Tree of Savior Forum

The Pro's and Con's of a circle reset

Sorry but the analogy doesn’t work. Pick something else from your repetoire of MMO experience.

With that much experience I’d have hoped you’d be able to draw better comparisons.

They are 2 entirely different class system with completely different progression fundamentals. As we say, apples and oranges.

If people wanted RO they’d be playing RO. This game is too fundamentally different for the same system to work well. There are too many ways to make a character unviable early on, and TOS doesn’t have the luxury of being near maintenance mode with most of the updates already behind it.

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So is a ranger and a quarrel shooter. The only thing they have in common is an archer. Different playstyle, potentially different stat distribution and completely different weapons.

So, no, it isn’t “apples and oranges.” It’s more coming down to Granny Smith vs Washington.

They may be completely different systems, but what you people as asking for is quite literally changing the entirety of a characters makeup (ie playstyle, weapons, stats) into something new.

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So you’re saying that, yes, you did ignore/not pay attention to the fact that a KOREAN DEVELOPER was working on this game? Got it.

And to be honest, rerolling really isn’t that hard in this game. You have hundreds of posts in the class forums with small guides/how tos/what to avoids/etc. With such an insane class structure, if you go into it either unprepared, unaware or without the knowledge of what each style can offer, you deserve to either reroll or stick through it to make it work.

And I’m saying it’s not hard to reroll from personal experience. I made a second cleric to test something and I have yet to touch a single stat point and I’m already through Crystal Mines on Kle side in about 20 minutes. Don’t just throw away EXP Cards whenever you want, save them for later levels. The problem that most people seem to have is that they burn EXP Cards and then complain when they hit that wall of exp at 45/85/122.

And how does someone doing this to fix what they see as a mistake affect you? The alternative is they quit because their only other option is to reroll.

You’re touting this as some kind of disadvantage, but WoW gives you ONE class, tha you pick right off the bat, that you can level a little a bit from the beginning and tell yourself if you like it or not. If not, then ditch the character.

TOS asks you to make EXTREME path choices AFTER MANY HOURS OF ALREADY LEVELING YOUR CHARACTER with absolutely no way to take back that choice.

If you can’t see the glaring and obvious difference in these two approaches that makes a circle reset of any kind necessary, there’s no helping you.

And here it comes out finally, feigning to have an actual reasonable argument (it wasn’t reasonable anyway), you are actually just another “reroll scrub”-tard.

Congratulations and welcome to the list full of people who can’t seem to get it through their thick skull why rerolling is not an option. HINT : you can’t transfer anything even TP items that cost you IRL money.

It’s not a proud thing to be on this list.

My idea of locking the class upon the next advancement (or finishing rank 7) is already great for experimentation and doesn’t require a punishment at all.

It would help alleviating many issues mid-term.

The way I see it reaching max rank in this game pretty much stops your progression. Itemization isn’t that great. There are no sets that make skills behave fundamentally different or anything so after that we can still discuss how to implement partial resets.

The lack of documentation is primarily in the later circles and combinations not in the early ones.

Additionally this change would allow for some classes to take away the pain while leveling by picking a dps class and locking a support class - this isn’t something bad it is good. Why encase people in pain while leveling.

The question about attributes can be solved easily. Just implement unlearning attributes in the first place and being reimbursed.

There is no argument that will hold against this so IMC implement my idea fast and save a couple of casuals. After that we can check if more is needed by hearing what casuals have to say.

For me, the main reason to have a job reset is to avoid the fear of screwing up.

Player A will level up and have a lot of fun.
Player A then will reach lvl X and find out they screwed up and need to reroll.
Player A quits the game.


Again, this is made by a KOREAN developer. They ARE KNOWN for this kind of mentality. There is plenty of precedence of this in almost every MMO game out there that they make.

Look at leveling guides, find friends/partners, once you hit 50, grind the dungeon twice a day. It really is not that hard to level up to around 150. After that, yes it is a bit of a nightmare.

And the argument that you can’t transfer TP items is NOT an argument to allow for circle resets. That’s an argument to unbind TP items and make them bind on Team, not character. (Which I whole heatedly support)


Got what? How is where they’re from relevant in the slightest to this matter?

