Tree of Savior Forum

Policy Update Regarding RMT

Stupid is a person who doesn’t support the game, but wants the game to bend over backwards for them.


You know what makes people quit the game?

Stuff like this

. About two weeks ago. I wasted like 300 m in an attempt to get myself a +16 Masinios Staff, made 2 of them and got myself +8 and +10 staves sitting at 0 potential.

Doubt bots are even top 3 on the frustration list. :stuck_out_tongue:


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there are many ways to support a game without spending money or even worse spending money on fucking up the game…

and there is also lot of people that would drown the staff in money if they had money to use on the game…

I would pay extra for TP and shit on the game if I could instead of been selfish assholes and giving money outside the game for my own benefit that fucks up the game in the long run…

You say support like it = money and that is stupid and sad…

I’ll just leave this here:


2 years ago, still relevant.

It’s clear what the opinion of majority of the playerbase is.


@Seiran theres like 25-35 people who voted exterminate RMT despite the fact that it can’t be exterminated, and that poll is 2 years old. I have more people online right now in my guild. Not to trash on your poll, but you got the wrong idea.

Open the link and you’ll there are more people:

Needless to say, many people who voted in the “No, leave them be if they are constantly in checked and controlled” are trolls already banned nowadays. You can click their profile to see the forum ban message.

While many that voted “Yes, exterminate all of them RMT” still plays nowadays and are active for years.

Nonetheless we can still make a similar poll to get current results.

How do you think IMC should handle RMT cases?

  • Any form RMT should be allowed.
  • Any player that RMT in any way should have all illicit gains removed and be banned.
  • Only players that RMT from bots should have all gains removed and be banned.
  • Other (explain below).

0 voters

We can check it right now what’s the opinion of the majority of the playerbase is.

There are some typos, I don’t really want to edit them out to avoid resetting the poll (not sure if that happens or not).


You still don’t get it Seiran. RMT can’t be removed, as long as player A wants something player B wants. You can only police it, and that will bring you right back where we are now. I think we should focus on the real issue of botting ruining any alternative for a ‘non supporting player’ to have a means of advancing on an equal level to a supporter. Once bots are removed, the economy is going to shift hard and crash, IMC is going to have to rework all the existing gold sinks. Then the TP shop will be the ONLY supplier of ingame value in exchange for real world value. Think, what has changed? Nothing, you will still have whales who support IMC as long as IMC supports legal RMT. Neko summed it up quite perfectly, everything else is cognitive dissonance. So you’re in support of banning RMT in any way? Like the TP SHOP aka ‘legal rmt’? Am i seeing this correctly, there will be 0 players left playing this game. That’s why your polls are useless.

At some point the people just need to reconsider whether changing this game so fundamentally is a worthy fight more than it is to just join a new game…

But you can ban RMTers even between players if catch them and learn how to detect these properly and keep monitoring suspect transactions.

If we talk technically there’s no real difference between buying silver or gears from players. It’s unnatural and against rules.

You’re missing the point that many players do spend a little money on the game from time to time for cosmetic purposes. I’m talking about me here at least, but I’m sure there are many.

Some players aren’t “supporting” the game so they have return in silver. There’s the possibility of buying TP even if you’re not doing it to buy your end-game gears, you might just want to look cute and that is already enough.

It isn’t because you support the game by buying TP that you necessarily want to convert it to silver and skip progress with money. Not everyone that spends money is lazy.

I’m sure many don’t want the game to force you to spend money to progress but they’re totally fine with paying for convenience or cuteness. You can read this in any discussion about P2WIN and how they spend money on games.

True and everyone is aware of that. Still many players manages to deal with the silver sinks without relying on RMT silver, directly or indirectly (i.e. not even selling high-priced things on market).

This point is getting old. No one is denying or disagrees with it. We’re actually glad whales keeps the servers running.

But a TP shop should be a normal TP shop, not a cash cow or something of the sort. Everyone is fine with things being sold between players as long the games doesn’t go into heavy unhealthy P2WIN grounds.

I also think that they summed it up perfectly.

Read here:

I’m using RMT as explained here:

You shall not engage in selling or buying the following via real life monetary transaction: accounts, in-game items, in-game currency or other materials deemed inappropriate by IMC Games.

TP Shop <-> Silver is fine, it’s not RMT either in majority of player’s view and also not RMT according to terms of service so I don’t see the problem here.


deemed inappropriate by IMC Games, so it’s just okay if IMC sells you it. IMC isn’t going to un-monetize their game, that is the main message you aren’t getting. IMC’s investors sure as hell aren’t going to remove it either, that’s not speculation, that’s something called a business contract. I think realistically a new game is a more likely option. So you make the TP items all cosmetic, okay then they make all non TP items look NASTY (BDO does this). Same problem. People will pay top dollar for a cosmetic item, and some will make millions off of it, then make a +21 weapon with the proceedings.

May you quote where?

I’m totally fine with that as long they don’t go on a unhealthy P2WIN route. As long the progression isn’t based on the money you spend nor only possible this way it’s fine.

RMT itself is bad between players, bots or anything. Bot’s inflation isn’t the only problem caused by RMT in general.


Who doesn’t want that Seiran? But you got to be realistic. This isn’t the game that’s going to deliver that.

And that’s why I’m voicing my opinion. Everyone knows that P2WIN will always exists in many games.

But there are limits to what people accepts or not, complaining shows this.

I feel it’s definitely better to voice concerns instead of just leaving this entire topic where some will argue that all IMC needs to care is to compete with Bot’s USD <-> Silver conversion.

What IMC decides for their cash shop etc also affects me and as well even full F2P players. In other words, it concerns everyone, not only whales.

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IMC can be blamed for not coming out and accepting what it is. Instead it wants to attract as many kinds of players to its game as possible, hoping they won’t know what TOS is until its too late. I’ve seen it time and time again. You can’t play both sides of the fence IMC!

So you’re saying that either a game should be fully P2WIN or whales won’t play it at all? .-.

No I’m saying IMC doesn’t want to admit what kind of game it IS.

And what would it be?

…smfh did you forget everything we’ve been talking about?

No. I’m just curious on what you’re going to call the game.

It’s a pay to win game. The ■■■■ else? You said it yourself, we all know it. But when you know this, complain but still continue to play it becomes a cancer in the system.

We all know that there are P2WIN elements but still not far deep into “the only possible way to progress is with money”. If you disagree with me that’s not my problem here, actually.

The game has enjoyable things and I can get good gears and look cute if I have free time. Doesn’t look like a game that the only to progress is with cash. There are many things to improve, other serious problems as well, too much RNG but still isn’t the end of the world.

And the reason I keep discussing this is to voice an opinion where I try to show that I don’t want the game to get down the unhealthy routes.