Tree of Savior Forum

Peltasta... May or may not be good

I did Priest C3 which is basically just standard attacks until you get a new class, that being said, it seems it’s usually not worth taking a class to C3 right away.

For some reason it didn’t occur to me, that skill damage isn’t the same as -50% attack. However, I still think it’s an unnecessary disadvantage as they already have a lower than average attack on their skills. (compared to DPS classes) Simply removing the Attack penalty and passives should be sufficient enough or even if not they could just lower the damage on their skills a bit more.
Also note while Rim blow and Umbo blow would be good while using High guard it leaves the other skills untouched… Which I said in my original post that is a theme I’ve been seeing, false choices. They apparently don’t care if you basically need a Kirivis or that Linkers make dungeons 5x faster. Sure you can do without but why would you want to?

That’s still no reason they should be completely underpowered, a tank shouldn’t be 0 DPS just because he has all the aggro (Presumably from swashbuckling, again the only good skill) And is basically the ONLY tank in the game so in that regard I suppose it is the best (There are defensive classes none of which seem to hold aggro). As well as not even slightly immortal because magic attacks just tear though your defenses, because you can’t block/evade magic attacks for some silly reason.

I’m not sure where you found that, (I’ve been using but it doesn’t give magic immunity and is a C2 skill. :cold_sweat:

I’ll just post it here.

Credit to @EternalDream

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Slithering description doesnt says it gives you magic immunity for tis duration, indeed, but is in there.

EternalDream, back at the end of iCBT2 made a feedback thread, where he points it out. Other users even confirm it, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.


So… Yeah, that’s weird. Especially since by normal means your not suppose to be able to evade magic attacks. Not that this changes anything as this is a discussion about Peltasta, but it’s interesting to know. :smiley:

Same thing I said to @Ltb_Regen

i recall some recently path say move Slithering Attribute to C3.
may wrong tho.

It was the slithering enhance damage attribute. Why I have no idea.

Guys, stop! :open_mouth: This isn’t a topic about slithering… It’s about whether the Peltasta is currently a good class or not.

Well if im going pelta again its bcz of a early manual block and swashBuckling.
Will get 1c again and move on… if they change something again prob i’ll need to consider the class again but atm peltasta isn’t that “omg a very good class”, its so so…

It’s more than good, especially if the Peltasta is at least C2, literally no one gets hurt in the party (of course besides the tank)

You’re right


Slithering (Rodelero C2 ability) makes you immune to magic damage for the duration. Peltasta synergises well with it at least.

I’m aware; however my problem is the damage with Peltasta.
I think a valid solution is to reduce the attack reductions and boost the attack of rim blow and umbo blow, although only slightly to be on par with the normal attack skills.

This would prevent you from having a tank that does as much damage as a Dragoon by slightly reducing your overall attack with the tanking skills.

Although honestly a tank would never do as much damage as a DPS class due to them already taking CON over STR/DEX. So maybe they don’t even need a reduction

If tanks would deal damage close to nontanks the purpose of latter would disappear. For now it’s really hard to decide if you want more tankiness through peltasta or more damage through highlander. And there are lots of classes that would rather prefer Peltasta for their greatest in swordsman tree utility.

I don’t think Peltasta need any more buffs, especially damage buffs. It’s main purpose is aggroing enemies and then just stay still blocking enemy attacks and occasionally using skills. So you shouldn’t care about a reduction because it won’t affect your already minor DPS too much. And if you want to get maximum damage with a bit of tankiness then just grab Pelt C1 for lvl 1 Guardian EVA buff, 25% block increase and 25% stun and go full offense afterwards.

I understand what you’re trying to say but if you look at how much damage you can’t do, it’s pretty ridiculous.

Guardian is anywhere from -14 attack to -63 attack without providing an even slightly decent amount of defense, their skills all deal less damage then equal level DPS classes and they will be taking CON over STR/DEX.

I’m not purposing to make them anywhere close to DPS classes, but to give them a bit more then “You can’t do damage so just use Swash Buckling and hold C” like you mentioned.

I’ve never played a game where the tank does next to no damage, it’s about balancing, giving the tank more options then just dungeons. It would allow tanks to do solo questing, PvP, and grinding in a more effective way.

My thoughts:

  • Peltasta has the best damage output at circle 2.

  • Guardian is the worst skill… you just need 1 point in it if you really want more 18% evasion.

  • Rim blow is nice but i think umbo blow is better (if your going to get only 1 of those). Rim gives more damage to pretrified or frozen targets and has a knock back, so if your going along with a cryo its really nice.

  • Shield lob need some love… the coollest skill in this class :cry:

You don’t have to max guardian unless you want to become living wall. 1 level is enough and -14 attack is insignificant. And yeah, you don’t need to deal the same damage as DPS classes to tank. You can pair Peltasta C2-C3 with DPS classes(like Fencer/Dragoon) and feel perfectly fine. If you are going Peltasta C3 Squire C3 then of you CAN’T play solo. Those classes are designed to tank for a party. If you get only classes with a purpose of tanking, then why would you expect to deal damage?

If you want to make classic brusier, then just combine defensive classes with offensive.

There are lots of peltasta based builds that feel perfectly fine in solo play.

And yeah, I agree with @VnZzz statements. Rim blow and Umbro blow also deal very nice damage with High Guard lvl 6 and even bigger to staggered/frozen/petrified targets. They potentially deal up to 575% of your physical attack. (Umbro is 250% bonus damage on staggered, Rim is 200% bonus damage on Frozen/Petrified, and High Guard makes them deal 330% damage(though halved because of -50%)). In total it’s 3.5*3.3/2=575% for Umbro and 495% for Rim.

But Shield Lob really needs some love, 52 seconds cd kills all the fun. Would be great if CD decreased by flat amount when you pick up the shield.

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