You’re not going to feel the effects of your class choices by 122. You’re thinking way too short term. Let’s talk again when the cap is 500+ and an early rank choice makes your character worthless. You need to remember the current level cap is less then half of the expected cap. If you don’t prepare for this now it’s going to be a mess once we reach the real end game and you can’t reasonably reroll in such short a time.

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I’m fine with circle resets, just make it something like all attributes will be reseted as well.

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And guess what? Korea will get that patch probably months before we do. Information will trickle down. Guides will be adjusted. Questions will be asked.

We will always be delayed content releases. That is a fact. Things will pop up in that delay and the people who receive the updates first can guide people who haven’t received them yet.

So if something happens in C8-10, you can guarantee we’ll find out things before the patch hits live over here. Allowing for everyone to adjust. Most people just don’t care enough about doing the research and then whine when something is changed/added that they don’t like. Like every MMO.

Most “cookie cutter” builds that were visible on TOSBase and even this website before this game even opened its doors again after ICBT2 were information from KToS.

And with that, it’s time i head to work.

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You’re thinking that this knowledge will magically pop up into thin air. For those guides to come into being someone has to do the work, and the farther the game goes and the worse messing up your character becomes the less people will explore and create character guides. If there was circle resets maybe I could see people testing build ideas, but right now people will just play it safe. You’re also still ignoring the constant balancing the game is going to undergo. You’re just too short sighted to see the big picture.

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It’s also not rocket science as to why it’s false. 99% of the time, the type of people that would buy resets are the type of people that want to be as strong as possible. Otherwise, there is really no need for them. If you want to be as strong as possible, you’re going to go with whatever the strongest class combination is possible. Cookie cutter builds will be EVERYWHERE.

It doesn’t even make experimentation ‘easier’. It simply means that if you experiment and find yourself weaker than a cookie cutter build, you can swap to that build instead.

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we should just be able to have 2 permanent builds that we can switch between on a character.
so clerics can heal and dps
and swordman can tank and dps

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I would have to disagree with that. Using Cleric as an example:
-Healing tiles and cure only hit ground targets. The game doesnt mention this in the description.
-Heal has tiles, the game doesnt mention that leveling the skill level = adding more tiles.
-most abilities dont say exactly how they scale, or with what stats.
-safetyzone doesnt mention what kind of attacks it blocks.
(it wont block status effects, for example)

These examples should make it pretty clear early on that you cant take abilities at face value, untill you have used them yourself.

Swordman attacks don’t show you the length of the animation either, which is a pretty big thing in deciding how useful an ability is.

These issues people seem to have cant just exist in the later ranks, they exist in earlier ranks as well. But I’m guessing they atleast researched that part, or they simply dont care for those earlier abilities at all?

The main issue seems to be that some chose to theorycraft their entire build based solely on descriptions written on paper (so to speak). Even in the base classes it should be obvious from the start that whats written on paper is not the same as it is in practice.

If people choose to perserve with their build regardless of these warning signs lighting up, then that’s their own choice. (choice, not fault)

They could always wait with such a build untill after the community has gathered and shared more information about it after all.

I find it doubtful that a casual player is already finding themselves at a ‘‘point of no return’’ in their build, so soon after the release of early access.

99% of statistics are made up

Alright, the absolutely vast majority. I didn’t want to say ‘all’, as I’m sure there will be one player somewhere to prove me wrong. You are correct though. I’m sure that’s not the exact percentile. I’m sure it’s a lot closer to ~99.9%.

Is that better for you? Would you like to address any of the other GLARING faults in your logic instead of just picking apart one number I threw out there so you could regurgitate a stupid saying?

Theory sounds nice and all, but in practice you are already being proven wrong. I’ve seen quite a few experimental builds being done.
My own is somewhat of one, in fact.

Is that so, because:

people that lack dedication to not do that without a reset arent going to magically appear and do it after a reset.

No, your information comes from those that are already doing it right now.

Maybe they are masochists, but I know people that absolutely love messing up their characters in the ‘name of science’

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…That’s an even worse suggestion then the ones seen so far. xD