Tree of Savior Forum

iDreamy's Guide to Scout C3

I see, thank you! How much con should be ideal? 30 at least or 50?

I’m doing fine with 30.

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question, i’m building this char right now. But wouldn’t it be more wise to get more dex then str? what does str really add? sure it hads more dmg towards your hit, but will you be able to crit all the time with 3/1 str/dex solution. Because the dex is going to be super low. You also get loads of hits on you it seems then.

That comes from looking at split arrow tho. Because if it always crits it will do lots more dmg then not always with just a bit more str.

Also how much str and dex is 3:1 at level 200? how can i see this?

3 STR : 1 Dex means 25% of your stat points should go to dex. Every 4 levels you get, you add 3 str and 1 dex.

At lvl 280: 314 total points (35 bonus stat points).
To get 3 STR : 1 dex, you divide 314 by 4 to get a number (the number = 25% of the total).
Then add the value to dex (25%).
The remaining points you add to STR (75%).
Now you have 3 STR : 1 Dex, or 75%str:25%dex.

For you, lvl 200, with total 234 points:

The benefit of high str, low dex is you may supplement crit rate with equips. Getting physical damage + critical damage on gear is more difficult (two stats). Getting crit rate is easier (green gems on weapon). The important stat from dex is crit rate.
Evasion/dodge is defensive, accuracy is not an issue for PvE.

High str grants you more damage, and more crit damage.

Yes, high crit rate (crit rate doesn’t have to be through dex) favours skills with high damage and high modifiers. Skills such as scout split arrow (200% modifier), cannoneer skills, musketeer skills, etc. You’d increase damage more when you crit on a skill which hits 10k (crit dmg 15k) than you’d when you add +500 STR damage (10k500 damage).


If your skill damage is higher than 3500, critting is strong.


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ah thanks so basically if the skill does 4k+ dmg, go full dex then.

Yes, that is a very good option. With the new Item Transcendence, you may boost weapon attack to +++++, so your STR will matter less.

Another option is to get a lot of Dex items/crit rate equips (and green crit rate gems) + go high STR, lower dex. You will deal a bit more damage - it will be extra dps nonetheless.

Edit, my post about all crit rate and dex items for archers: This progression viable? A2>sap2>Wugu2>can 1

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Yea that’s the thing, i will use split arrow mainly. and frankly criting less will reduce in way way more dmg reduction. The topic starter telling that str needs to be above dex, seems to be odd to me. Sure it adds more dmg and it helps with higher ranks, but at the end even 1000 str is not going to beat split arrow crit dmg. So it’s kinda the weaker stat.

Ty for the link.

I actually think that moving dex above str point wise would be a smarter thing to do for split arrow in general. So a 3:5 str/dex build would be better most likely. Unless you can afford every perfect crit stat gear solution obviously.

Don’t forget Rogue sneak hit buff. It gives you a flat 70% crit chance (not crit rate!). Tomorrow we will have werewolf cards.
Werewolf Card ] When attacking there’s a [★]% chance your attack will be judged as attacking from behind.


That’s a really nice card, where will it drop?

Also the chance is going to help for split arrow, but won’t be relayable for sure.

The lvl 217 dungeon first boss is werewolf. Likely he will drop the card.
Moreover the Mercenary post mission Crystal mine spawns a werewolf boss. Likely dropping it too.

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Don’t start getting distracted with these tourists trying to change the build, this is NOT a dex build, ive played this build at 260+ for 2 months and crit at a very respectable rate with only 60 dex. As idreamy points out you simply use x2 sissel bracelets, a max petamion, use no less then tier 6 green gems, combine those with your swift steps attributed crit and you are just fine. Sure you have sneak attack but its only usefull on bosses who have long animations to their attacks, you have time to flank them and feint barrage rape them. Don’t get your hopes up about the werewolf card, a lot of ktos players have said its very lackluster in effect, I hope I am wrong just don’t bank on it being godlike.
My first objective tomorrow will be hunting down an Light Gorithos recipe, lv 220 blue quality 2H Bow, its base dmg is 344-516 compared to the magas bow 312-468.

Question to all people who are following the build:

How much damage does your split arrow do per hit and crit?

Also what are your attribute levels?


Damage threshold changes drastically with the addition of swift step crit rate.

It goes from 3500 -> 2500~1500. Pretty strange, but it’s definitely nice. I think for archers specifically they only need about 2800~3000 instead of the 3500.

I’ve never bothered to put that in since well… A little lazy.

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1st target: 3000+ per mob, 4000+ crit per mob
2nd & 3rd target, split: 6000+ and 7500+ crit
full str but have 420 crit rate (include swift step)
PVE: about 90% crit rate (grinding/questing)
dungeon/mission: about 75% crit rate

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That damage is crazy! I’m tempted to make one now

I’ll be waiting for you and 2 other people making that build currently :>

To me, i found this build to be pretty fun, damage is pretty good.
Major downside is that

  • Consistently needed to chug down Lv10 SP Pot if you keep spamming split arrow.
  • Require alot of min max but i feel that im rich so i could deal with going full str and getting high crit rate too.
  • Skills rotation always the same: using Double Flare, Multi-shot, Feint + Barrage, and split arrow etc etc.
  • Split arrow is sometime buggy and the range is abit small to me

oh ya, split arrow using bow to flying mobs can deal up to 11k damage LOL. however, no mana mana makes it detrimental to your crit rate… Meaning most of the time, u wont be dealing 11k damage to flying mobs cause u cant crit most of the time

Sorry if this is a silly question.

Will Xbow+manamana out damage 2H-bow when using split arrow too or high base damage from 2H-bow still better?? (assume it’s not flying mobs)

Almost get into ScoutC3 but nope because fuking quest npc bug haha quit sad.

In my case, +9 SKS + Mana-mana > +8 Superior Wreech Bow for split shot. Maybe it’s just me. Or maybe it’s just Mana-mana adding so much extra damage.