Tree of Savior Forum

Create a new "hardcore" and "normal" server label

Oh, but you guys, everybody knows hardcore only means when a person who doesn’t have the same ideas as you. Perma-death would just be mean.
Amen to that…

I think you are waiting for this TC vvv

Be more honest with yourself and stop calling u for attention…


You can label Normal server to Easy Server, Hardcore Server to Normal Server and make one true Hardcore with perma death.


Nah, perma death is fine for hardcores. They know what it means to do their research. They won’t make any mistakes, so no reason to ever die, they can handle it. Otherwise you should probably just go play easy games.

Ah Mr. Salty again. Really this should be the normal server and a easy server for you lot. Because as painfully obvious as it is to you; The game was created as such, without reset. So this is normal. You’ve already invaded many threads and complained. You said IMC would add in resets and that everyone else would be salty while you licked their tears. (Something like that) and all I see is you being salty in almost every thread that has to do with Resets. I assume you must of made some bad choices and so you’re venting on the forums. However if you had spent more time being “hardcore” in game then on these forums, you’d have a brand new shiny character all ready for you to screw up and still have no resets.

Again, I do not oppose Resets if they follow a couple rules.

Can only change your newly picked Rank.

Class Resets to lvl 1

The Reset Scroll cost upwards of 30$ +

Would be good extra income for IMC, and still make resets a painful experience. To your wallet. Choices so matter. Even if bad.

On the other hand; Skills need better wording. Can’t count how many times I’ve read a skill and went; What?


Just like you degenerates to fuss over the damn name of the server. Is “hardcore” not cool-sounding enough for you? It needs to be more elitist?

Here I’ve given you the golden ticket idea to separate you from gross casual gamers and surround yourself only with hardcore gamers like yourself. Everyone gets what they want, it’s a perfect solution. Back me up, dude.

I’m still planning on a tear feast, bro, give IMC time.

The normal server also needs insta level, cause yall baddies


I never said casuals were gross, nor did I say I was hardcore. I’m 35 years old, I work 40 hours a week and have a bit of extra time to do what I love. Game. I could careless if they called the server Zipzo’s Salty Tears of You’re a Wizard Harry Land for the casually, hardcore. I would hope IMC would not listen to the tears being spread as it is what got them into this cluster f’ck in the first place. Sometimes working with customers you learn; most of them are whiny idiots. not to mention, most of them have no plans on spending a dime.

Another reason this game should be, “Hardcore” sub. Then sure; I 100% agree on Rank Resets.


Nah. I don’t need your idea refining. I like it the way I put it as-is.

Would you not support it?

Idc much either way. Circle reset/stat reset/skill reset dont affect me cause im a smart player, ive 3 chars with nice builds. Never had to reroll

Ok buddy thanks for your input.

You anti-reset types are always so insightful.

I just wanted to drop by and say that making prices highers on TP items won’t dissuade peoples to use them.

It just make peoples that have more money get more benefits out of the TP store.

Which in turns lead to peoples hating, because let’s face it, no virtual items should ever cost 30$.

Some games have mounts costing literally in the hundreds which is ridiculous not to mention the games that offer gambling boxes for very smalls chances of epics mounts, that end up costing hundred if not thousands of dollars.

All those highers prices items does is separate the community much like in real life, rich peoples get to enjoy the items while the average peoples don’t get to participate.

No I totally understand people will still use them, but it goes w/o saying that it would still be a painful process. You should really have to think about something, in this instance; your build, before you just throw points around or pick a class because it sounds cool (more so the issue and not the skill reset as we have that). Trust me when I say, I have destroyed a few builds learning the game and it’s curves, but out of my 8, 80-150 Alts, I def have a few good ones I created myself. (I’m not a meta player. In fact I loathe fotm builds or Meta)

If anything, if they were to make another server I would prefer it to be P2P with Vanity items in the TP shop. Then perhaps have Resets, maybe one per Character made. Or like Wakfu, every so many levels. So at 220 you have the chance to reset you character 1 Rank, it becomes your new Rank Class and you start leveling it. I don’t know. 30$ is high, but I feel if a few days work for you to re-do your character is to much, then there should be a steep price to skip that. As well as netting IMC cash. (Me personally, I have money. But I’d never spend it on something that is easily made up with a week or so.)

One of the best things about RPG’s is you have choices. They take thought, and can have sever penalties if you fail to make the right ones.

Oh, ho ho ho no you don’t.

Choices are great, but there’s a reason “severe” penalties have seen a near extinction.

Hint : people can’t be arsed.

Didn’t bother to read trough this thread. I just want to mention that one free server transfer for possible new servers once the game goes f2p. Lot’s of extra hassle, work for staff and coding would be needed to make sure people won’t switch from one type to another and abuse the suggested system.

Also, you’d need to introduce two separate servers simultaneously and not just one when needed, to avoid all the crying that might ensue otherwise.

But keep on dreaming :slight_smile:

let’s see you again when 20 new classes pop in the game

Always falling back on the “aww well the coding and stuff would be hard!” thing.

It was funny maybe the first time.

How can you logic this as being abusable?

Normal server people can’t transfer to hardcore. EASY. Took me seconds to outsmart you.

Lol you do realize the casual "newbies’ you speak of will be all over your server once they copy all your builds. Trying keep your build secret forever like it hasn’t already been flushed out forever in kToS. Stat and Skill resets are coming. Whether you like it or not.

That aside, on the topic of a real hardcore and casual server:

Hardcore servers should have server-wide PK. This should be the only real difference. Player Killing and item drop on death is a good start. Focusing on stat/skill resets doesn’t really change anything, people will happily try all options on casual then reroll their ‘perfect’ build on hardcore.

Your point? rank 8 I’ll either be musketeer 2 or whatever new class that goes well with musketeer(Hint: There is going to be more than 1 rank 8 class)

With open pvp and an exp gain for killing players. Also no exp cards from quests.

“I am so hardcore I don’t need skill or stat reset” yea right… that’s not hardcore at all.

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