Tree of Savior Forum

Regarding the awakening changes on the KToS (Warning: also contains the salt and rage of me)

i remember when i come to play on 2016 my first pro weapons was the tipical ignition rod + venom. untill the 290 wepon patch i reach my agnis to +14 or +15 in that time that was OP and cost like 50kk at all if i can remember. anyway on that patch imc decrease the cost of the upgrade for first time to like 20% of the total cost at over +11 (depending on the rarity of the weapon) and i was annoying because that the only thing that i left to do was sold my agnis for like 15kk and every others players newies and olders say that it weas fine because i enjoy that weapon for a time and that is how this game are.

now i have a regar +30 and i know that if i dont hurry on get a velcoff weapon some day i will lost like 500kk if i cant sold my weapon soon
but how they say this is how the game are :tired:

Well, just because the system exists doesn’t really mean it’s a good one, that’s just my opinion, though, I wouldn’t be so upset if it wasn’t about something I strongly dislike, namely RNG, left disappointed, got through it to finally being disappointed again

edit: It was after hours and hours and hours of HG grinding

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take it easy… :smile::smile::smile::smile:

I still remember the time you PMed me about the staff.

Good luck to you, random new friend

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I bet op gonna suicide if he’s trying to get velco+inchor. Quit while you can cause this is only a depth of rng.

Ya, with the ridiculous RNG involved, I didn’t plan on doing it anyway, Also, I can’t afford to grind ToS like a real work with less than minimum wages forever

At the time I was heavily regretting my decision and thought wtf did I just do, anyway, thanks man

You are being overdramatic for a casual. Anyway glhf outside tos.

The enchantment system sucks and IMC doesn’t care to do anything about it.
apparently, they still think that destroying players months of effort in 10 minutes by RNG is cool and acceptable.
BDO is infamous for its bad RNG enchantment system and so many ppl quit the game over it
still got nothing on TOS, enchantment system in this game is even way worse.

The velcopters cubes, even the 1st one are not 1 fragment guaranteed first layer of rngs.
When you have the item crafted, you need to buy 3 million rng solution from alchemist master and there are like 5 sets.
To reroll a good item to extract ichor it’s 1100 white powders and 116 red powder more or less.
When you get the “desired” item, you expect roll around 40-48 per line and pay 116 red powder to try to extract and lose 1 potential every fail, so be prepared to destroy a lot of items.
If finally you get the ichor and to equip it you need around 720 red powder + 180 blessed gem.
And finally the rng about anvils xD
I didn’t want to destroy primus forever and ever so I settled with a modest item =>

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Awakening is been turning into a shop cause it sucks…

Luckily for alchemist it sucks 1% less than Briquetting so they don’t give it to a NPC :unamused:

might as well make us alchemist an NPC :angry:

i stopped doing Vel already, too much work, RNG, and silver to spend. i’d better use my solmiki for now. :smiley:

Bro I understand your sentiment

The itch of wanting something even though it may seem small, I think you are sort of a “completionist” or obssessive compulsive like me lol :smiley:

For a very long time I myself stressed so much for a +13 Aspana before for my SR. Not too ong ago I dismantled it for shards only for imc to do the shard extract thing while keeping your weapon

Point is, honestly, all of us have our own very frustrating stories to tell. The game is stressful because obtaining good gears seem to be the end game content challenge due to lack of content. Just take a break, play somethibg else, or play tree on the sides together with other games

Cheer u!

i made some tread about who expect due the silver lak on the server from the reroll and i saw some tread more about the ichor and that stuff so imo the only thing that everyone needs its a streategy.

first:get money to reroll the cubes without sell your soul in the procces
second: get a vellcoff item
third: get the kind item set enchant that you want or at least try to trade your velcoff for the one that you need.
fourth:get a nice ichor even if they come from a purple item or just a primus armor/weapon
fifth:keep doing the first step to get more ichors/velcoff items/sierra powlder
sixth: re-do

by the way I staking the gemfeud’s stuff to get the silver icho straction set when i need it. even if they dont have a 100% maybe they could be a nice market item

Indeed, I am, and because of that, it’s a whole different story for me

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Who cares if you can’t awaken it? You seem to be treating Masos as if they were ultimate weapons. You could have made a vastly superior Primus for the same investment, and it’s all trash when the next level cap increase comes, anyway.

This game is spectacularly cruel to addictive personalities.



Today on ktest

Fixed an issue where you could not awaken a potential 0 item to a premium awakening .

And i just tested to make sure: zero pot item works just as 1 or more pot with prem stones.


Wow holy cow. So we are really supposed to be able to awaken 0 pot? And for years we cannot. What the heck…

Better late than never. I just hope they have better stats, since right now, the stat pool is just too awful (Lightning elements +40? hello?)

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You have to collect all the elements, then summon captain planet first, before the weapon will give you either physical attack or magic attack.

And you’re more likely to get magic attack on a physical weapon, and physical attack on a magical weapon

Just TOS RNG things :tired:

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