Tree of Savior Forum

Reality Check: TOS is a casual MMO

In all of the discussion around circle resets, there is a very prominent theme across several of the [terrible] arguments I’ve had to crush over and over again.

“Go play a casual MMO if you want resets”

“This game is catered to hardcore fans of old RO”

“Stupid casuals”

“Git gud or leave”


TOS is a casual MMO. You may not like the thought, it might sting a little bit, your pride, but this game is in every sense of the word a casually-geared MMO.

It’s evident in the way the content is structured, and the low skill-ceiling of gameplay.

Why do you think that these debates are raging on? It’s because a sizable number of the players are, in fact, casual. That is because Tree or Savior is attractive on many fronts that are attractive to a casual player.

The problem is that TOS only feigns being hardcore in a few ways that are neither confirmed or denied as being on purpose or simply being an oversight.

For example, look at any quality of life change in any MMO ever. Many players will say that if a QOL is added, they are nerfing the difficulty of the game, even if that QOL feature is in no way related to the ways in which you demonstrate your skill.

For example let’s say in the beginning of an MMO, you have to walk everywhere, then later on, they add mounts making commute a lot easier, greatly easing the duration of travel from A to B.

You will have one camp that will whine to the heavens that this is making the game “for casuals”, that it kills the game-feel and makes it less hardcore.

No. It’s a stupid design flaw to make people travel long distances and make them have o do it at a leisurely stroll pace, so they fixed a glaring error within the context of the game logic.

Get over it people, TOS released as half a game despite it being out for a while in KTOS, and there are countless upon countless numbers of bugs, bad design elements, and oversights that are GOING to be complained about, and ultimately if IMC wants to keep their heads above water, are GOING to be addressed.

TOS is a casual game, better get used to the casuals pointing out the glaring deficiencies.


Nothing to see here, just another pointless post with Zipzo spouting off nonsense. If only he was half as smart as he thinks he is, he’d stop making these dumb threads.


Pretty much, add another useless topic to the pile.

Actually thought there might be some substance here with all that text, but nope.



What’s your level right now?

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It’s almost like he doesn’t realize that the devs need time to make sure they code everything properly…AFTER IT’S TRANSLATED. You know, from Korean to English?

I wonder if he thinks that everything just magically adjusts itself when the game code is sent over to America?

And I’m sorry, but this game is no-where NEAR “casual.” Nothing about any Korean MMO is ever “casual.”

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Onlly he do. No one say do it here and now. Hell we just want imc to say what they think of this at all.

He’s really just that dumb, actually. I know , it seems like bait, but this guy is really just that dense.

The game was mostly localized by fans, actually. That’s why we got the release so fast and that’s why there are weird translation issues with grammar in certain sections. It’s interesting to see the different translating styles. Some of the fans spoke perfect English but some, well, not so much.

That’s irrelevant to his stupidity. Level is a poor argument for knowledge. You don’t learn anything when you hit 200 except that no one wants to run any dungeons anymore except for a rush.

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I swear, a ToS admin could come in here and say the game was HC-esque and instead of them leaving the game because it doesn’t fit their playstyle they’d wig out and demand a new server-

See? There are 200 other MMOs that fit the fold, but nah, we already BRed the hell out of those, let’s hit this one up ya’ll… [@Zipzo]

Ok, humor me, what’s a game that fits the tree of savior aesthetic & gameplay style, and provides a more flexible class system with better trade mechanics?

Hard core games include pvp us main attraction, it won’t be a hardcore game if we can’t kill others in maps other then towns and group instances. Pretty lame that I need to challenge others in hardcore game and they won’t even accept also there no perma death. Wtf is this? It’s obviously casual.

You are thinking of Open World PVP games, not hardcore games…

Next contestant please spin the wheel.

ZzZz another zipzo’s post ╮(─▽─)╭

Didn’t know that fans did the brunt of the translating. Good to know. It’s a good thing they decided to help out with it because it would’ve been even slower coming than it is now…and even then they’re trying to fix what they can when it’s pointed out.

I still remember ICBT1 and 2 had large portions of the game that weren’t translated yet. Like the entirety of the friend’s list and half of the party screen.

Not this crap again.


Yeah , we likely wouldn’t have seen the game till close to 2017 if fans hadn’t localized so quickly. It’s an interesting strategy, but it worked. I mean, with how often you see fan patches for foreign MMOs into English (BDO, PSO2, etc), it’s no surprise that this would happen one day.

Albion online /20scharacters

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Are you level 280 yet? Is that why you keep spamming new threads asking for a reset on your character?

We should petition to have his char reset so he can finally rest in peace.

Sorry, but I’m fighting the good fight. No rest until everyone has access to a rational approach to advancing classes in this broken game.