Tree of Savior Forum

Policy Update Regarding RMT

@Seiran Not disagreeing with you there but to be quite honest I can’t see how people can get so far in a game and not realize it’s pay to win. IMC is making lemonade with a very shitty system that has rampant bots and inflation built in. People are definitely aware of the p2w nature of this game, but I don’t think thats what throws them over the edge. It’s usually some expensive failure of some sought after weapon they had been working on forever or some investment that had gone south due to X or lack of content. X is almost always tied to the monetary value of the investment, which is then directly tied to botting.


P2WIN usually isn’t the main reason (and it isn’t with tos). But it’s more like one of the most efficient amplifiers of bad feelings. It’s one of those big things that when you start complaining adds a heavy weight to most, if not all, complaints.

If the company goes far enough this gets worse and can start being a quit reason. Which is what I’ve been insisting on this thread - that it should not happen as a “counter-measure” to RMT.

Like, just talk to someone who’s almost quitting, P2WIN things are almost always on their list of “why I’m qutting”.


i love that you have high hopes thats awesome but you dont gotta @ me anymore fam

You have to be extra special to post on a game you dont play, which you stated clearly above. Then tell the dude not to talk to you after you said what YOU wanted to say. What a queen.


This guy admitted to RMT (and then deleted the posts) and is still here playing a “mental game” trying to convince anyone that it is ok to do that.

RMT was a violation even before the new policy was enforced:

You shall not engage in selling or buying the following via real life monetary transaction: accounts, in-game items, in-game currency or other materials deemed inappropriate by IMC Games.

And he’s still here spewing bs all around and dispensing “claps” to those that “endorse” his agenda, together with a swarm of newly or recently registered users.


If the staff don’t ban self-admitted abusers, nor those reported by @Anikk, on the false pretext that it happened before (like it wasn’t a violation back then), there’s no reason to believe that anything will seriously change: it’s the same old sweeping it under the rug.

That being said, enough is enough, kudos to @Seiran for his patience, for mine is gone.



Hahaha oh hey there @TheAlleyCats you still angry ?
Just here to give my opinions why are you so bothered.
its not my fault that you fail to see the bigger picture that bots are first and foremost the primary issues we should tackle. RMT to be regulated , controlled or provided by IMC. Balance is the difficult part
I dont think @Seiran is triggered like you are.

I deleted the posts cause it got relatively “spammy”
Here , i’ll admit that i have done RMT before. Both silvers and TP

@Rxlxk They’re free to play forum warriors, they get mad at anyone who disagrees with them.

Anyone with money are considered evil and pay2win players. Even though its our money that keeps the lights on.

Most of the people who have money don’t even bother visiting the forums, something that they never understood.


Note: None of these folks will ever tell you how much they’ve spent, either.

Edit: That is the problem about forums, it degenerates into an echo-chamber of forum-warrior/whores. :tired:
Most players cannot be bothered to come post on the forums, or even read it. General consensus in the game as far as I can tell is ‘forums give you cancer’.

  • remove silver drops from monsters in fields
  • increase silver drops from other areas (quests, missions, HG)
  • put an integrated watch system on the few remaining areas (mainly HG)

Would that fix the problem?

Bots can run saalus/dg scripts
bots exists in low/high level HG or areas (frundsberg can effectively farm there if he wanted to, for example)

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Indeed. So much rage here.
The fact we are even here to post means we do care bout the game.


Dont worry i have played MMOs for two decade ±. I will stand by my words. RMT is part and parcel of any game.Learn to accept and embrace it. Too much or too little of it is bad for the game.
Im not even eager to get money in exchange for game currency. This is for the hardcore f2p players to worry. Dont judge them, its perfectly normal for them to accept cash offer for items that they spend hours and hours making if no one offers the silver they want.

Again , Focus on the excessive bots. They are the main issues.
Make RMT expensive and not worth it. ( you cant stop the richie-rich of the world from paying 1000usd for 1million silvers if they deem fit )
RMT is no big deal , it doesnt affect the state of the game.
I will continue to support the game
And even more so in future if TP shop is improved
Developers are running a business after all.

