Tree of Savior Forum

Deeds of Valor & High Guard - Atk mechanic


Upon activating High Guard, there is a -50% to atk.

Based on all the comments i have come across and read:

  1. Some say High Guard’s atk penalty applies at the end of adding everything. So for e.g. [char base dmg + skill dmg + armor type of enemy + critical hit + etc, etc, etc] and then -50% to it.
  2. Some say High Guard’s atk penalty applies to ONLY the char’s base physical damage. So a Lv10 DoV can negate this and there will be no - or +.

I’m thinking its (2) though. (1) is just…insanely bad, horrible. I should be seeing lots of hate comments about High Guard’s -50% atk if its (1). But so far, only comments that seemed to suggest players just simply dislike it. Not hate it like the plague.

Sources of Information:

:boom:HIGH-GUARD UPDATE: 28th June 2016

Its been confirmed! its Number (2) !!! :grinning: :sunglasses: Please refer to the link below for more details

CONFIRMED INFO: Deeds of Valor

still researching for Deeds of Valor.
If you know better, please comment. thank you

DoV’s +atk% applies ONLY to the char’s base dmg, which is the “physical attack” on the character sheet. All your equipments that grant +stats or +physical damage (including weapon’s physical damage) and any buffs are NOT included. Therefore, DoV is 100% beneficial for PURE STR builds. DoV also does not apply to skills and also not at the end of adding everything.

DoV decreases ONLY physical defense! not magical defense. and it decreases by %. so at lv5 with 5 stacks, your physical defense will literally half. at lv10 with 10 stacks, its literally 0. at Lv15 with 15 stacks which is -150% def at Rank 8 going C3 Doppel, it will be negative if it doesn’t cap at -100% def. So if you have 500 Physical Defense, it will be -250. Not -50. This is great for Tank/Evasive Builds, as they can frequently block/evade physical damage and have more than enough HP to absorb.

Receiving magical damage, be it AOE or targetting-type of magic attacks, will grant DoV stacks. Since magic attacks cannot be blocked and cannot be evaded, you can take advantage (particularly so as a tanker/evader) to get DoV stacks while blocking/evading all physical attacks (both melee and range). But for DPS players, you may want to stick to getting hit by physical attacks.

At Lv8 and above, DoV’s duration will be longer than its cooldown. Re-casting DoV before the duration ends does not carry over any amount of stacks. it will reset back to 1 stack upon re-casting.

Sources of Information:

:boom:DoV UPDATE: 29th June 2016

When DoV decreases your char’s physical defenses, whatever gears that contribute to phydef will also be included and be decreased. Therefore, if your char’s base phydef without gear is for e.g. 200 and with gears its 350, DoV will half both of them accordingly: 100 and 175 respectively if DoV is Lv5 and there’s 5 stacks. As for buffs, i am not sure.

I am currently looking into whether DoV will include the weapon’s physical attack and not just the char’s base phyatk. i have found no solid evidence that shows me about this. but i am thinking that it SHOULD logically speaking. For buffs like Frenzy, GungHo, Concentrate, etc…i doubt they will be boosted. However, i can’t find anything to show this…once again.

So far, i have been looking high and low for any doppel videos…but most do not show their char sheet screen. and i have also tried searching the forums here for answers but it is ambiguous to say the least. Either someone who has played doppel steps up to share some inputs or play one yourself to find out :smile:. i too wish i can already know by now or way earlier. But that’s just the way it is…

:boom:DoV UPDATE: 30th June 2016

According to a generous user by the name of, Smalt, who was kind enough to take some time to share more about how DoV works, DoV does include the weapon’s and buffs’ phy atk! Read on below to learn more! Thanks Smalt :thumbsup:




lol…shout it out victims! those who know, those who have experimented and dive deep into the numbers. those who have thought it was awesome but experience taught them a harsh lesson instead.

