Tree of Savior Forum

Peltasta... May or may not be good

Pelasta are good.

Discussion ends.

If you do some math. They even begin to do good damage at c3.
Umbo Blow deals bonus damage to staggered.
You stagger them with blocks.
Your umboblow deals 330% more atk with attributes, but actually your physical atk gets reduced by 50%.

So (516 skill atk + half of your physical atk)skill attributebonus of damagetype*3,3 (dont expect to crit… your buffs make criting hard).

With say 300 atk around level 120ish.
You can dish out 4,5k non crit dps. With 50% attribute and hitting damage type weak enemys.
That together with 240 bonus block for half the time your playing and bonus hp, bonus evade and some bonus def.

Makes Pel c3 a good tank with nice dps.
And i still dont know what langort does… thats new .

Just for stats.
240 block + your inherient block. And your around 400ish.
With 400 block… and a priest stoenskin. YOU WONT BE HIT, except by high spr players or magic attacks.


The more atk you get with str or weapons… the more effectiveness you lose while using high guard (dps wise).

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Guardian level 1 is obvious get for dps builds, while going full tank is an option for hard PvE instances (which are not yet implemented). I agree that high guard is useless in dps builds and even super harmful. But again, for full tank builds 240 block is huge and dps doesn’t really matter if you are not buildinf off tank. I can see this skill utilized greatly in CC heavy builds. But sadly there are no classes to complement full tank peltasta build as Rodelero is bad right now and has low utility. Swashbuckling may be buffing for example by making enemies unable to autoattack anyone but you for a fixed number of attacks (like 3 + 1 per level 5 10 15). It would be weak vs casters but strong against heavy attackers and not too OP.

For guardian would be a great attribute which x2.5 bonus defense from skill at level 50. It will make maxing it slightly more viable. Shield lob looks useless for both tanks and dps so it may need some unique effects like CC or ms bonus arouns monster hit etc.

Can’t say anything about c3 skills, but they truly look weak, maybe some quality of life buffs would help.

And it would be great to give peltasta OR rodelero some skills wich scale with defense (maybe shattering portion of defense to deal huge damage proportional to total defense). Or maybe rework their c3 skills that way. Ut will make higher tiers more useful. Or give some sort of magic def skill or % damage reflect for few attacks. Lots of possibilities.

The problem is that there are a lot of classes and skills like this. Squire c3 looks pretty useless, swordsman c3 is rather weak comparing even to peltasta etc.

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If you want damage, do a Barbarian, Peltasta are a TANKER. His skills is only for defense and block, put skills that increase the damage of a tanker will be nonsemse. Peltasta with Guardian+High Guard+Swash Buckling is the best tanker of ALL GAME. Becase Guardian in lvl 15 gives 35 def and 18% evasion with attribute Guardian: Evasion. High Guard gives 240 block rate in lvl 10 and +50 def with attribute. Swash Buckling gives +25% HP with attribute. So if you add it all you will have: +85 DEF / +18% Evasion / +240 Block Rate / +Block rate when hold C key = Almost Imortal.


And you get really chummy when a linker gives you other buffs too.
I dont knwo if subzero shield is shareable… but if yes.


He’s the best aggromanager, sadly not the best tank.
For that … they would need to up highguard tank time and make guardian reduce atk% wise and increase def double the reduced atk%.

400+(4*spr … get 100 spr. 800 block+natural 200… 1000 block) block from stone skin.
19 seconds reflect all damage to it’s source (except ranged/magical)

Luckily you can get stoneskin from a friendly priest too. But i have seen monk tanks… they’re really good. BUT LACK aggromanagment xD.

It’s like pel would want that reflect and stoneskin scaleing.
And monk would want some aggro pull.



Aggro Management is the most important part of Tanking. If you can’t keep the enemies on you, then you are a bad tank.

Pulling and bloquing wise Peltasta is all fine and dandy, it becomes a problem when it comes to magic though.
There’s no real way to tank magic besides ‘‘Have enough HP to eat it’’, which is rather sad.


Slithering (Rodelero C3) gives you 10 seconds of magic immunity. :X

EDIT: Slithering is actually C2, not C3. Thanks to @Raiden121212 for pointing it to me.

I did Priest C3 which is basically just standard attacks until you get a new class, that being said, it seems it’s usually not worth taking a class to C3 right away.

For some reason it didn’t occur to me, that skill damage isn’t the same as -50% attack. However, I still think it’s an unnecessary disadvantage as they already have a lower than average attack on their skills. (compared to DPS classes) Simply removing the Attack penalty and passives should be sufficient enough or even if not they could just lower the damage on their skills a bit more.
Also note while Rim blow and Umbo blow would be good while using High guard it leaves the other skills untouched… Which I said in my original post that is a theme I’ve been seeing, false choices. They apparently don’t care if you basically need a Kirivis or that Linkers make dungeons 5x faster. Sure you can do without but why would you want to?

That’s still no reason they should be completely underpowered, a tank shouldn’t be 0 DPS just because he has all the aggro (Presumably from swashbuckling, again the only good skill) And is basically the ONLY tank in the game so in that regard I suppose it is the best (There are defensive classes none of which seem to hold aggro). As well as not even slightly immortal because magic attacks just tear though your defenses, because you can’t block/evade magic attacks for some silly reason.

I’m not sure where you found that, (I’ve been using but it doesn’t give magic immunity and is a C2 skill. :cold_sweat:

I’ll just post it here.

Credit to @EternalDream

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Slithering description doesnt says it gives you magic immunity for tis duration, indeed, but is in there.

EternalDream, back at the end of iCBT2 made a feedback thread, where he points it out. Other users even confirm it, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.


So… Yeah, that’s weird. Especially since by normal means your not suppose to be able to evade magic attacks. Not that this changes anything as this is a discussion about Peltasta, but it’s interesting to know. :smiley:

Same thing I said to @Ltb_Regen

i recall some recently path say move Slithering Attribute to C3.
may wrong tho.

It was the slithering enhance damage attribute. Why I have no idea.

Guys, stop! :open_mouth: This isn’t a topic about slithering… It’s about whether the Peltasta is currently a good class or not.