Tree of Savior Forum

Create a new "hardcore" and "normal" server label

For once I agree with you. Please, do make a casual server. Then give everyone on that server instant level 280 and +200 to all stats. That way they can all be happy. Everyone wins. “Casual” players get their private server style hand-holding and “Hardcore” players get a traditional MMO. It’s win-win.

Sorry but as I keep telling other people in this epic bread, that’s not what we’re asking for. We’ll take just the reset options and be fine, thank you.

Some people are saying grind is taking way too long though. As usual, you just think you represent 100% of the playerbase though, and everyone else’s opinions are stupid. You lack the emotional maturity to see otherwise.

So to make all casuals happy, they will get all their requests. Grind will be removed entirely, and resets will be everywhere.

Perma death sounds amazing +1 maybe give each character like 100 lives or something

Make this happen IMC Hardcore servers let all the casuals reset on a normal server

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There have been other MMOs with permadeath, and it is indeed fun. Shaiya implemented it very, very well.

Well as you’ve said in the other thread, if the option was available, you’d definitely take advantage of it so I imagine I’ll be seeing you around on Klaipedia Vers. 2.

You hypocritical bitch.

Huge fan of Wizardrys perma death d3 / d2 /dofus /salem good stuff need more MMO"s out there with a solid perma death system honestly would be absolutely ecstatic if they added a perma death system They would need to rework the game a little i mean keep the difficulty or actually make it harder maybe because its too easy as stands.
But add a legacy system for your character so like Lets say my 260 wizard died, there could be some buffs or title’s or something that commemorates him and makes his death useful and not just a waste of time.

And despite how I walked your hand through the process like a child, you failed to understand how that’s not being a hypocrite. You are too stupid to realize you’re stupid. It’s actually somewhat funny at this point.

Don’t feed the casuals. Your just making them want to ez-mode more stuff.

But then they wont be the topplayers on the server any more.

Gamergate wasn’t a movement for "misogynists " at all you had bad apples misunderstanding the point on both sides, it was about corruption in journalism and mass manipulation.

This is where you throw the “You are supporting Gamergate!!, misogynist woman hater” at me, no i just don’t want people trying to corrupt and influence my favorite past time with underhanded tactics and fake graphs


How dare you call your time spent leveling that character a waste of time. If you think the game is a waste of time, go play another game! I mean, you learned a bit about how to not die on your next character. Sounds like you gained enough.

You should be remembering that time fondly! This game is all about leveling new characters until you get it right. Sounds like you’re just a casual.

Agreed. So if you mess up your character, delete it rand remake it. Your time spent leveling isn’t a waste of time anyways.

Oh ■■■■, i was just about to make this point.
Stole it from me xD

Woot, you’ve now also proven you have no detection of sarcasm.

You’re all kinds of not viable for daily human life aren’t you?

It doesn’t matter. His logic doesn’t apply to him. He has this immense ego that prevents any sense of self-reflection. It’s a bit funny to watch him struggle to come up with any kind of thought though. Most of his arguments are just ‘if you don’t agree with me, you’re dumb’, with more cursing, since that’s what kids do.

Adding a permadeath system would promote two entirely different game environment’s i think in that case it would be applicable to add some sort of minor/average buff’s to carry over to your next character considering difficulty curve 220+ it would take a whole other tier of player to get to 260 without losing there character and they should be rewarded for that

Once you get past puberty, stop watching your fancy little anime with naked girls in it, talk to a real one, and then grow up, you’ll see how foolish you are. You’re going to be so embarrassed and it is hilarious.

Hey, i resent that statement! i like tentacle’s violating schoolgirl’s as much as the next weeabo trash!

No but your right he doesn’t seem to comprehend any logic at all.

I mainly hate that type of anime because it prevents a lot of good anime from becoming mainstream. Now we are getting way off topic though.