Tree of Savior Forum

Policy Update Regarding RMT

Lettuce cubes aren’t for cosmetics…

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What would be very revealing is if IMC just posted what everyone spent on TP Traders. These forums would be quiet.

Nah, old school gamers don’t have an acceptable pay to win level. P2W is P2W. You’re validating the P2W if you allow it at all.

Is Tibia an enough old school game? Because I feel I would be an old school player and I still think current content is acceptable.

Also, many average/F2P players would quit if we couldn’t like, buy Tokens or Costumes from other players with silver. No one is complaining about this, as long it happens within acceptable levels (Gacha+RNG isn’t really acceptable but that’s a problem on its own).

I feel like you’re missing that the point is healthy game environment that makes money for the company vs unhealthy practices like money being the only way to progress or similar (which is bad).

All this boils down to is the games terms of service. You can make the argument that someone who spams hundreds of lettuce and goddess cubes is ‘paying to win’ and you would be right, however he is doing so within the means of the game.

These people are called Whales, and there is nothing inherently bad about that. Go ahead, be a whale, pay to win, just don’t pay to win at the expense of everyone by supporting unscrupulous practices like botting and gold farmers.


I don’t really mind the botters or the farmers. It’s probably because I choose not to let them drag down my experience online.

Or maybe it’s because you don’t need botters and farmers to win, just the TP shop. IMC allows them because it justifies ‘legal RMTers’ to spend ludicrous amounts through TP instead of silver in hopes they don’t get rolled.

Moral of the story is, you’re gullible. You spend money on RMT but don’t want RMT. Perfect mentality to have for IMC.

Big difference between not minding and directly supporting their activities.

By participating in RMT, you are saying that botting and gold farming are good. You are complicit in their activities and just as bad for the future of the game.

Gullible would be if I were easily persuaded to believe that spamming TP isn’t pay to win. It is. I spend money on TP because I see value in spending money on TP. I don’t RMT because I know that every penny of my money is going towards the downfall of the game.

See the difference?


You buy TP, enough to be pretty competitive. I know your character. Narcissus also buys large amounts of TP. We’re supposed to believe you on what faith that you guys aren’t abusing it? What is the correct amount of TP to buy? Let’s hear it.

Don’t worry, I believe you.




imo i dont think that rmt should be compared to buying tp from imc.

for one, tp is imc’s premium currency. buying this supports imc directly

in the case of rmt, its trading to other players and thus not directly supporting imc.

Of course i am speaking in the sense that rmt is illegal purchase/trade between player to player using irl currency. Not including buying tp from imc


32 year old here, so, “old school player”. I have pretty good gear. Spent a total of 30 euro on the game in 2 years and a half(one token, two slots, two lenses and a couple Leticias I think). Don’t believe the +40 memes, you’re fine with anything +11 trans 10 and you can easily overpower any endgame content in tos with that, which is completely affordable for a free player. I don’t care about whales being stronger than me in a game in which they can’t give me issues in ANY way. PvP is collective and randomly matched, so I can easily be teamed up with them and get advantages. World bosses? The majority of the players never cared about those, so as long as I bother to show up I will have a cube. GvG? Numbers matter more than any whaled player. Seriously, don’t bring up the " old school gamer" argument, just talk for yourself.


Still haven’t answered my question. Instead of photoshopping stuff with my name on it, how about letting everyone know how much they should spend on TP before you call them witches?

However much they’re comfortable with.


Blame the system, not the players. If IMC truly wants to stop RMT, they could have done so many things.
Instead, they keep introducing silver sinks (10m+ silver to reopen a velcoffer cube … that ridiculous RNG on velcoffer gears, etc.) and they keep nerfing players based farming (240k > 80k reward), saalus nerf, etc. Let’s not forget all the ridiculous restrictions for 1:1 trading that makes sooo many people rage quit on the first day.

Nobody wants to see bots running around but like many in this thread have said: “without demand there will be no supply”. Question is, what’s the real demand here? Why do people need soooooooooooooo much silver? Where do you think people spend their silvers that they RMT from? If players are given a choice to spend their cash the “legal” way, I am sure they would. The cash to in game currency ratio just makes 0 sense.

Besides, if you just suck it up and RMT via TP/gach, you are a RMT player. Yes you can tell me all that BS about how you are different as you are supporting the game and actual RMT players who don’t RMT via TP but silver aren’t. At the end of the day sure you are not legally wrong, it just makes you a hypocrite.


Depends. If you visit the Oracle of Delphi by September, she should be able to predict how many diamond anvils you get. Then using that and cross referencing it with your astrology map, you can get with your local financial advisor to see how many loans you should apply for. Then after all of this make sure you put in the correct margin of error for when you get banned for trying to submit a support ticket to raise your tp likit because IMC believes you’re a chinese bot who stole a creditcard through and obscure phishing scam from 2001.


Well said. People are waking up in this game, the vocal majority are actually the minority in the playerbase. Neko summed it all up. Find her post.

The main issue is that every party is in the wrong except for people who honestly farm silver.

Imc released the mother of all silver sinks requiring you to sell your soul to them, bots, or wither away grinding mobs and saalus.

RMTers obliterated the market and created an environment for bots to flurish

GMs haven’t taken economics 101 so their ridiculous tax rates, silver sinks, and income nerfs basically turned the game into 1950s Soviet Union.

Everything pretty snafu tho so I’m just going to popcorn and do what everyone does and sit on what silver I have until every price crashes after they release the next carrot on a stick.

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You do know that these happened also because player abused it with many alt accounts, right?


so agreed… i just hope imc has plan to make better system to us to gain silver without spent so much time farming, and…, tbh, those silver sinking RNG is so unbalance with how much avg player can gain silver, so thats why those gold seller exist…

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