore game by most peoples definition is a game where most “casuals” will never be able to experience/complete the “end game”.
A casual game is where all players can reach the end game \o/

I believe this game is a little bit of both, the end game of ToS is all in all the Earth Tower. That is the hardest and last piece of content available in ToS as of right now. A hardcore game like classic Ragnarok online would be Endless tower. Same concept really. However in Ragnarok there were no “main” quests, there were quests with little to no instructions and you basically had to look it up on google, it was a grind or die game.

In ToS, we have lots of quests, exp cards, daily missions, daily repeatable, daily dungeons that help us get a lot of exp (If the party search was working) and LOOT. If there was a dungeon in RO that dropped BiS, RO wouldn’t be what it was.

So in conclusion, its a bit of both so both sides stop whining, but my personal opinion is do not allow circle resets, that ■■■■ is dumb.

Why I compare ToS to RO is because ToS is its successors, no matter how many people say that ToS is it’s own game, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that ToS was heavily influenced by RO in ALOT of ways.

world boss contest, free stat distribution, skill gem/ gems (smells like cards), tonns of skills having the same names/same effects, art style, low drop rate items/materials, grind style, class choice (bard/dancer, monk/priest, knight/crusader), earth tower/ endless tower.

ToS is basically a modern, less hardcore version of RO, but it’s still should be a considerd a hardcore game, casuals still welcomed.

Anyways thats just my opinion.

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Hey, I curse a lot, I can’t hide that and I don’t really try to even on the forum.

It’s really the truth that I can’t bring myself to respect the opinion that this game has covered the bases and earned the right to not need resets, when it’s littered with holes and flaws that damn near make it a necessity.

So I’m sorry for my harsh language if that’s what really has your panties in a twist.

Alright, so even when it’s shoved directly in your face , you can’t admit that you are nothing but a liar. You must be a troll. Even children aren’t this self-centered. I’m done with you.

ToS has provided exactly as much info about its classes as most other f2p mmo’s do.
that is: a tiny, generalized description about how to start playing.

any other info is player generated and posted. you want to know it, you have to go find it yourself.

if you don’t like games that have flaws and limited info then you really shouldn’t be playing at launch.

I don’t expect it on the silver platter, but I expect the developer to own up to his faulty tooltips, vague descriptions and provide me the room to experiment without any further full punishs.

I already tanked a rank 7 character “loss” for science purposes, which is more than basically all claimers here did.

Don’t even wanna know how many say no to reset and grabbed their cookie-cutter right from the forum, asked a million questions to make sure and now bigmouth through the threads looking down on others while protecting their “hard and unique” leveling experience.

My only concern is what if our current builds wont synergize well when new content comes out. Does that mean we reroll? Leave the character we worked hard on? Was it our fault that we can’t see the future? I would honestly rather have an RO rebirth style system rather than have to abandon my character if you guys really dont want reset scrolls. That way its fair to everyone.

Um I dont see how that makes me a liar.

Zipzo: “I try not to be offensive, and i’ve absolutely never called anyone a retard”
Vanic: “Here’s a bunch of quotes featuring you blatantly being offensive, including one where you call someone a -tard.”
Zipzo: “What’s that got to do with anything?”

…yep, ok.



Way to take me out of context. I said I actively try not to call anyone a retard to not be offensive. Other words are still free game.

That being said I did say “tard” once so you got me there, what are you my mother?

Well that’s a rather specific question, with a rather specific build.
Don’t be surprised if early on in the game someone doesnt know this yet…

Something specific like this isnt likely to listed in any game. Most games in fact (speaking of RPGs) will go out of their way not to tell the players about these ‘‘combos’’.

I’m not sure where you got that impression.

I got my build by creating it along the way. As for science purposes, I’ll look forward to that then, as I’ve yet to see any results come out of it.
‘‘Claimers’’, you say.

I can only speak for myself, and since are talking to me:
I didnt. And even now that I’m rank 7 there’s still more then a few things left to learn about my build.

That’s been mostly the flamebaiting ‘‘we want reset nowz’’ crowd.

You sound disappointed that the ‘perfect build’ you thought up hasnt been tested (or shared), and now you feel that someone should be to blame in the event this build doesnt work out.

There’s no experimentation without failure.
How one can claim to ‘’ sacrifise time/characters for science purposes but are unwilling to take the risk of failure, is beyond me.

PS: Your example is laughable as a ‘‘sacrifice for science’’.
Priest 3 is a solid choice for solo and group play. Pardoner combined with it will make you millions selling buffs. And PD is well received for group content and PvP.

Even without that combination you are trying for you’ve got yourself a solid build, in fact it’s pretty much one of those ‘‘cookie cutter’’ builds people like to complain about.

Hypothetical question, the wind blows in some kind of direction that renders you useless. Groups won’t invite you, for almost any reason in lieu of anyone else. People make fun of you, and worst of all, your performance is bad. You can’t kill a mob without struggling way too hard, and you can’t even get a PvP group.

Are you telling me it wouldn’t bother you in the slightest to just ditch the character?

Zipzo stop this poinles arguments and focus on promotion for the reset , in a good way. This piat just hurt this.

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i would have to ask how you managed to force such a terrible build along so far that the problems become obvious to others, without stepping back to find out what the problem actually is.

i mean honestly, long before anyone else notices, you -should- feel your own performance levels slipping. you should have been wondering to yourself why it’s taking you a dozen hits to kill basic mobs, when everyone else only takes a few hits. and when you see that your performance -is- slipping, why would you do nothing to investigate the issue?

even by level 30-40 you would easily be able to tell that an Int/Spr/Con Swordie build is becoming severely underwhelming.

if nothing else, you learned what -doesn’t- work from that build, and can avoid repeating it next time.

Since there’s barely ever people around while leveling, no, I don’t think it’s reasonable to just expect that 100% of people will be able to adequately compare their kill speed to other player’s kill speed and besides the absurdity of this expectation, and even then if they do, what investigation is there to be made? The only solution GTFO your character and reroll.

So fun. Much entertainment, wow.

As someone said in this thread, this game is neither casual or hardcore.

It’s also not very casual friendly considering you need party to grind almost anywhere past 220+, considering monsters have 80k+ each. It is really a lot less “casual” that most grinders out there.
But it’s not hardcore because you don’t really lose much when you die so eh.

I don’t really give a ■■■■ about the reset topic of whatever agenda OP is trying to come across with, I just felt like giving my opinion on the whole casual/hardcore thingy.

yea, but how many casual players are going to get to that point, really?

yea but if you don’t know what you did wrong, and reroll and do the same things wrong again, it isn’t going to help no matter how many times you reroll. that’s what i meant by the investigation – find out what you’re doing wrong.

plus when you start learning what works, you might find out that you’re actually close to a different build that would work for you, and instead of scrapping the character, you can just change where it’s going.

but hey, we’ve all said it countless times: if this isn’t the game you’re interested in, there are plenty of others to play.