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The devs are just trying to do as much as possible to please and retain the playerbase. As some of you guys said, rmt is part of any mmo, but while some players use it moderately and don’t impact the economy (like someone who opened a thread saying that he only got the money to buy a pet) there are some others who spend so ■■■■■■■ much they get a lot of advantage over f2p players, on top of creating inflation. Guess this is why the measures taken are these.

Another reason why they may want to limit rmt is that those same players who do it, might spend the same money in tp shop to get items to introduce in the market and gain silver from them. Discouraging rmt might help the game survive this way


To be honest here, any MMO I know deem RMT as illegal though.

As it does affect games, especially in the long run as it becomes one of the reasons that contributes to players quitting.

One of the main problems with RMT is also that while one player RMTing 40m won’t destroy the economy, you’re “allowed” to destroy the economy by buying, then injecting, 40bi into it.

The game rules shouldn’t work on a “this can happen but almost no one is going to do it” basis. It should consider the action as whole, on all levels it can reach.

And another big problem:
Some, not all, RMTers often engage in other illegal in-game stuff. When AFK Necros were a thing some players used to buy secondary accounts from others to have more AFK Necros for silver. Sometimes you can find 3rd party tools users that also RMTed for a few times.

The reason is simple, if one doesn’t deem RMT as a serious offense why should they care with what they consider lower or smaller? Plus the sole fact of having an illegal action go unpunished makes people feel they’re not going to be banned for other violations. This is reflected by the idea ToS community had in the past where “I buy TP, I don’t get banned” - which of course was wrong and they were banned anyway in the end.

Obviously this doesn’t mean every RMTer does this but it’s definitely observable.

Dealing with bots is a great way to combat the problem, it increases the silver USD price, reduces gameplay problems and all of this but this isn’t the only problem.

In the end you also have RMT between players which is just as bad because items stops following only in-game price but also starts following real life currency. It affects the game but in a lower scale.

My main concern is that IMC should add counter-measures to RMT and this includes increasing the attention cash shop gets. We already have some items with a P2WIN signature although it’s still acceptable and other players can still buy them or get them through events. But… I doubt anyone here wants progression to only be viable via cash shop items or something of the sort.

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RMT is part of any MMO because none of the creators of the MMO have the balls to ban the players that do it, for fear of ‘losing players’.

They should think precisely the opposite. By banning the players who are blatantly violating our terms of service, MORE people will play the game because the frustration of the bots and ridiculously inflated MP will go away.

Players who buy gold are an infection to the game that needs to be treated. Cull the demand, and you will eliminate the supply.


Shot answer = no
Long answer = TBA

EDIT: Beauty Shop will help with giving more money to the game and I cant wait for it…

Ask yourself. “Do I support this game with my money?”

If the answer is yes. Continue living your ■■■■■■■ life. IMC loves you.

If the answer is no, go play another game. This isn’t the game for you.

IMC is looking after it’s true playerbase.

Even after you remove ALL bots, you can’t remove RMT. As long as there are at least 2 legit players who want to trade silver, the possiblity for RMT is there.

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that is a really stupid mentality

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Stupid is a person who doesn’t support the game, but wants the game to bend over backwards for them.


You know what makes people quit the game?

Stuff like this

. About two weeks ago. I wasted like 300 m in an attempt to get myself a +16 Masinios Staff, made 2 of them and got myself +8 and +10 staves sitting at 0 potential.

Doubt bots are even top 3 on the frustration list. :stuck_out_tongue:


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there are many ways to support a game without spending money or even worse spending money on fucking up the game…

and there is also lot of people that would drown the staff in money if they had money to use on the game…

I would pay extra for TP and shit on the game if I could instead of been selfish assholes and giving money outside the game for my own benefit that fucks up the game in the long run…

You say support like it = money and that is stupid and sad…

I’ll just leave this here:


2 years ago, still relevant.

It’s clear what the opinion of majority of the playerbase is.