Tree of Savior Forum

Reality Check: TOS is a casual MMO

I would be amazed if he’s half that,honestly.

I have 2 lvl 15X characters.

I’m not sure if that information is supposed to give you an orgasm or what.

I recall a game from the mid 2000’s that has plenty of private servers…

Eh…something, something called… Rag and Rock Online? Was that it?


I re rolled three times at lvl 150.

I have a 177 Pardoner2 , a 230 Templar and a 64 Ranger and I can’t call this a casual game. If I wanted to lvl my templar I would have to grind for days or even weeks just to make it 280 and not even adding the time wasted if spots are taken or contested.

For the record, it’s taken me since the release of founders access to achieve this, and I play when I can.

By no means so I have a super flexible gaming schedule allowance. Wife and son.

Poor attempt to get class reset into the game.
You don’t even need to read the whole crap to get what it is about.
Try again.

It is not a casual game and it is definitely not a hardcore game. It is a freaking grinding game you dumb fools. All your suggestion for “easier life” is ridiculous for a grinding game. You are supposed to grind your ass out, with numerous alts because that is what grinding game is all about, doing stuff repeatedly. Suggesting a dumb circle reset is plain stupid for a grinding game, and the only sole reason for a circle reset is when Rank 8 patch arrive. Other than that, there’s no point of circle reset. You f’d up? Grind it again, get it? Finally, if you don’t like to grind then don’t play the damn grinding game, it is that simple.

GTFO to WoW.


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Have you yet achieved the “congrats on advertising your achievement on every thread” ?
Gratz nonetheless.

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You’re right that it’s not casual, but neither is it exactly “hardcore.” It’s just another grind-your-heart-out Korean MMO game. Really, you shouldn’t be playing this game since the grindfest can only intensify in the future.

Why would I enjoy the fact that you haven’t even hit mid-game yet? I’m not at all surprised. With how you constantly claim this is a casual game, you haven’t even hit any difficult areas yet!

Let me summarize the reasons you have detailed that prove -this- game is a “casual” game.


hm, yes i see. some very valid arguments there. definitely up to your usual standards.
well certainly we should just take you at your word. i mean look at the elegant solution you’ve selected:

your own post, stating that you’ve got 2 characters that have passed 5% (yes, that’s all.) of the exp required for the level cap.

at level 150, you have earned about 55 million exp. take that x20; 1.1 billion exp. this would put you a little over level 277.
at level 159, you have earned about 73 million exp. again, that x20; 1.46 billion exp. this would bring you -almost- to level 298 (if there weren’t a level cap in the way).

even if that exp was all on the same character; 110m xp is level 171… 150m xp is level 180.

go ahead, mister five-percent. keep telling us how far you’ve gotten.

all the rest of your examples were just “welcome to every game ever” regardless of what audience the game was initially aimed at.

That’s precisely why my point is valid…

Abandoning a character completely because of a simple build mistake I couldn’t account for before I made it means possibly multiple months JUST to recover the level (and who knows what else I lost like gear, premium items, etc). I’m not even the least fortunate when it comes to being able to find time to game.

It’s unacceptable for IMC to be so inconsiderate of people’s time investment, which is the statement made in the current structure.

I think only people with RO rose-colored glasses still think this game is ‘hardcore’ and ‘grindy’ and ‘oldfashioned’ or something.

Wake up people, this is just a normal themepark where you do quests and dungeons. You can get to 240 with minimal grind and even after that you can basically just do dailies and missions with the occasional party to reach the level cap. ‘Grind walls’ are a myth from closed beta where monster kill rewards, daily quests, map exploration and extra quests didn’t exist.

Honestly, there’s no reason not to allow at least 1 circle reset at this point, especially with all the fluctuating balance changes that come by all the time. It takes 1 patch to absolutely gut a character like we’ve seen before and I’m sure if most people here were playing high level alchemists/HLs when those nerfs happened they’d all be crying for resets. having no class resets would only make sense if this game was overal balanced and only very minimal changes applies to each class every now and then, and we all know that’s not the case.


to sum up the post:


bahahahahaa i like it, @Pappus

Saved and liked~

Heck this is why i love the forums xD.

And to the argument.

TOS isn’t made for casuals.

No Job resets.
Hard gridn later on.
Easy to make big mistakes.
Hidden Mechanics.
More hidden mechanics.
Low drop chances.

The only things that where changed to make it appeal to casuals are:
-dungeon exp
-quests rows
-easy grind areas.

What we have to thank casuals for:
-low spawnrates (as its to difficult with high spawns… and the old exp/ spawnrate was perfect… or even a bit to low on spawnrate … now we got 4~5 times as high one. Hello Empty maps and channel hopping.)
-carebear bossfights (i miss touhou bullet spam…)

Zipso, gota love your brain farts man.

It stinks. lol.