Hi, i dont play for a long time now, how is the swordsman situation? Did they balance anything? Or we still sck late game? (talking about 2H sword)
i heard about some kTOS changes, but i duno if they are in iTOS

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No prob :thumbsup: :slight_smile:

some updates as of 28th june 2016. refer to OP’s post above!

omg i was making and swordman highlander 3 corsair doppel 2 with 50 dex, 304 str and 170 con for grinding and dueling a bit (mostly for solo play, i do have a pelta fencer 270 for tanking), but if DOV sucks that much i think it’s only worth for cyclone and double pay…though choise i have in my hands right now, i was dreaming on making a non meta 2H that could work… considering that the classic barb3 doppl2 isnt good late game either (after 250 mobs are hard to stun and warcry has a really long cd…frenzy is plain bad…seims and cleave are the stars of the barb but not stuneable make that burst kind of meh)…any suggestions?

i still don’t get your conclusions, so DOV only increase your physical attack given you by your own str?, it doesn’t amplifie the physical dmg given by your own weapon?, then how it decrease your pdef?, if that’s true then it isnt a good skill…

it is a good skill regardless, nothing else gives a % buff to our physical attack in the swordie tree like this does. while it may be similar to a maxed out frenzy during the duration unless you went full str, it will be much higher come later lvls that are added to the game. plus, if you had a 300-400 weapon and a 500-600 weapon of same type lvl and other stuff, you would choose the better weapon. thus, if you run doppel in your build then you should have deeds of valor even if it isn’t as good as some originally thought (the assumption of it multiplying all damage by the % buff)

After having look into High Guard’s -50% attack penalty (basically how it works), i have been looking around for more videos on doppel and Deeds of Valor. DoV might include the weapon’s physical attack too. Because during my tests with High Guard’s atk penalty, i have observed that it did include the weapon’s phy atk. i am not gonna assume that DoV works the same way as High Guard in the opposite direction (one decreases, one increases). so i will find a video.

But for now, AFAIK, it is confirmed to increase the char’s base physical attack as you see on the char sheet screen (without weapon), with weapon, i am unsure. i am still looking for any videos that clearly show this. So i will get back to this soon the moment i can find any doppel videos testing this out. so far, i have not been able to find one and the video i provided above doesn’t show this because the player had Frenzy and Concentrate and it would be difficult to calculate. ToS mechanics can be bizarre and wanky. it is best to not calculate backwards.

regarding pdef, AFAIK based on the video above, it clearly showed reducing pdef by literally half (50%). Which means to say, DoV reduces not only the char’s base pdef but ALSO all the gears that contribute to pdef. i dunno about buffs.

regarding DoV’s effects and weapon’s phyatk again, it would be helpful if someone can just comment and share. come on, there’s doppels here. we all know that. :wink: i didn’t put this on top: “If you know better, please comment. thank you” for fun you know.

Deeds of Valor takes 10% of your minimum attack per stack and adds it to both minimum and maximum attack. It uses the min attack shown in your character’s stats menu, which includes attack from STR, equipment, and buffs. It gains more attack if Gung Ho is cast before it rather than after, same for buffs like Swell Left/Right Arm. 2H weapons benefit from DoV a bit more because of their higher attack.

Its swordsman’s best damage buff and gives tons of damage when you include stuff like crit multiplier, spear lunge, and skill enhance %. On Orange Harpeia, 5 stacks of DoV makes my Stabbing (40% enhance) criticals go from 10k per hit to 14k per hit.


Curious : If you equip the two-hand sword Heaven and Hell you lose ~250 physical defense. Is it possible to have negative defense?
If so, how does DoVs -% pdef react to an initially negative defense, will it actually increase defense?

Example :
-250 def -100% from DoV = 0 def?

awesome! Pretty detailed information you got there. Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup:. will be updating above to link to your post here. :sunglasses:

As for phydef going below 0 and being negative or capping at 0, both outcomes are possible. but this purely depends on the decision of how IMC wants the game to be and the skills to work. there are 2 ways to go about it:

  1. If phy def cannot be negative and the lowest is 0 - a player who chooses to max level DoV will stand to gain this additional benefits while a player who doesn’t will not be able to enjoy such rewarding experience.

  2. if phy def can be negative i.e. -1, -50, -100 - this will be a safer approach to try and strike out balance among all classes, as well as the skill itself, offering both heavy reward and penalty.

Both sounds feasible to me. So we wouldn’t know until someone tries it out. Let’s not forget about Rank 8 which we can then have Doppel C3 and that means leveling DoV beyond lv10 which means phy def penalty might be more than -100%.

got a question: after getting DoV stacks, does it speed up skill animations as well? For example, with 5 or 10 stacks of DoV, does Swordsman: Thrust seem a lot more faster too?